The War in the Ukraine


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What happens is that in your eagerness to bring an erroneous narrative that Russia has only played pawns and has saved its best chips for later, you make the mistake of assuming that the militiamen and the Donbass and the Wagners are second-class troops, even mediocre.... When the reality is different

The level of personal equipment of a Wagner was much better than an average Russian soldier, and the mercenaries had experience in Syria, Africa at the very least... While the conscripts of the Russian army barely know how to lift a rifle, and with 2 months of training a lot they will learn

Wagner and the Donbass militiamen may not possess the cover systems and artillery capabilities of the Russian armed forces, but that is not the point, furthermore, the Russian army must offer support and cover to all combatants fighting on its side. ... Many of Wagner's disproportionate losses were due to late support and coverage by the Russian armed forces, criticism of which was made public...

I didn’t mean that. I simply pointed why many people state that Russia only lost 30k soldiers.

Anyway notice, that even counting Wagner and militias Russian deaths are several times smaller than Ukrainians in a country that is 3 or 4 times bigger in population.
Russia lost experienced mercenaries, experienced militiamen, who not only taught the Russian army to mobilize in the Donbass but also trained Russian units... So don't come to me to minimize the casualties of militants and Wagner, as if they are just minor chips. .. If instead of these elements, you put Russians from the army, the result would be the same or worse... Remember that the VDV in some units were massacred, as well as elite units of the Guard.... And don't forget the number of Russian army officers who have died in this conflict, officers with experience in all the wars that Russia has participated in in recent history

Russia, with the exception of Nuclear weapons, has used the best it has, both in systems and resources...
Totally wrong analysis.

You consider that easy conflict in Siria, counter insurgence operations in Africa, and protracted low intensity conflict in Ukraine since 2014 give Wagner, militias lot of experience.

You also consider that Russian official got lot of experience in Georgia in 8 days and in Siria.

But in 2 years of the most intense war since the Korean War you decide not to count the experience won by the Russian army.

The war that has involved fighting NATO trained units, fighting NATO system, NATO intel and so on.

Any prior experience is dwarf by the experience won in the last 2 years.
More than half million Russian soldiers have been rotating in the battlefield during 2 years.
Russian officials getting experience.

Any death of officials, Wagner and militias is totally compensated by the experience won by all the rest.

Nowadays no other army in the world have the experience that Russian army has.


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Footage of the strike at the Epicenter Hypermarkets warehouse in Kharkhiv. The warehouse is --- was ---- being used to store munitions. This isn't the first time Kiev was caught storing munitions in shopping centers.

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Russian flag up over Ivanovka.

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The continuous sound of secondary explosions all over the Hypermarket warehouse indicative of exploding munitions.

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Berestove in the Kupyansk direction has also fallen under Russian hands.

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Lancet hit on an M777 leads to burning and detonation of ammunition.

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Ukrainian Su-27 modified for US GBU-39/V SDB glide bombs.

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Not linked due to showing casualties. Ukrainian pickup carrying FPV drones got bombed by a Russian quadcopter drone. This by the 36th Motorized Rifle Brigade.

FPV drones of the 39th Brigade of the 68th Donetsk hits a Ukrainian vehicle and various dugouts.

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Ukrainian D-20 howitzer destroyed in Belaya Gora by the 17th Artillery Brigade.

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A shopping center in Belgorod got hit by Ukrainian MLRS. Note the lack of munitions burning compared to the one in Kharkhiv. Totally civilian target.

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Su-25 strikes over Chasiv Yar.

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Ukrainian cluster munition bomblet in Gorlovka. Civilian area.

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Baba Yaga and a Starlink array got drone bombed by the 69th Brigade.

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FPV drone attacks against Ukrainian vehicles west of the canal near Chasiv Yar.

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Battle for Staromayorsky in progress. Assault and artillery strikes being conducted by the 390th Regiment.

KAB strike at a Ukrainian air defence site and deployment point in the outskirts of Kharkhiv.

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A lot of launches, not sure they are atacms but any long range missile systems will saturate a target with that many rounds, even more if they are using cluster ammunitions. The big question is how many they have in the stockpile ?

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It certainly makes you wonder that. They are probably emtpying the US Army's own stockpile at this rate for individual targets that won't really help achieve any of Ukraine's goal, other than PR wins every now and then if you have to mass this many fires.

Life comes at you fast. Curious since he was so patriotic, why he didn't join earlier, though

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Three UMPK hits a building south of Volchansk used by Ukrainian forces.

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Russian armored convoy assaults through the central streets of Krasnogorovka.

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Lancet hits Ukrainian howitzer in the Donetsk front, thanks to the VDV.

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Destroyed Ukrainian radar, possibly 35N6 Kasta, probably hit by Lancet.

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T-64BV hit by Lancet (X-52 type) in the Kharkhiv region.

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Lancet takes out a Ukrainian Grad MLRS in the northern front.

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Lancet takes out AN/TPQ-50 counterbattery radar.

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Ukrainian 122mm Gvozdika SPG gets Krasnopoled near Serebryanka.

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Russian MoD announces capture of Berestovoe in the Kharkhiv region.

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Russian MoD announces capture of Netailove.

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Ukrainian howitzer and mortar gets hit by FPV drones by the 1st Tank Army in Kupyansk.

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Ukrainian forces hiding in a forest patch in the Kharkhiv region gets saturation fire from Grad MLRS.

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FABs hit Ukrainian military sites in Bahatyr, south Donetsk.

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Failed attempt by FPV drone to strike a Russian Mi-35M helicopter.

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Iranian UAV Mohajer-6 with Qaem 5 glide bombs down near the border of Belgorod and Kursk. Iran may have shipped Russians a new batch recently.

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X-38ML missile on the belly of an Su-34 bomber.

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Destroyed Ukrainian T-72EA.

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American Mk.19 40mm automatic grenade launcher captured by the Russians.

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Rare Serbian 40mm automatic M11 grenade launcher captured by the Russians.

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Western veterans are getting killed because they assume fighting in Ukraine is just as easy as fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq and NATO training doesn't amount to much without the full advantage in assets and resources they used to enjoy in those theaters.

One interviewed soldier said a lot of them would treat it as a vacation, not really expecting to die

Some members of the military and experts have said that the NATO-style training given to Ukrainian soldiers has not served them well in this war. Western militaries training Ukrainians have adapted their practices as they learn from the soldiers who have real-world experience against Russia's military.

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Russian sources are already confirming that it was an S-400... but not everything is bad, according to Russian sources, the crew managed to save themselves, and the defense system managed to shoot down 5 missiles... they probably have no way to defend themselves from a saturation attack, but they are optimistic for the future.

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The real question is: why did the Russians deploy the S-400 so close to the line of contact?

Western veterans are getting killed because they assume fighting in Ukraine is just as easy as fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq and NATO training doesn't amount to much without the full advantage in assets and resources they used to enjoy in those theaters.

One interviewed soldier said a lot of them would treat it as a vacation, not really expecting to die

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There is no rusticity in the fighters of Western armies, with the exception of a few like the French army. Americans are highly dependent on their technology and if they are left without access to this technology, they will not know what to do in terms of improvised solutions.
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The real question is: why did the Russians deploy the S-400 so close to the line of contact?

Many, like attempt of engaging low RCS targets like storm shadow as early as possible, Ballistic missile defense mission. you name it.

I mean it can easily be found if anyone really bother calculating or reading stuff from S-400 brochures. They even generously provides detection range for their radars one can use 4th root law to calculate with. Even obvious information like coverage against Ballistic missile which is about 60 km in range.


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The real question is: why did the Russians deploy the S-400 so close to the line of contact?
They where in clear view and not widely spaced.... maybe too much confidence. They where spotted with a UAV and didn't react to it, no system to hunt it or too small ??? If spotted, better to pack stuff and get away in multiple direction if you are not able to down it..


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They where in clear view and not widely spaced.... maybe too much confidence.

Or maybe finding space with most coverage because they didnt come with 40V6M mast. While spacing are dictated by wires.. why wires ? Well they probably afraid of Electronic leakage from the inter TEL radio datalink.

The primary consideration is unfortunately to maximize radar coverage for the battery.