Myanmar/Burma civil conflict


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Mainly PDF but also applies to the EAOs because the Tatmadaw may lost the battle but the war isn’t won. A counter offensive by the Junta is probably inevitable.
That's true, many EAOs will get counter offensive, but some will survive like MNDAA tnla AA or maybe kachin and having status like uswa and NDAA.


Registered Member
That's true, many EAOs will get counter offensive, but some will survive like MNDAA tnla AA or maybe kachin and having status like uswa and NDAA.
I have some major suspicions that Kachin and USWA armories are working overtime in making T81 for rebels. Meanwhile they are probably importing their own T81 direct from China.

In Canada, the importer of Type 81 (semi auto civil version) keeps announcing “last batch”, for the last 3 years or so. Every time they release a new batch it is because they are able to piggyback onto a “military order”.


Registered Member
I have some major suspicions that Kachin and USWA armories are working overtime in making T81 for rebels. Meanwhile they are probably importing their own T81 direct from China.

In Canada, the importer of Type 81 (semi auto civil version) keeps announcing “last batch”, for the last 3 years or so. Every time they release a new batch it is because they are able to piggyback onto a “military order”.
Could it be possible that the imported Type 81 actually came from Wa state?

They look super Chinese and I think they might have the capabilities to manufacture Type 81.


Registered Member
Could it be possible that the imported Type 81 actually came from Wa state?

They look super Chinese and I think they might have the capabilities to manufacture Type 81.
Yes, Wa (and Kachin) state has the capability, but I highly doubt it is from there

T81 for civilian export has to be semi auto which means a customized bolt group. I doubt the EAOs would have too much ability (or desire) to custom runs (unless they were paid a lot, but these are not being sold at some crazy price)

Each civilian batch also had some additional customizations, there was the "SVD-style" in the last batch, currently there is an underfolding stock, and removed grenade launching sleeve, front sight on rifle version moved to barrel (rather than gas block). Again, I believe these kinds of customizations are not really the forte of an EAO, but maybe they purchased additional tooling/hired technical staff from China as part of some business deal.

Another possibility, it could be that receivers/barrels are being manufactured there, and then customizations done elsewhere after. There was a batch of T81 rifles that people complained had bent barrels (questionable QC). The fit and finish of the imports are quite rough, they really do look like some relic from 1980s China. Even $20 stuff from Amazon/Ali/Temu has a nicer feel.

Though the simplest explanation would be that Wa and Kachin are diverting their self manufactured rifles to other EAOs, meanwhile they are importing T81 direct from China for their own use. I suggest both groups because both have direct relationships with China exporting Tin and Jade respectively and using RMB as the main currency locally.


Junior Member
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Most definitely they are manufactured with part kits. You need sheet steel and steel stamping machines to manufacturing 81s. I double they have this industrial capacity in the mountains. Its likely they are making their own plastic furniture with their own molding machines through.