Myanmar/Burma civil conflict


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
You're right that it's not just about telecom scams. It's about the kidnapping and enslavement of tens of thousands of Chinese citizens, 70+ of whom were just murdered in a single incident on 10/20.

It just happens that most of these enslaved Chinese citizens (including all of those murdered on 10/20) are being forced to perform telecom scams, but many of the enslaved women are being forced to work in brothels and some of the enslaved men are forced to work in mines. Slaves that fail to make enough money are tortured, and according to many reports, may even end up with their organs harvested.
Oh please. Vast majority of those Chinese citizens got there knowing full well what they are doing. They are scammers.


Registered Member
You're right that it's not just about telecom scams. It's about the kidnapping and enslavement of tens of thousands of Chinese citizens, 70+ of whom were just murdered in a single incident on 10/20.

It just happens that most of these enslaved Chinese citizens (including all of those murdered on 10/20) are being forced to perform telecom scams, but many of the enslaved women are being forced to work in brothels and some of the enslaved men are forced to work in mines. Slaves that fail to make enough money are tortured, and according to many reports, may even end up with their organs harvested.
Yeah no dude, such insane exaggerations don't provide any useful discourse. What is this, Israel style victim insisting?

These warlord armies don't even have tens of thousands total in their whole organization. For some militias, their bread and butter recruits are from the ethnic "Chinese", and they may have thousands of such fighters, but these people are no more Chinese citizens than Australians are UK citizens.

Maybe a few hundred at most over the years, many of whom became part of the criminal rings because they were fleeing other criminal activity they got involved in.

MNDAA claims China will back them because the locals killed a few Chinese policemen during an investigation. It could be true but could also simply be a fabrication to give legitimacy to their activities.


Registered Member
China placed lots of border control on Myanmar. People in China have to pay a lot of money to get there.
Why do you think lots of returnees are put in jail?

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I don't think they explicitly went there to be scammers. The pipeline is more like:

> be gang affiliated in China > have connections with myanmar groups > be forced to escape the law > run to myanmar where there are "connections" > end up either exploited by gang or new life as fighter in the gang depending on how good their contacts were


Majority of them went there fully knowing they would be scammers. It is only 10% of them that probably thinking about working in casino or being a cook. Most of them just wanted to make money without thinking of the consequences.

Many years ago, most of these scammers were from Taiwan. Their Taiwanese bosses recruited people in Taiwan and sent them to sites all over the world to commit telecom scams. China cracked down on them hard. After awhile, they started operating in lawless places or places that don't have much of enforcement or can be corrupted and bought. Myanmar emerged as an ideal site for telecom scams. After a few years, locals and mainland Chinese started to take over the operation. By then, Myanmar became the biggest and most proliferate sites for telecom scams.

Most of these scammers are people that want to make fast money, seriously in debt, and young and unemployed that don't want hard labor jobs. Some of them just like those recent illegal immigrants that went to the US are already gotten in trouble for defaulting in China and tried to flee China.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Yeah no dude, such insane exaggerations don't provide any useful discourse. What is this, Israel style victim insisting?

These warlord armies don't even have tens of thousands total in their whole organization. For some militias, their bread and butter recruits are from the ethnic "Chinese", and they may have thousands of such fighters, but these people are no more Chinese citizens than Australians are UK citizens.

Maybe a few hundred at most over the years, many of whom became part of the criminal rings because they were fleeing other criminal activity they got involved in.

MNDAA claims China will back them because the locals killed a few Chinese policemen during an investigation. It could be true but could also simply be a fabrication to give legitimacy to their activities.

Sadly, what I said is not exaggeration, at least if Chinese state media and the United Nations are to be believed.
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But in northern Myanmar alone, over 100,000 people engage in telecom fraud each day in at least 1,000 scam centres run by crime syndicates, China's state television says.

Chinese officials have urged stronger action by Myanmar's ruling junta against such scam centres, where Chinese and other foreign nationals have been known to be trapped as victims of human trafficking.
Hundreds of thousands of people have been trafficked to work in such centres in recent years, including at least 120,000 in Myanmar, robbing strangers of their savings online in a fast-growing new kind of crime, the United Nations says.


Registered Member
Sadly, what I said is not exaggeration, at least if Chinese state media and the United Nations are to be believed.
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It's like thinking every cartel member and slave farmer/fentanyl cook is American citizen lol

China would kind of notice and also just straight up attack if vast areas were depopulated.

500 000 cash reward for a guy who if what you're saying is 1/10 true commit even bigger attack than Al aqsa flood on China would be hilariously low.

In the latest crackdown, they brought back/caught thousands, that's total including fighters, underbosses etc. This is just triads 3.0, being majority/plurality ethnic Chinese members stirring up shit in SEA countries, but like 90% of ethnic Chinese =/= China's responsibility.
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