Ladakh Flash Point

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Bright Sword

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The 53rd is based in Tibet.
I need an update on my knowledge base.
China has special high altitude warfare troops.
Would motorized infantry such as the 53rd be restricted to the plateau areas?


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I was only referring to psy ops on Pakistan

Dude India's influence is nothing compared to the influence we faced from the West for the past several centuries. If we didn't submit to Hollywood, then Bollywood never had a chance. There are much larger civilizational dynamics at play here, none of which you seem to understand. If you want to lecture people on 'psy ops', then leave Pakistan out of it.


Grumpy Old Man
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Moderator - World Affairs
If India envisions another multi-decades long cold war where India can play one side against another, I think they are going down the wrong path. This will not play out like another Soviet/U.S.

Due to the fact ganging up with the Hegemon to bring down China has much higher chance to succeed than ganging up with China to bring down the Hegemon, plus the fact China has been keeping her head down (韬光养晦) over the years and did not punish her adversaries, India made the rational decision to get in bed with the Hegemon.

reservior dogs

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Due to the fact ganging up with the Hegemon to bring down China has much higher chance to succeed than ganging up with China to bring down the Hegemon, plus the fact China has been keeping her head down (韬光养晦) over the years and did not punish her adversaries, India made the rational decision to get in bed with the Hegemon.
In fact, what India should do is not so dissimilar to what Singapore is doing, don't choose sides and don't piss of either side. Maximizing the gain while minimize the risk.


Junior Member
Due to the fact ganging up with the Hegemon to bring down China has much higher chance to succeed than ganging up with China to bring down the Hegemon, plus the fact China has been keeping her head down (韬光养晦) over the years and did not punish her adversaries, India made the rational decision to get in bed with the Hegemon.

Besides the non-interference policy basically means friendly governments don't receive any meaningful levels of open protection and support from china during a crisis. There is very little incentive for ruling governments to side with china when facing pressure from Chinese opponents.


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Besides the non-interference policy basically means friendly governments don't receive any meaningful levels of open protection and support from china during a crisis. There is very little incentive for ruling governments to side with china when facing pressure from Chinese opponents.

That has changed under Xi Jinping. During Maldive's unrest in 2018, China sent a fleet near it to discourage Indian interference.


Lieutenant General
Besides the non-interference policy basically means friendly governments don't receive any meaningful levels of open protection and support from china during a crisis. There is very little incentive for ruling governments to side with china when facing pressure from Chinese opponents.

That is not what China’s non-interference policy does or is about. China’s NI policy isn’t strictly regarding the internal politics of sovereign states, in that China doesn’t care how everyone rules their own house, and would not seek to actively encourage dissent and help ferment unrest.

China’s NI policy in no way limits China’s ability to respond to requests for aid from other countries, which include military aid.

The Korean War is a clear example, as is the Vietnam war, although to a much lesser extend since Chinese activities were clandestine.

Although the Sino-Vietnam war would be another good example of Chinese direct military intervention in aid of an ally in Cambodia as much as it was about punitive action against Vietnam.

China just doesn’t make a habit of constantly going on foreign military adventures like western governments, indeed China actively goes out of its way to try to have good relations with everyone and not to pick sides. The Middle East would be a perfect example where China has great relations with Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran.

You do make a good point that China doesn’t get the respect it’s power deserves a lot of the time due to its restraint and peaceful approach to international relations.

But that is a double edged sword, as if China does really show its military capabilities, and engage in hard nosed Great Game direct competition with the US-led west, it will effectively kick off a new Cold War.

China wasn’t to avoid that, or at least delay it for as long as possible. As such it is willing to take some small insignificant losses in the meantime.


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
In fact, what India should do is not so dissimilar to what Singapore is doing, don't choose sides and don't piss of either side. Maximizing the gain while minimize the risk.

Not taking sides means getting far far less in return.
China went to the side of the Soviets in the 50's and got tremendous help with the industrialization. Without Soviet's help, China's industrialization would have taken far longer


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Given that India's leaders and elites-slavishly subservient to the anglosphere and with retirement plans and assets and family living in the safe confines of the anglosphere-will not hesitate to get their dalits and lower castes to die to preserve anglo hegemony, all efforts should be undertaken to destabilise india.
The US for instance destabilises south american via the drug trade and the 'drug war'. Now China sure as hell wouldn't do such a thing especially after the Opium Wars, but the Golden Triangle is just next door....


Junior Member
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but the scary thing is how much China got for the much smaller budget compared to the U.S.
3 major reasons for this I think:
1. China has greater PPP and cheaper labour
2. Chinese military manufacturers are controlled by the state, vs US where it's the other way around.
3. Chinese manufacturers didn't have to spend R&D exploring failed concepts
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