Ladakh Flash Point

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4-5 Pakistani soldiers killed too in past 8-9 days by their own admission. Actual number is much higher.

That's just a regular Tuesday on the LOC. So what's your point? Yesterday there were 8 casualties on the Indian side (with 3 KIA)

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What matters here is this: Sawhney's other prediction is also proving right. He said the LOC will heat up, to remind India that it can't simply transfer troops from the LOC to the LAC.


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Proven by whom? Indian analysts who thought planets as spy satellites ?
I know enough history about both of them. If i have to make an assessment, i would say "lying" is actually culture in India. I ain't saying Pak doesn't do their own stories, but they don't lie in between their teeth as Indians.I don't want to sound disrespecting, but no body is asking how many Pak or indian soldiers have lost their lives in their border. They are under no scrutiny to come up with these numbers. Because nobody is watching. I don't see a logical reason for them to tell their numbers & lie about it.
Going by "past years" & past days , i would give them the benefit of the doubt over india any day. Didn't indians claim to kill 100+ PLA soldiers with Bollywood movie scripts & then successfully lost the entire "perception territory" to China?
You are free o believe whatever you want to.

Tbh, what's going on in their border is their matter , this is going off topic.
Here go through this official page and see the number of casualties under LoC Aug 2019 in 'Today in history' pics released in Aug 2020 and compare it with number hey had actually announced to media back in Aug 2019
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Remember the claims of 100 PLA casualties was made by Indian private media and not any Indian official.
But on the other hand Pakistan army spokespersons themselves, constantly makes false claims. As an example, in 2016 skirmish their army chief claimed killing 40 Indian soldiers in entire year but in reality only 17 died.
Later their defence minister accepted in an interview that 27 Pakistani soldiers and 44 civilians were killed by Indian army that year.

Which means India won the year with a score of 27-17.


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What matters here is this: Sawhney's other prediction is also proving right. He said the LOC will heat up, to remind India that it can't simply transfer troops from the LOC to the LAC.
India have no intention of transferring a single unit from LoC to LAC.
LoC will continue to be India's primary 'Feldzug' and Pakistan India's main enemy.

India hasn't and will not transfer any unit from Westfeldzug to Ostfeldzug.

Nobonita Barua

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Here go through this official page and see the number of casualties under LoC Aug 2019 in 'Today in history' pics released in Aug 2020 and compare it with number hey had actually announced to media back in Aug 2019
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This is a facebook page. You are asking me to match their photos in this page with their released numbers. I don't think i am interested.
But i am quite curious to know if india runs these kinds of social media based intelligence unit, not that i am asking from you.

Remember the claims of 100 PLA casualties was made by Indian private media and not any Indian official.
But on the other hand Pakistan army spokespersons themselves, constantly makes false claims. As an example, in 2016 skirmish their army chief claimed killing 40 Indian soldiers in entire year but in reality only 17 died.
Later their defence minister accepted in an interview that 27 Pakistani soldiers and 44 civilians were killed by Indian army that year.

Which means India won the year with a score of 27-17.
So you are "officially" accepting that China "won" by 20+ to 0 .
On the other hand, in case of your other border,you are using "their own" reference to prove the numbers of casualty in their side while at the same time discrediting the same source when it comes to your number of casualty .

Well, that make sense in nonsense universe.
I am off.


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Let's get back on topic and avoid the "winning" through skirmish casualties count conversation. False information should be given attention and corrected but that's been dealt with many times and hasn't been brought up. Unfortunately the LOC is constantly costing lives and this thread isn't the place to discuss the LOC with that kind of attention.

There is every chance that Pakistan and China can coordinate efforts against India if the situation develops in a way that pushes them to. I don't think any and every LOC action that eventuate after the recent India China confrontation can really be attributed to any coordinated intent. I doubt Pakistan and China are truly working that closely although all the ingredients are surely set up there if they choose to go down that path.

India understands the reality of how a 2 front war will result and apart from a few jingoistic idiots who talk it up to stoke up some nationalistic fervour, India does not seem to want any sort of military escalation with China. Against Pakistan, India hasn't done anything dramatic except Balakot strikes which was explained as a response to an attack on an Indian convoy. So the media has certainly hyped up the war drums lately but looks like the LAC at least is cooling now that both sides have obviously reached some sort of behind closed doors diplomatic agreements.
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New PLA drone. Prefect for the border dispute.

" According to the
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, the drone can fly as high as 5,834 metres (19,140 feet) and carry a maximum load of 25 kilograms (55 pounds). It is said to be able to withstand high winds of up to 17.1 metres (56 feet) per second and a temperature range from minus 40 degrees to 85 degrees Celsius (minus 104 degrees to 185 degrees Fahrenheit). "


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Lolz... the fascination with Nazis continues (minus the actual capacity for blitzkrieg.)

That's fine by us. Bring it, hitler-wannabes.

India attacking China now would in terms of military strength like if Poland invaded Germany in 1939. Indians who want war are seriously deluded.

If China was as expansionist as USA or Russia, India would already have set their a trap for their own regime change. It would have been easy for China to fake or provoke an Indian first strike.


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India have no intention of transferring a single unit from LoC to LAC.
LoC will continue to be India's primary 'Feldzug' and Pakistan India's main enemy.

India hasn't and will not transfer any unit from Westfeldzug to Ostfeldzug.
Oh my god why out of all the powerful militaries in history, why is it only the Nazi Wehrmacht you guys keep comparing yourselves to? And besides, notwithstanding the blatant Nazi sympathism, the Indians have literally zero Blitzkrieg tactics/initiative. Given the repeated failures of the Indian Army to communicate with soldiers on the ground (e.g. Galwan), I highly highly doubt there will be any sort of meaningful interoperability between the IAF and IA when war arrives, which is the most important tenet in Blitzkrieg operations. If you look at the main German offensives in World War II, whether it be against France or the USSR, you will find that prior to the actual battle the Luftwaffe achieved complete local air dominance ... do you think the IAF is in any position whatsoever in its current form to do so against either the PLAAF or the PAF?
Lolz... the fascination with Nazis continues (minus the actual capacity for blitzkrieg.)

That's fine by us. Bring it, hitler-wannabes.
There is an actual term for this.

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