J-20... The New Generation Fighter III

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schrage musik

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posted over at Pakistan Defence by s10:

In no particular order, by huzhigeng:

没有所有的项目都给南边吧?四代南边有。北边也给了。海四肯定要竞争,虽然说601在研制歼15上有更多的 经验。但是611从来都是争强好胜。611从来都是吃着碗里。看着锅里。。同时还想着外卖。

CAC didn't get all the projects. SAC also got its own 4th gen. Navy's 4th gen will be a competition between the two. Eventhough SAC has more experience with J-15, CAC will be looking to take their pie.

两所都有方案。还没有正式PK。。。只能说北边更有优势。北四方案改一下基本就能上舰。而南四的话。呵呵。 。气动布局要大改。。还有。海军对以后的海四要求是隐身条件下的超音速巡航。超音速机动性。另说一句。海四 肯定是重型。

Both design institutes have their proposals (for navy's 4th gen), but competition hasn't start yet. SAC's convention design has more advantage in this area, since it requires little modification. CAC's design require significan altercation. Navy has requirement for stealth and supercruise, as well as supersonic manoevurability. One more thing, navy's 4th gen will be a heavy fighter.

文章还是不错的,,相当客观。歼20载弹量确实极为优秀。歼20也并不大。和T50,F22都是一个量级的 。比苏27要小。歼20的电子设备招标也基本结束。。性能还不错。如果六七年后服役的话,电子设备基本上相 当于现在的F35的电子水平,比现在的F22 要好。还有一点。歼20的机头相控阵雷达是四代机之中最大的。。

Decent and objective article. J-20's paylod is quite good compared to its size. It's roughly about the size of T-50 and F-22, smaller than Su-27. Competition for avionics is basically done. If it enters service in about 6 or 7 years, its avionics will be roughly on par with F-35 today. And the dimension of its radar will be the largest among all 4th gen (including F-22, F-35 and T-50).

北四航电比南四要低一个档次,有点差距。。。南四的航电是全程竞标,设备都是国内顶尖中的顶尖。载弹量怎么 说呢。北四通用性要好一些。。

SAC's avionics will be slightly inferior to CAC's. CAC's avionics were chosen from a competitive process. In terms of payload, SAC's design has more flexibility.


2007's competition was between canard design of CAC and tri-wing design of SAC. It is different from current conventional layout project ongoing at SAC at the moment.


Competition for J-20's sub-systems is already over. We're waiting to intergrate and test them on 03 and 04 prototypes.

全状态的南四和F22相比。各有所长。电子设备比现在的F22要好一些。4S当中。有两项要更突出。当然隐 身性能和F22还是有点差距的。

When completed, we estimate J-20 will have better avionics than current F-22. Among the 4S requirement, two will likely exceed it. Of course, F-22 will still be better in terms of stealth.

歼20的设计思路就是满足隐身的条件下,突出超机动性和超音速巡航性能。这点和老宋的论文一致 。

J-20's design philosophy is to meet stealth requirement, while emphasizing on manovurability and supercruise, similar to Mr. Song's (designer of J-10) article.


Even if our turbofan engines are on the same level as Americans, we're still likely to use canards in our design.

WS15本来就是全向矢量。毛子的也是。只有美帝的F22才是二元矢量。二元和三元矢量各有优缺点。。。就 看哪个更适合自己的国情。所以不要指望什么歼20的屁股装上二元矢量的了。

WS-15 engine will be equipped with 3D TVC. Russians will do the same thing with their engines. Only Americans will use 2D TVC. Each has its pros and cons, depending on what's more suitable for the user, so don't expect F-22 style nozzle on J-20.


CAC and SAC's projects will both be produced, and used in conjunction. All 4th gen are part of our future air combat network.


Originally, SAC did not plan to install TVC on their project, but now the plan has changed.

你们不要指望歼20装反舰导弹,不可能的事,也没必要。歼20的做战目标就是纯空优,20的标配就是6+2 。。空优机就是空优机。

Don't expect J-20 to carry anti-ship missiles. It's both impossible and unneccessary. J-20's sole focus is air superiority, carrying 6 medium range and 2 short range air-to-air missiles.


Lieutenant General
OT, but Trumper 1/72 model are usually far too advanced for such small children and will have many many small and sharpish plastic parts, so I would really think twice about giving that to such a small child. Hell, you need a good pair of snippers and a hobby knife just to get the parts off the spruns, and that is definantly not stuff you want to be giving 5 year olds.

Not sure if you have built any of these models before, but 1/72 plastic kits are pretty fragile after they have been built. I sometimes break things off of mine models despite handling them with care. Even if you built it for your nephew, it would likely be ruined after an afternoon.

If you do get the kit, get if for yourself. If you want to get 5 year olds models, the metal pre-painted ones would be my choice.

LOL...I know right! Usually the toy version doesn't have as much details as the model kit. Maybe I could buy the model kit for myself and the toy for my nephew.


What Is This About?

Model? Change Engine? Painted Egde?



Lieutenant General
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Erm... err.... uh...

Well it certainly looks like the current engines (nozzle) J-20 is using... but we can't see any of the wiring or pipes or fine detail on the engine.. is it covered up or something..?
And the serrations certainly do not look painted on from this angle.


Is this credible, having some random girlfriend taking photo with the supposed J-20 engine behind?

Looks fishy. We don't even know if that is a real engine.
"Yeah, we got a word for that kinda odd in English. It's called suspicious."-Lt Aldo Raine, Inglourious Basterds


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What kind of people lugs engine models around at night? Looks pretty suspicious to me. Won't conclude until I see better photos, however.
posted over at Pakistan Defence by s10:

Surprised no one talked about this article. Isn't this supposed to be what we're interested in?
huzhigeng released so much information, it really does appear he has inside sources, although I really hope that he's right about everything he's said. It's really exciting to hear and I'm really looking forward to seeing 2003 and 2004 rolling out. Also what he's said mentioned that the earliest OIC is 2017, so I guess if we're gonna see 2004 in 2013, it might not be for another while before the J-20 is in full service.
The payload mentioned seemed to say that the J-20 won't carry much more than the Raptor, but rather will have longer legs, since the volume of the fuselage meant it's got bigger capacity for either one thing. Also when he say 3D nozzles, do you guys think it will be stealthy, thus the rear of the aircraft will be redesigned, and thus completing the overall stealth profile?
It seems like it's almost given that the J-20 can be said will surpass F-22 to be even more sophisticated in the overall picture, which makes sense since F-22 is at least a decade old. (it will be a bit of a disappointment if all this time, China can only cook up something just to catch up and not surpass..which will mean the domestic industry is still not quite mature enough to be completely independent and take its own path)

What surprised me was how he said the engine will be on par with the US. Lots of confidence and deductive confirmations and answers.
J-2O's SOLE FOCUS IS air superiority
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