What the Heck?! Thread (Closed)

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It's rapidly moving to qualify for funny stuff that lightens your day followed by a stop at good clean Jokes before finally crossing into the banned and warned thread.

Funny how things can quickly escalate as for example......

According to Google Translate:
According to the Chongqing Evening News, June 18, 2015 reported that the June 17, 2015 , in Chongqing , a pickup truck is fast overtaking lane highway driving, a huge circular saw flying head , directly into the front - this is not the movies the scene , but on the 17th afternoon in a real scene Guizhou Expressway section of a product .


I think this article qualified for inclusion in this thread because the writer, AEP, a very experienced British journalist, is so angry that his language suffers:
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Greek debt crisis is the Iraq War of finance
Guardians of financial stability are deliberately provoking a bank run and endangering Europe's system in their zeal to force Greece to its knees

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6:29PM BST 19 Jun 2015

Rarely in modern times have we witnessed such a display of petulance and bad judgment by those supposed to be in charge of global financial stability, and by those who set the tone for the Western world.


The spectacle is astonishing. The European Central Bank, the EMU bail-out fund, and the International Monetary Fund, among others, are lashing out in fury against an elected government that refuses to do what it is told. They entirely duck their own responsibility for five years of policy blunders that have led to this impasse.

They want to see these rebel
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hanged from the columns of the Parthenon – or impaled as Ottoman forces preferred, deeming them bandits - even if they degrade their own institutions in the process.


If we want to date the moment when the Atlantic liberal order lost its authority – and when the European Project ceased to be a motivating historic force – this may well be it. In a sense, the Greek crisis is the financial equivalent of the Iraq War, totemic for the Left, and for Souverainistes on the Right, and replete with its own “sexed up” dossiers.

Does anybody dispute that the ECB – via the Bank of Greece - is actively inciting a bank run in a country where it is also the banking regulator. In this it has succeeded. The latest data suggests that deposit flight from Greek banks has jumped from €400m a day to nearer €1.5bn.

The guardian of financial stability is
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accelerating a financial crisis in an EMU member - with possible risks of pan-EMU and broader global contagion – as a negotiating tactic to force Greece to the table.

I leave it to lawyers to decide whether this is a prima facie violation of the ECB’s primary duty under the EU treaties. It is certainly unusual. The ECB has just had to increase emergency liquidity to the Greek banks by €3bn (enough to last to Monday night) to offset the damage.

In its report, the Bank of Greece claimed that failure to capitulate to creditor demands would “most likely” lead to the country’s ejection from the European Union. Let us be clear about the meaning of this. It is not the expression of an opinion. It is a threat by the ECB to throw the Greeks out of the EU if they resist.

This is not the first time that the ECB has strayed far from its mandate. It forced the Irish state to make good the claims of junior bondholders of Anglo-Irish Bank, saddling Irish taxpayers with extra debt equal to 20pc of GDP.

This was done purely in order to save the European banking system at a time when the ECB was refusing to do the job itself, betraying the primary task of a central bank to act as a lender of last resort.

It sent secret letters to the elected leaders of
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in August 2011 demanding detailed changes to internal laws for which it had no mandate or technical competence, even meddling in neuralgic issues of labour law that had previously led to the assassination to two Italian officials by the Red Brigades. It demanded changes to the Spanish constitution.

When Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi balked, the ECB switched off bond purchases, driving 10-year yields to 7.5pc. He was forced him from office in a back-room coup d’etat, albeit one legitimised by the ageing ex-Stanlinist EU fanatic who then happened to be president of Italy.

Lest we forget, it parachuted in its vice-president – Lucas Papademos – to take over Greece when premier George Papandreou merely suggested that he might submit the EMU bail-out package to a referendum, a wise idea in retrospect. That makes two coups d’etat. Now they are angling for a third.

The creditor power structure has lost its way. The IMF is in confusion. It is enforcing a contractionary austerity policy in Greece – with no debt relief, exchange cushion, or offsetting investment - that has been discredited by its own elite research department as scientifically unsound.

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in this fiasco is by now well known. As I argued last week, its own internal documents show that the original bail-out in 2010 was designed to rescue the EMU banking system and monetary union at a time when it had no defences against contagion. Greece was sacrificed.

One should have thought that the IMF would wish to lower the political temperature, given that its own credibility and long-term survival are at stake. But no,
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has upped the political ante by stating that Greece will not be accorded the IMF’s standard 30-day grace period if it misses a €1.6bn payment to the Fund on June 30. Default will be immediate.

Klaus Regling, head of the eurozone bail-out fund (EFSF), entered on cue to hint strongly that his organisation would trigger cross-default clauses on its Greek bonds – 45pc of the Greek package – even though there is no necessary reason why it should do so. It is a discretionary matter for the EFSF board.

He seems to be threatening an EFSF default, even though the Greeks themselves are not doing so, a remarkable state of affairs.

It is obvious what is happening. The creditors are acting in concert. Instead of stopping to reflect for one moment on the deeper wisdom of their strategy, they are doubling down mechanically, appearing to assume that terror tactics will cow the Greeks at the twelfth hour.

Personally, I am a
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conservative with free market views. Ideologically, Syriza is not my cup tea. One has a soft-spot for democracy – and we don’t care for monetary juntas – even if it leads to the election of a radical-Left government.

As it happens, Edmund Burke would have found the
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d to the Eurogroup last night by finance minister Yanis Varoufakis to be rational, reasonable, fair, and proportionate. They include a debt swap from the ECB bonds coming due to bail-out bonds with longer maturities and lower interest rates, reflecting the market borrowing cost of the creditors.

Syriza said from the outset that it was eager to work with on market reforms with the OECD, the leading authority. It wants to team up with the International Labour Organisation on Scandinavian style flexi-security and labour reforms, a valid alternative to the German-style Hartz IV reforms that have impoverished the bottom fifth of German society and which no Left-wing movement can stomach.

It wished to push through a more radical overhaul of the Greek state that anything yet done under five years of Troika rule – and much has been done, to be fair.

As Mr Varoufakis told Die Zeit: “Why does a kilometer of freeway cost three times as much where we are as it does in Germany? Because we’re dealing with a system of cronyism and corruption. That’s what we have to tackle. But, instead, we’re debating pharmacy opening times,” he said.

The Troika pushed privatisation of profitable state assets at knock-down depression prices to private monopolies, to the benefit of an entrenched elite. To call that reforms invites a bitter cynicism.

The only reason that the Troika pushed this policy was in order to extract money. It was acting at a debt collector. “The reforms were a smokescreen. Whenever I tried talking about proposals, they were bored. I could see it in their body language," Mr Varoufakis told me.
To be continued.



Continuation of #753:
The truth is that the creditor power structure never even looked at the Greek proposals. They never entertained the possibility of tearing up their own stale, discredited, legalistic, fatuous Troika script.

The decision was made from the outset to demand strict enforcement of the terms agreed in the original Memorandum, which even the last conservative pro-Troika government was unable to implement, regardless of whether it make any sense, or actually increases the chance that Germany and other lenders will recoup their money.

At best, it is bureaucratic inertia, a prime exhibit of why the EU has become unworkable, almost genetically incapable of recognising and correcting its own errors.

At worst, its nasty, bullying, insistence on ritual capitulation for the sake of it.

We all know the argument. The EU is worried about political “moral hazard”, about what Podemos might achieve in Spain, or the eurosceptics in Italy, or the Front National in France, if Syriza is seen buck the system and get away with it.

But do the proponents of this establishment view – and one hears it a lot – really think that Podemos can be defeated by crushing Syriza, or that they can discourage Marine Le Pen by violating the sovereignty and sensibilities of a nation?

Do they think that the EU’s ever declining hold on the loyalty of Europe’s youth can be reversed by creating a martyr state on the Left. Do they not realize that this is their own Guatemala, the radical experiment of
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that was extinguished by the CIA in 1954, only to set off the Cuban revolution and thirty years of guerrilla warfare across Latin America? Don’t these lawyers – and yes they are almost all lawyers - ever look beyond their noses?

The Versailles victors assumed reflexively that they had the full weight of moral authority on their side when they imposed their
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on a defeated Germany in 1919 and demanded the payment of debts that they themselves invented. History judged otherwise.
I never read an angrier article in The Daily Telegraph. But it seems to me that the authorities are so obsessed with regime change in Greece that they are letting EU commit suicide in its cause.


This Is The Last Generation Of Chinese Women To Endure The Painful Tradition Of Foot Binding


Foot binding, the practice of crushing young women’s feet into tiny “lotus” feet, was widespread in China for nearly a thousand years.

Long seen as a crucial way for women to elevate their status and wealth, the practice
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. In recent decades, foot binding has been all but eliminated thanks to strict enforcement by the Communist Party.

Despite the ban, some women continued to bind their feet in secret. These women, mostly hidden or forgotten in tiny Chinese villages, are the last remaining survivors of the practice.

British photographer
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has spent the last eight years traveling all over the Chinese countryside searching for these remaining women with bound feet. Despite the stigmas that currently surround foot binding, the women that Farrell met openly showed their "lotus" feet to her and revealed their stories.

WARNING: These photos may be upsetting to some.

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Cambodia trains 'elite squad of rats' to detect landmines
Rats weighing up to 2.5lb imported from Africa to sniff out landmines and other unexploded ordnance


Cambodia is training an elite squad of rats, imported from Africa, to sniff out landmines and other unexploded ordnance in the once war-wracked kingdom, authorities said on Friday.

A team of 15 rats, some weighing up to 2.6lb, were imported from Tanzania in April with the help of a Belgian non-governmental organisation, which trains rats to sniff out mines, Heng Ratana, director general of Cambodian Mine Action Center (CMAC), told AFP.

"If the rats pass the test, we will use them ... if they are not qualified, we will end the program," Mr Ratana told AFP.

He said there have been claims of success in using rats to sniff landmines – as well as detect tuberculosis – in several African countries including Tanzania, Mozambique and Angola.

The rats are now being trained by experts in northwestern Siem Reap province, home to Cambodia's famed Angkor temples complex.


But one of the rodents has already died probably because of the change in climate, he said.

Experts plan to begin testing the rats over the next few weeks.

The rodents will be put through their paces on a number of tasks, including to establish if they can sense all types of mine, whether they can detect buried ordnance and how fast they work, he said.

"They will test the rats in actual landmine fields," he said.

"At this stage, it is too early to say if we can use the rats," Ratana said, adding that two Cambodian mine experts had been trained in Tanzania and they were now sharing their expertise with their colleagues.


Nearly three decades of civil war gripped Cambodia from the 1960s, leaving the poverty-stricken nation both one of the most heavily bombed and heavily mined countries in the world.

Last month, a new Cambodian underwater demining team pulled an American-made bomb from the Mekong River for the first time as the country battles the wartime legacy of unexploded mines that have killed thousands – detonating when trodden on.

Teams of deminers face the unenviable task of trying to locate and safeguard huge quantities of unexploded ordnance that has killed nearly 20,000 people and wounded double that number since 1979.

According to Cambodian government statistics, 154 people were killed or injured by leftover mines in 2014, and 111 the year before.

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WASHINGTON -- White supremacists on Thursday quickly tried to distance themselves from the suspect in the mass shooting at a historically black church in Charleston, worried that a white man killing nine people in a black church in South Carolina looked bad for their movement.

"This is going to be really bad, I'm afraid," wrote WhiteNationhood in a discussion thread on the white nationalist site Stormfront. "Condolences to the families."

"The media and the left will use this to support their narrative that whites are slaughtering blacks," added MattwhiteAmerica. "It will not matter what the truth is."

The gunman opened fire during a weekly Bible study meeting at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston. Police have identified the shooter as 21-year-old Dylann Roof, who is now in police custody. Roof reportedly told churchgoers before the shooting, "I have to do it.
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and you're taking over our country. And you have to go."

Stormfront commenters continued to hold out hope Thursday morning that perhaps Roof wasn't motivated by racism -- maybe it was anti-Christian hatred instead -- and their movement could keep what they think of as their good name.

"Lets not jump to conclusions and call him a WN [white nationalist] until there is an indication as such... The fact that he targeted a church gives me an inkling that it was religion-related," wrote WhiteVirginian.

"Yep, bad news for gun rights advocates as well," wrote maththeorylover2008. "Another nail in the coffin for the 2nd Amendment."

Time and again, many Stormfront members emphasized that their online community is one inclined to peace and racial harmony -- albeit segregated.

"[T]he Feds can waste all the time they want searching these threads," wrote member PureWhiteRagePWR. "SF is so dang PC, if it was a race crime it didn't come from here."

The site's members also took umbrage with what they perceived to be racial profiling against white people by the police. "Picking up whiteys who fit the bill in the area," posted member Craig Cobb above a screenshot of a local news report about a young white man being taken into police custody. "[H]e is hardly a prime suspect--just within a few blocks maybe, ha."

"If that's not the right guy they just ruined his life," echoed user sons of vengence, "[a]nd will never apologize for it."

Other commenters offered conspiracy theories about the shooting, suggesting that it was a setup aimed at distracting from conversations about race.

“These types of events are happening way too often and smell fishy to me,” wrote woden29. “People were beginning to talk about the race issue openly after ferguson, baltimore, and now the Rachel Dolezal scandal. Looks to me like the powers that be wanted to turn attention back to whitey if it turns out to be a white perp.”

There was some sympathy on the message boards, if not for the extent of the shooter's actions, then for his motivations.

"Okay, so I guess there is no question now, it was a white guy with a bad haircut," conceded GERyMOR. The user then suggested that the reasons Roof reportedly gave to his victims moments before he shot them are legitimate societal concerns. "It's a shame this happened and I do feel bad for the victims and their families. However, it's making me sick (although no surprise) how this is being spun by the media. Racially charged killings? It's a fact that Blacks commit way more crimes per capita and behave a certain way, that's why they get chased and hurt. They do rape our women, and they are taking over our country and cost way too much money to maintain. But none of these points will ever be addressed because then it would bring open discussion to the NEGRO PROBLEM IN OUR SOCIETY ... which is theREAL news."

"Obviously I am very against this heinous act of violence," WhiteVirginian said. "Although a White guy going on a mass shooting is made such a big event because it happens so rarely. Blacks commit mass shootings everyday in every major US city."

"Lets not make excuses when a person of our own race does something like this," added WhiteIsRight. "The guy was clearly a bad apple."

A number of Stormfront members seemed to be aware that their site would be subject to scrutiny by the press.

"We all condemn this sort of action," wrote sons of vengence. "We all despise it and think it cowardly. Make sure you write that on your next article about this incident!"

There seemed to be much less discussion of the shooting on a "WhiteRights" subreddit. "Shooting innocent middle aged black women in church is about the best way I can think of to help blacks win more sympathy and to fire up the anti-white groups," wrote one of apparently just two commenters.

"It's ok, mate, there are plenty of churches full of Negroes," wrote another. "Don't be too sad about it."
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