Weakness of the PLAN


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FriedRiceNSpice said:
Yakont's have a 250km range. That is far superior to the range on the Harpoon. And also, 956EMs can fire 16 Yakonts, which is far superior to firing 8 Sunburns and 8 Harpoons.
The YJ-85 should have a 300 KM range. The issue is no whether or not our missles have a greater range, but whether or not we can detect them before they start to send cruise missles at us.
tphuang said:
The YJ-85 should have a 300 KM range. The issue is no whether or not our missles have a greater range, but whether or not we can detect them before they start to send cruise missles at us.

We can use our sattelite recconaissance system to spot them!


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FriedRiceNSpice said:
We can use our sattelite recconaissance system to spot them!

PLAN destroyers will be sunk well before they get within range of their anti-ship missiles.

Surface Action Group are classified by the US navy as class C threat.


VIP Professional
Shouldn't you put the things in real world war context? There will never be one on one engagments. Nor is it likely even a fleet vs fleet engagement will be in neutral teritorry in the middle of the pacific.

Realistically, chinese won't go after the us before us goes after the chinese. That means USN getting in range to attack PLAN which, in turn, would stick close enough to the coast to enjoy PLAAF air cover, possibly even air defence system. If PLAN is to try to strike a USN force it will do so when it decides it has a chance, meaning overwhelming numbers. Of course it'd be suicide rushing something like three grouped CBGs. Same thing with US forces. They will wait until they can deliver a powerful enough blow. Attacking early with insufficient forces, risking a loss, is just plain stupid.

A really good move on china's behalf would be putting okinawa base out of comission. Of course, only if US attacks somewhere else first early enough, before they even have enough forces in the area to defend from such attack - which is unlikely. Then again, such a mission would probably involve PLAAF/ airlifted ground forces much more than PLAN so it's kinda off topic here.

Once again, all these arguments have any point if we agree that US would not commit half (or more) of it's navy and air forces to the war but a smaller chunk, something china could fight off.


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Totoro said:
Shouldn't you put the things in real world war context? There will never be one on one engagments. Nor is it likely even a fleet vs fleet engagement will be in neutral teritorry in the middle of the pacific.

Realistically, chinese won't go after the us before us goes after the chinese. That means USN getting in range to attack PLAN which, in turn, would stick close enough to the coast to enjoy PLAAF air cover, possibly even air defence system. If PLAN is to try to strike a USN force it will do so when it decides it has a chance, meaning overwhelming numbers. Of course it'd be suicide rushing something like three grouped CBGs. Same thing with US forces. They will wait until they can deliver a powerful enough blow. Attacking early with insufficient forces, risking a loss, is just plain stupid.

A really good move on china's behalf would be putting okinawa base out of comission. Of course, only if US attacks somewhere else first early enough, before they even have enough forces in the area to defend from such attack - which is unlikely. Then again, such a mission would probably involve PLAAF/ airlifted ground forces much more than PLAN so it's kinda off topic here.

Once again, all these arguments have any point if we agree that US would not commit half (or more) of it's navy and air forces to the war but a smaller chunk, something china could fight off.

The only plausible context for an armed conflict between PRC and USA is Taiwan. An unprovoke invasion of the island, unprovoke meaning the Taiwanese did not uninamously declared independence, will have the PLA going on the offensive.

Going on the offensive means that you have go uncover your forces, lgroup them, and offend someone (taiwan). In which case, PRC's forces will be out in the open, away from the SAM umbrella and further away from fighter cover. The further you are from the coast, the less effective your fighter cover, more fuel spent on transit than cover, and the more effective your opponent's fighter cover will be.

USA will not attack Chinese soil and I don't think China will attack a third party soil. Both sides will not want to enlarge the conflict further.


VIP Professional
We agree there, no one would want to escalate a war over taiwan into something bigger. Any possible invasion would probably be accompanied by huge diplomatic effort trying to assure the third party countries that taiwan would be left with a certain level of autonomy. But if it comes a full fledged battles between US and china, it'd be some time after the start of invasion on taiwan. Brunt of US forces needed for a war against china is just too far away for US to help taiwan in time. I see china starting airlifted ground troops invasion, establishing a perimeter of sams/navy ships on/around taiwan before US gathers enough forces for a lethal blow. Note i said lethal blow. Of course earlier attacks would be possible but US would just not enjoy enough of an overwhelming force and its losses would be relatively big, even if still smaller than china's losses. In my opinion, china can afford such bigger losses - to an extent.


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Totoro said:
We agree there, no one would want to escalate a war over taiwan into something bigger. Any possible invasion would probably be accompanied by huge diplomatic effort trying to assure the third party countries that taiwan would be left with a certain level of autonomy. But if it comes a full fledged battles between US and china, it'd be some time after the start of invasion on taiwan. Brunt of US forces needed for a war against china is just too far away for US to help taiwan in time. I see china starting airlifted ground troops invasion, establishing a perimeter of sams/navy ships on/around taiwan before US gathers enough forces for a lethal blow. Note i said lethal blow. Of course earlier attacks would be possible but US would just not enjoy enough of an overwhelming force and its losses would be relatively big, even if still smaller than china's losses. In my opinion, china can afford such bigger losses - to an extent.

I believe that the US has made it clear that if Taiwan declares its independence unilaterally, it stands alone. The US will intervene if PRC invades Taiwan as long as such an invasion was not caused by a Taiwanese declaration of independence.

In such an invasion, it is the task of Taiwan's forces to hold the line until the US can concentrate its forces. Time will not be in China's side.

This is the tasked that China must do in order to achieve its goals:
1.) Gain air superiority
2.) Gain naval superiority in the straights
3.) Gain and hold a beach head from numerically superior taiwanese army.
4.) Have sufficient logistical capability to provide all the necesities of an invading army. (the bigger the army, the biggier the logistical capability)
5.) Ensure the safety of your logistical lines.

In these endevours, the defender has the advantage:

1.) Air battles will be fought in and around the Taiwanese airspace. Taiwanese pilots who ejected can be easily recovered and brought back into combat. PLAAF's pilots will be prisoners of war. Pilot attrition will be in Taiwan's favor. Its planes will also have support from SAMS.

2.) Naval battles in the straight will be brutal. However, since PRC is the aggressor, it needs to come out and go near Taiwans' shore, where Taiwan can take advantage of its littorals. PLAN's ship will have to face the Taiwanese Kidds, Lafayette, and multitudes of shore base anti-ship batteries. We all know that PLAN ships have trouble engaging sea skimming missiles.

3.) The first wave will have the unenvious job of holding the beach head from a Taiwanese counter attack. They will be out numbered and will be facing heavy armor. Currently, PLAN has the capability of sea lifting 1 Armored division OR 2 infantry "light" divisions. It will take at least 24 hours to bring in the next wave. However, PLAN sea lift capability only can bring reinforcement or more supplies for the 1st wave.

4.) As said earlier, PLAN sealift capability can only carry 1 armored division OR 2 light infantry division. These ships are slow and not well armed and will be easy targets for shore based anti-ship batteries.

5.) Plan needs to protect its sea-lift capabilities beacuse they alone can supply its army. If sufficient capability is sunk, its army in taiwan will not have enough food, ammo, and supplies to go on the offensive.


VIP Professional
IDonT said:
I believe that the US has made it clear that if Taiwan declares its independence unilaterally, it stands alone. The US will intervene if PRC invades Taiwan as long as such an invasion was not caused by a Taiwanese declaration of independence.

I was not aware that's the US policy. That makes china's job much easier as i think most likely way for a taiwan invasion to start is if they declare independence. I don't see china gaining anything from invading before that, for no reason.

IDonT said:
This is the tasked that China must do in order to achieve its goals:
1.) Gain air superiority
2.) Gain naval superiority in the straights
3.) Gain and hold a beach head from numerically superior taiwanese army.
4.) Have sufficient logistical capability to provide all the necesities of an invading army. (the bigger the army, the biggier the logistical capability)
5.) Ensure the safety of your logistical lines.

I agree. What i don't agree is the order of events you seem to have imposed on china's forces in the further text. There's no way a sane person will start a seaborne invasion without air and sea superiority. I also don't see any major PLAN forces going anywhere near taiwan before air superiority is achieved. Air battle would be key.

IDonT said:
1.) Air battles will be fought in and around the Taiwanese airspace. Taiwanese pilots who ejected can be easily recovered and brought back into combat. PLAAF's pilots will be prisoners of war. Pilot attrition will be in Taiwan's favor. Its planes will also have support from SAMS.

This is a completely moot point as we're not talking about ww2 period battle of britain like war. Taiwanese and chinese already have more pilots than planes as it is. And there's no way taiwanese will be getting/producing more planes to put into combat like british did in battle of britain. Once those 300 or so taiwanese planes are out of comission - that's it, there won't be any more coming. So that leaves us with SAMs, on ground and sea.

Aside of what Kidd destroyers will bring to the combat with their sm2, taiwanese naval sams are fairly weak, limited to sm1 and crotale systems. Ground sams are, in my opinion, badly positioned, one skybow battery wasted on the island just 16km off china's coast, others (this includes mobile patriot batteries) protecting cities on the north and south of the island, halving the ability to make an inter-protecting network of sams. Right now taiwan has 9 patriot (or similar class) sam batteries. Even if that's increased by 6 pac3 batteries it is still far from an inpenetrable shield.

Yes, chinese air force losses, especially ground attack aircraft forces, will be absolutely huge. But chinese can afford them. Taiwan, on the other hand, has comparatively limited force. It is my opinion chinese air force alone (well, combined with ballistic/cruise missile attack) is capable of neutralizing taiwanese air forces and theatre defense sams within days.

IDonT said:
2.) Naval battles in the straight will be brutal. However, since PRC is the aggressor, it needs to come out and go near Taiwans' shore, where Taiwan can take advantage of its littorals. PLAN's ship will have to face the Taiwanese Kidds, Lafayette, and multitudes of shore base anti-ship batteries. We all know that PLAN ships have trouble engaging sea skimming missiles.

To continue, after the first couple of days needed for neutralizing taiwanese AF and long range sams, a few more days of PLAAF ground attacks will be needed to supress the ground launched antiship platforms, with help of limited forays of PLAN into the strait to draw those platforms out. At the same time, major PLAN force would be able to venture into the strait to a small extent, still out of reach of taiwanese harpoons. As for PLAN vs taiwanese navy - taiwan would be out of air cover, china would have air support and antiship missile detection range and launch range is on chinese side.

"We all know that PLAN ships have trouble engaging sea skimming missiles." is something along the lines of 'we all know mexicans are lazy and smelly'. It's blatant discrimination. Compared to USN, probably, but there's no proof that taiwanese are more capable of engaging chinese supersonic seaskimmers than chinese are capable of engaging taiwanese seaskimmers. Besides, with no air cover, no maritime control planes and early warning platforms, i'd like to see taiwanese conduct any serious offensive moves without heavy losses.
It is a battle that'd be played out at china's pace as taiwanese would not be able to afford to take the initiative. The strait and coast of taiwan is also perfect for subs and taiwanese navy would be rather trapped that way too.

IDonT said:
3.) The first wave will have the unenvious job of holding the beach head from a Taiwanese counter attack. They will be out numbered and will be facing heavy armor. Currently, PLAN has the capability of sea lifting 1 Armored division OR 2 infantry "light" divisions. It will take at least 24 hours to bring in the next wave. However, PLAN sea lift capability only can bring reinforcement or more supplies for the 1st wave.

Please make up your mind. Are we talking about today, when taiwan has no kidd class destroyers/ additional orion airplanes/newly purchased subs and just 120 amraams in its stocks or are we talking about some year 2008 or so when all those forces will be operational but china will also have newly built landing ships, doubled airlift capability, years worth of j10 production, newly delivered additional kilos and songs and so on?

I remember i discussed with you those 24 hours needed to send another wave. Did you respond to that post of mine? Please count the number of chinese harbours in vicinity of taiwan, the distance to taiwanese beaches and endurance/speed of chinese ships.

IDonT said:
4.) As said earlier, PLAN sealift capability can only carry 1 armored division OR 2 light infantry division. These ships are slow and not well armed and will be easy targets for shore based anti-ship batteries.

Chinese would be crazy to start a seaborne invasion while shore based anti ship batteries would still be free to operate at considerable efficiency. I don't see a seaborne invasion starting anytime in the first 7 days of initial air attacks. A seaborne invasion force that does come will most probably not be sent to establish a beachhead as an airlifted force, delivered before that, will be tasked with it, as well as taking some useful runways for reinforcements. With new il76s (we're not talking about war happening tomorrow, as we have established) PLA can airlift over 16 000 fully equipped troops in first wave, and thats not counting any commercial airliners that'd help the cause once good runways are secured. Furthermore, with the level or urbanization taiwan has achieved, combined with its geography, armored forces will be less of an asset. Also please keep in mind that any large scale movement of tanks are easely dettered if enemy has air superiority like china would have by then.

IDonT said:
5.) Plan needs to protect its sea-lift capabilities beacuse they alone can supply its army. If sufficient capability is sunk, its army in taiwan will not have enough food, ammo, and supplies to go on the offensive.

Agreed to an extent. Which is exactly why china should not rush things and send sea transports before they can be adequately protected. By that time additional commercial ships would be used too, for additional transport capacitiy, used in areas of very low threat.

To sum it up, i just do not see how taiwan can whitstand and fight off chinese invasion alone. If US stands by it fully then yeah, tables would turn completely. And taiwanese ability to fight off chinese gets smaller with every year now, taiwan just cant keep up with chinese buildup.


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Totoro said:
I was not aware that's the US policy. That makes china's job much easier as i think most likely way for a taiwan invasion to start is if they declare independence. I don't see china gaining anything from invading before that, for no reason.

I agree. What i don't agree is the order of events you seem to have imposed on china's forces in the further text. There's no way a sane person will start a seaborne invasion without air and sea superiority. I also don't see any major PLAN forces going anywhere near taiwan before air superiority is achieved. Air battle would be key.

This is a completely moot point as we're not talking about ww2 period battle of britain like war. Taiwanese and chinese already have more pilots than planes as it is. And there's no way taiwanese will be getting/producing more planes to put into combat like british did in battle of britain. Once those 300 or so taiwanese planes are out of comission - that's it, there won't be any more coming. So that leaves us with SAMs, on ground and sea.

Aside of what Kidd destroyers will bring to the combat with their sm2, taiwanese naval sams are fairly weak, limited to sm1 and crotale systems. Ground sams are, in my opinion, badly positioned, one skybow battery wasted on the island just 16km off china's coast, others (this includes mobile patriot batteries) protecting cities on the north and south of the island, halving the ability to make an inter-protecting network of sams. Right now taiwan has 9 patriot (or similar class) sam batteries. Even if that's increased by 6 pac3 batteries it is still far from an inpenetrable shield.

Yes, chinese air force losses, especially ground attack aircraft forces, will be absolutely huge. But chinese can afford them. Taiwan, on the other hand, has comparatively limited force. It is my opinion chinese air force alone (well, combined with ballistic/cruise missile attack) is capable of neutralizing taiwanese air forces and theatre defense sams within days.

To continue, after the first couple of days needed for neutralizing taiwanese AF and long range sams, a few more days of PLAAF ground attacks will be needed to supress the ground launched antiship platforms, with help of limited forays of PLAN into the strait to draw those platforms out. At the same time, major PLAN force would be able to venture into the strait to a small extent, still out of reach of taiwanese harpoons. As for PLAN vs taiwanese navy - taiwan would be out of air cover, china would have air support and antiship missile detection range and launch range is on chinese side.

"We all know that PLAN ships have trouble engaging sea skimming missiles." is something along the lines of 'we all know mexicans are lazy and smelly'. It's blatant discrimination. Compared to USN, probably, but there's no proof that taiwanese are more capable of engaging chinese supersonic seaskimmers than chinese are capable of engaging taiwanese seaskimmers. Besides, with no air cover, no maritime control planes and early warning platforms, i'd like to see taiwanese conduct any serious offensive moves without heavy losses.
It is a battle that'd be played out at china's pace as taiwanese would not be able to afford to take the initiative. The strait and coast of taiwan is also perfect for subs and taiwanese navy would be rather trapped that way too.

Please make up your mind. Are we talking about today, when taiwan has no kidd class destroyers/ additional orion airplanes/newly purchased subs and just 120 amraams in its stocks or are we talking about some year 2008 or so when all those forces will be operational but china will also have newly built landing ships, doubled airlift capability, years worth of j10 production, newly delivered additional kilos and songs and so on?

I remember i discussed with you those 24 hours needed to send another wave. Did you respond to that post of mine? Please count the number of chinese harbours in vicinity of taiwan, the distance to taiwanese beaches and endurance/speed of chinese ships.

Chinese would be crazy to start a seaborne invasion while shore based anti ship batteries would still be free to operate at considerable efficiency. I don't see a seaborne invasion starting anytime in the first 7 days of initial air attacks. A seaborne invasion force that does come will most probably not be sent to establish a beachhead as an airlifted force, delivered before that, will be tasked with it, as well as taking some useful runways for reinforcements. With new il76s (we're not talking about war happening tomorrow, as we have established) PLA can airlift over 16 000 fully equipped troops in first wave, and thats not counting any commercial airliners that'd help the cause once good runways are secured. Furthermore, with the level or urbanization taiwan has achieved, combined with its geography, armored forces will be less of an asset. Also please keep in mind that any large scale movement of tanks are easely dettered if enemy has air superiority like china would have by then.

Agreed to an extent. Which is exactly why china should not rush things and send sea transports before they can be adequately protected. By that time additional commercial ships would be used too, for additional transport capacitiy, used in areas of very low threat.

To sum it up, i just do not see how taiwan can whitstand and fight off chinese invasion alone. If US stands by it fully then yeah, tables would turn completely. And taiwanese ability to fight off chinese gets smaller with every year now, taiwan just cant keep up with chinese buildup.

D-Day vs Taiwan
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The amphibious operation against Taiwan is a great discussion, I will open a new thread. See you there.


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When was China getting Yakhonts for their Sovs?
The Kidds aren't kidding. The strait is narrow and you don't need much.

The YJ-12 has potential and since the USN and ROCN still uses Harpoons, C-801s and 2s aren't out of the question.