US Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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Apparently Boeing redesigned the forward fuselage for the F-15EX and applied something called, "full-size turbine assembly technology" which now has that portion being manufactured in St. Louis.

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Speaking with media at the show, Rob Novotny, executive director for F-15 business development at Boeing, said that everything is brand new in the F-15EX ‘from the tip to the tale’.

‘We digitally redesigned to forward fuselage and brought that production back to [Boeing's plant in] St. Louis so we’ve applied our full-size turbine assembly technology to [that],’ Novotny said.


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A demonstrator of the new US Mojave drone took of and landed from UK’s QE2 aircraft carrier, demonstrating the capability to operate on carriers without catapults, although with a much reduced payload as explained in one of the figures in the following USNI article:
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I wonder how long it will take before we see a carrier based strike unmanned aerial vehicle. The US seemed like they were headed in that direction with the UCLASS program and the X-47 platform. I guess the technology just isn’t ready yet. I am not sure that MQ-9 based platforms are really useful on a carrier, but what do I know.


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The United States has tested the promising operational-tactical missile PrSM, which will replace the ATACMS missile. Lockheed Martin did not provide any details, but it is noted that the missile is capable of “neutralizing” targets at a range of up to 400 km, the estimated missile range is up to 499 km. Preliminary test results showed that the Precision Strike Missile Increment 1 missile confirmed its nominal performance. The missiles are planned to be used on the M270A1 and M142 HIMARS MLRS. Lockheed Martin reported that the corporation received three new contracts for the production of missiles. In the future, the new missile should replace all MGM-140 ATACMS operational-tactical missiles.



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Reports of an aircraft more capable than the RQ-180 was recently delivered to the USAF
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This was discussed a couple of posts back with the same source for the rumour. I was following up on it afterwards, and another project Lockheed had/proposed a while back was the TR-X which was an unmanned successor to the U-2.


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This was from back in 2016, but I am not sure if this falls into the category of a much more capable aircraft. Alternatively, we don't know what the criteria for capability in this case is.