US Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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The fist photo in this series of four contains a better picture of those flaps along with looks like a sort of inlet directly towards the rear of the aircraft? It looks like something folds inward (towards the centerline of the B-21) to create that additional inlet.

EDIT: I also think you can see the pilot in the first first photo in this series as well.


Lieutenant General
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I don't know how useful a subsonic slow bomber will be in a fight against top level countries. Low frequency radars can already detect stealthy planes. Even if they can't get weapons grade tracking, just discovering a slow plane gives you time to scramble fighter jets to send against such slow planes. So, once they are detected, they have no defense against fighter jets.

So, the rumor that China is prioritizing a super sonic JH-X over the H-20 is probably the better approach to take.

If China has low frequency Anti-Stealth Radars setup all over the country. The only thing B21 will be good for is firing long range cruise missiles from a distance. Cause if they get too close, they will be detected by low frequency radars and fighter jets will be sent to destory them. So, this kind of long range cruise missile can be already be done by H-6 bombers.

Compare to that, a JH-X with supersonic speeds can not only fire those long range cruise missiles, but also fight back with A/A missile against incoming fighters and also flee fast or evade incoming missiles with its supersonic speeds.

So, no. B21 is not a game changer against China and China should not be desperate to counter it with its own similar bomber. It should look at the trajectory of technology and select the right cruise missile platform.

Subsonic, stealthy bombers with good range, good payload and more importantly being in plentiful number with modern and future proof avionics are absolutely very capable in a future and near-future system of systems approach, including in a high intensity conflict.

B-21 is a "gamechanger" in the sense that it may be produced in numbers in excess of 100, and whether H-20 ends up being a subsonic stealthy flying wing bomber (which is all we expect) anyway is irrelevant to B-21, because these systems are not "responses" to each other.

As for the type of bomber that the PLA should prioritize, I feel that a large, flying wing stealthy subsonic bomber for the PLA remains very much a higher priority than a stealthy supersonic bomber (whose size and range would inevitably be smaller than a subsonic platform like a flying wing).
The configuration of H-20 has already been discussed ad nauseum over the years, so there is no reason to resurrect that discussion simply because of some response to B-21.

Dragon of War

Junior Member
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The fist photo in this series of four contains a better picture of those flaps along with looks like a sort of inlet directly towards the rear of the aircraft? It looks like something folds inward (towards the centerline of the B-21) to create that additional inlet.

EDIT: I also think you can see the pilot in the first first photo in this series as well.

Aircraft like the B-21 Raider often incorporate sophisticated aerodynamic and structural elements for various purposes, including stealth, maneuverability, and airflow management.

The folding mechanism you mentioned could indeed be part of the aircraft's adaptive design, allowing it to optimize its configuration based on different flight phases or mission requirements. Such features are integral to ensuring the aircraft's performance and survivability in diverse operational scenarios.


Grumpy Old Man
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Moderator - World Affairs
就不给你看,憋死你! :D

Sorry for the Chinese, can't figure out how to translate the expression in English. Someone good at English please help.
In the same spirit: not gonna show you, blow me