The War in the Ukraine


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The Russian command restructure is a sign that operations in Ukraine are due to expand. There are definitely signs that Russia may be preparing for something big. Gerasimov has always been Surovikin's superior, so this does not represent a change in that regard. Rather, they've created what is essentially a theater level command for Gerasimov.

Where might Russia commit forces on an offensive?

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Is there even a buildup of equipment in Belgorod to make the push towards Sumy a possibility, though?. Most the equipment not currently in Donetsk, Luhansk and Kherson seems to be in Belarus closer to Lviv, not Belgorod


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Lancet takes out yet another Krab.

Lancet hits a Ukrainian tank. Not certain of the tank's fate but hitting the engine, it would possibly immobilize it

Wrecked remains of a Humvee.

Russian ATGM hits a Ukrainian vehicles somewhere in Bakhmut front.



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The appointment of Gerasimov as commander of the joint group of forces in Ukraine is due to the "expansion of the scope of the tasks of the special military operation", Kremlin spokesman Peskov says. State Duma Deputy, General Sobolev: Gerasimov's first important task as commander of SMO will be to push back the front line to such an extent that the Ukrainian military may no longer shell Donetsk and other large cities of the DPR and LPR.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine expects that in the near future the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will try to capture the entire territory of the Donetsk region, and after that they will switch to Zaporozhye, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of Ukraine Oleksiy Gromov said.

Video surfaced of AFU fighters attaching containers of unknown substance to drones:

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Registered Member
Is there even a buildup of equipment in Belgorod to make the push towards Sumy a possibility, though?. Most the equipment not currently in Donetsk, Luhansk and Kherson seems to be in Belarus closer to Lviv, not Belgorod
If they are near railtracks, they can reshuffle motorized equipments quite fast at a position where ammunitions and infantry can be massed in a more concealed way. Moving them around make Ukrainian job of layering defenses quite harder at the Belarus border. It could be a possibility but moving two fronts is quite harder than only one.
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