PLA Next Generation Main Battle Tank


Registered Member
Weibo rumour has some saying it's a 2 man crew with remote operated turret, hence no fume extractor on the main gun and small size.

Honestly, I was thinking that PLAGF 4th-gen tanks would have retained a 3-man crew - One commander, one driver and one gunner that could even pilot and command unmanned platforms (UGVs and UAVs). Quite a surprise to find that they're going straight for a 2-man crew, if that's proven to be eventually true.
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Registered Member
Honestly, I was thinking that PLAGF 4th-gen tanks would have retained a 3-man crew - One commander, one driver and one gunner that could even pilot and command unmanned platforms (UGVs and UAVs). Quite a surprise to find that they're going straight for a 2-man crew, if that's proven to be eventually true.
With a remote turret that would basically be a T-14, which would be where I was guessing too.

On the other hand if you look at the way MBTs are being used in Ukraine. Tank on tank combat is exceedingly rare and most tanks are taken out by mines/ATGM/FPV, stacking on heavy armour doesn't help with those so a smaller faster tank filled with ERA and APS may be the ticket, depending on weather you think the Ukraine war is the way of armour warfare going forward or product of unlikely circumstances that won't be repeated elsewhere.

Other rumours for this new tank are the gun is 105mm, and may or may not be ETC. If true it may be the same logic: if you're almost never going to shoot at another tank why do you need 125mm or bigger.