PLA Next Generation Main Battle Tank


Lieutenant General
Honestly, I was thinking that PLAGF 4th-gen tanks would have retained a 3-man crew - One commander, one driver and one gunner that could even pilot and command unmanned platforms (UGVs and UAVs). Quite a surprise to find that they're going straight for a 2-man crew, if that's proven to be eventually true.

Honestly it would make far more sense to introduce a whole new vehicle class dedicated to UAV and counter UAV ops instead of tacking it onto existing designs like tanks.

I see parallels to how naval aviation was introduced. Early adopters added rail launchers to battleships and cruisers, but the full potential of naval aviation wasn’t fully realised until dedicated carriers emerged.


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Here let me:
View attachment 129898
That's pretty weird looking gun
Its very interesting, looks way smaller than it looked from previous concepts. Also notice the two tanks in the picture have different guns.

However this may not be the MBT we´ve been following for years but a light tank to succed/complement ZTQ-15 developed in parallel.
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Registered Member
Its very interesting, looks way smaller than it looked from previous concepts. Also notice the two tanks in the picture have different guns.

However this may not be the MBT we´ve been following for years but a light tank to succed/complement ZTQ-15 developed in parallel.
Or PLAGF may have had a good look at the Ukraine experience and decided that large, heavy MBTs have had their day and went down a different route.


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Or PLAGF may have had a good look at the Ukraine experience and decided that large, heavy MBTs have had their day and went down a different route.
Given that good old 125mm HE is still a very much appreciated round, I doubt any serious army draws that kind of lesson.

Besides these "Babymatas" look very different from the ballistic model and concepts we´ve been seeing for years.