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Registered Member
So now you are changing your answer from previously citing projects taking several year for building cities in the middle of no where. To it will naturally happen because projects will be built along the way at various speeds.
when Russia spend huge amount on Sochi it barely had 400K population and no commercial port or natural resources and cut off by mountains. Now they are developing Arctic /Pacific and you think to reach up North and East they will not made any cities in the middle? when the likely hood of resources extraction get higher and above all it has Arab interest. The problem is you are challenging the combine wisdom of Gulf Royals and Russia regarding North Pole. look at this historic picture.
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Except you were never talking about intellectual people but filling new cities with people. Russia will accept qualified workers. What they are not going to is consider importing huge quantities of non-Russians which you seem to be suggesting. For the purpose of filling populated cities which was built at the expense of Russian taxpayers.
Both intellectual and Non Intellectual people are there to find out the intelligence level of society. It is better to collect all Muslims in front of Arabs. this Orthodox church is complete failure. It could not deal with fellow Christians in Georgia/Armenia and Ukraine or boost birth rate. I mean they already gathered so many people in Kazan for Islamic summit. and than again practically the same people will gather for BRICS summit in Kazan. and in between in Saint Petersburg again Arabs are the Guest.


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"I am from Spain, as you may know, we were neutral during IIWW but our government (dictatorship) hated the Soviet Union and communism, and was more sympathetic towards the Germans.

But in the history lessons, both in my father school times (in the 60s during the dictatorship) ..."


OmFG, I am your father, Jinn skywalker.


(Vader chose the name Jinn in honor of his deceased mentor Qui-Gon Jinn)


The so-called Second World War is in Europe the return match in the chain of events of "the last (local) end of the world" (1914-1949).

And the bulk of the Second World War is Russia defending itself against the madness of Adolf, and China defending itself against the colonialism of the Japanese empire (an advanced disciple of the British empire.)


Registered Member
It's good to be cautious, but we should not forget that things can change.

As a kid, I didn't like China because I was impressionable and the media told me that China is my enemy because I am Taiwanese. As I got older, I started to form my own opinions. After getting to know China better, I basically became a Chinese ultranationalist. I know many, many Taiwanese people around my age who used to dislike China but now admire it. I am not saying that this will happen to the China-Russia relationship, but I believe it may happen. This is purely anecdotal, but my cousin is married to a Russian man and our families get along really well. I don't think that it's impossible for China and Russia to become friends because Russian people are European and Chinese people are East Asian.

I have some mainland Chinese friends whose parents dislike Russia because they grew up fearing the USSR. However, most young people like Russia these days. There are many Eastern European people, including Russians, on apps like Douyin and Xiaohongshu where they can see that China is pretty cool place. There is an increasing number of Chinese-Russian people in China, especially in the north and in big cities like Shanghai.

Russia is a superpower, so I agree that Chinese people should be aware that if Russia becomes hostile to China, that would be disastrous. Nonetheless, I am hopeful that China and Russia can become real friends.
I agree. Though I highly resent what Russia did during the Century of Humiliation and the Sino-Soviet split, I am relatively cool with Russia wrt China since the Gorbachev era. Russia, for all its sins against China had actually paid a hefty price for them, unlike the rest of the old 8-nation alliance. Russia, since the Boxer Rebellion had humiliatingly lost the Russo-Japanese war, lost WWI, gone through the Russian revolution of 1917, endured the Russian civil war, endured the hardship of the early USSR era, lost the most people in WWII at the hands of the fascists around the world, fought the Cold War against the West and China, collapsed as the USSR, nearly fractured during the Yeltsin era, and finally going through its struggles against the West today. The collapse of the USSR was quite painful for Russia because it broke apart huge portions of the original Russian Empire, including losing the cradle of its civilization: Ukraine. Russia finally had a small taste of what the Century of Humiliation felt like for the Chinese.

While many Russians, particularly the elites still prefer to associate themselves with Europe than Asia, the Ukraine War was a humbling experience. No matter how long they've tried to become Europeans, the Russians have never been allowed to join the European family. The West continue to see Russia as a place to be colonized than a fellow imperial European nation. The West had once again betrayed, abuse, and attack Russia. Its a centuries long story, but the Russian people remembered their history. China enjoys greater leverage over Russia and could have taken advantage of it to settle old scores. But China is not like those Western nations or India. China proved to Russia that it is a truly honorable and reliable friend in need. The Ukraine War had awakened Russians to the reality that the West are the true enemies of Russia, not China. Majority of Russians didn't take long to warm up to China, whether out of desperation or gratitude. Even hardline nationalists with a history of Sinophobia like Alexander Dugin have been willing to warm up to China. There will always be haters, but their views are no longer as popular.

In my opinion, the current climate of China-Russia relations is the best that I've seen between 2 nations, because it is actually quite sincere. China had impressed Russia not by ass-kissing or hollow proclamation of friendship like India or Turkey. But by just being a genuine and reliable friend. Does China have self-interest for doing it? Off course. But I don't see why self-interest cannot align with sincerity. As much as Russia's sincerity can be doubted, the way things are going today presents the best opportunity to elevate ties between Russia and China. Russia remembers its history, so I'm optimistic that Russia will not look at China the same way as it did in the past.


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I am very surprised about India’s general perception towards China, they’re one of the few countries that I had thought would be on the extreme left of that spectrum.
At the end of the day, India still needs to buy from China.

And despite what Jai Hinds claim on the internet, a lot of them begrudgingly respect China for its achievement. You have to be a real NPC with completely no consciousness in India to deny the progress of China. Especially since they had similar struggles at one point.


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Couldn't care less what a politician like Putin says in public while on an official state visit to China when he's desperate for support from the only economic lifeline he has left.

That is your translation of events and it is far from reality. Xi invited Putin to China. There is also the fact that Russia's economy is growing and the West's is collapsing, so who is begging who here? Russia has allies and Putin is free to visit Russia's allies whenever he pleases. It is called diplomacy, something that does not exist in the West.

I've browsed Russian geopolitics subs/social media in the past and they've never viewed China/Chinese people favorably before the war and I'm wondering why there's so many Russian simps in Chinese boards.

I find it weird that you are searching Russian social media to find nice things being said about China, but regardless of what you found or claim to have found, that has absolutely nothing to do with Russia and China's geopolitical and business interests, because it is beyond obvious that China and Russia face a common enemy and share common interests.

Again, Russia is only using China as a partner of last resort because they've been shunned by the West due to their war of territorial expansion. China should view this relationship as a quid pro quo just like how Russians view it.

The fact that you think Russia first initiated the SMO then consulted with China afterwards, demonstrates you lack of understanding of how politics work. Russia likely planned this operation and consulted with their allies for years prior to initiating it. If they hadn't done that, it would not have been so successful.

The West still buys product from Russia through third parties such as India, Eurasia, and China, and they pay more for it, so nobody is shunning Russia out. What you see on the news is just posturing and nonsense.

Russia was never looking for territorial expansion. Go do more research about what caused the Ukraine conflict before you say things like that and sound like a propagandist. America is aggressive towards both China and Russia and that naturally pushed them to become even closer allies than they have ever been.

Russia and China face a common enemy and share a massive border. They need to watch each others back or they are finished for good. not only can Russia not survive without China, but Russia is also essential to China's survival. It is a two way street. One look at the map and this fact becomes self explanatory.

If Russia can get back with the West while keeping Ukrainian territory even if it means enmity with China, I'm sure they would do it in a heartbeat.

Russia will never give up their captured territories. They are now constitutionally part of Russia. The West severed ties with Russia, so either they continue to pay more for Russian product, or they go back to Russia begging for forgiveness. There is no third option. Russia will not be defeated in Ukraine.


Senior Member
Going back to last ten pages, can't believe we are back to, we should Not like Russia that much discussion again. They took our territories in the past! I feel like this forum been infiltrated by CIA agents or hanjians.

Right now the relationship between both countries is at all time high. The relationship between top chinese and Russia political leadership is very very close. The favorablilty views towards each others citizena is very good judging from polls, not sure is it's best in history but it got to be near best. Are we best buddies? Probably not. We are definitely not enemies though.

Right now the border dispute has long been over. It is not an issue. If China want to reignite this powder keg then Xi and other top leaders must have been drugged by CIA. Cuz as Prof Jin stated, we can choose our friends but we can't choose our neighbors. We share a very long border with Russia, like wat 2000km? Having good relations means china north is secure. China can concentrate on the other oparts. US occupied Japan, SK in eastern part. India in western part. South China seas. Taiwan etc.

I mean right now the common enemy in their infinite wisdom is even pushing china and Russia together. While at the same time trying to defeat Russia with a proxy war, they are stirring trouble everywhere for china. Trying or tried to destabilize HK, Xinjiang, Tibet. Testing china's red line repeatedly on TW. Goading her vassals like Japan SK and Philippines to stir shit up. Put into context, all the sino Russian past bad events are not important and in the past. There's no need to try and dig up old shit.

The economies of both nations are even largely complementary. There are so many factors that are pushing both closer to each other. China foreign policy is to ideally be friends with all and enemies of none. Develop peacefully. Trade with the world. Reunite tw. US is trying to cripple that. Russia is not. So we should just move on from wat past tsarist Russia did to China and focus on the present and future. Last thing we should want is to have US state department dream come true. Russia and China turning against each other. And have the west benefit again to the detriment of the rest.

Bob Smith

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I used to be one of the most anti-Russia types because of Qing unequal treaties. Now I am Russian-tolerant, because I realize to recover Manchuria may take a nuclear exchange, the land is quite shitty and unfertile, and China isn't going to be a sick man of Asia anytime soon to be backstabbed by Russia (US is by far the biggest enemy), and future generations can recover Sea of Japan access in due time, the current struggle is with US now, not some hypothetical land recovery 200-1000 years in future. So beggars can't be choosers, anti-US partners is needed now as US is by far the biggest threat now, and Russia is too small to threaten China (unless China collapse again, unlikely for foreseeable future). That is to say, China won't forget unequal treaties, but is not stupid to dwell on history at cost of geopolitical advantage, esp. since the border is largely "settled" as far as PRC concern and claims withdrawn.
What started this chain of responses was news of the British foreign secretary claiming that China is either providing lethal aid or will be providing is soon to Russia. I said that I hope Xi got major concessions from Putin if what the British government says is true because it's in China's best interest for this war to go on indefinitely as it weakens the West (I assume trillions will be spent providing aid to Ukraine before this war eventually ends) and Russia.

I know it seems like I'm speaking on emotion bringing up lands stolen from Russia but not providing lethal aid to Russia is pragmatism. This war is pretty much a stalemate at this point and there's absolutely no reason for China to tip the scale in Russia's favor. Russia is being a perfect partner as it is right now being a pariah and China shouldn't willingly change that status by ending the war sooner at the expense of relations with Europe.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Going back to last ten pages, can't believe we are back to, we should Not like Russia that much discussion again. They took our territories in the past! I feel like this forum been infiltrated by CIA agents or hanjians.

Right now the relationship between both countries is at all time high. The relationship between top chinese and Russia political leadership is very very close. The favorablilty views towards each others citizena is very good judging from polls, not sure is it's best in history but it got to be near best. Are we best buddies? Probably not. We are definitely not enemies though.

Right now the border dispute has long been over. It is not an issue. If China want to reignite this powder keg then Xi and other top leaders must have been drugged by CIA. Cuz as Prof Jin stated, we can choose our friends but we can't choose our neighbors. We share a very long border with Russia, like wat 2000km? Having good relations means china north is secure. China can concentrate on the other oparts. US occupied Japan, SK in eastern part. India in western part. South China seas. Taiwan etc.

I mean right now the common enemy in their infinite wisdom is even pushing china and Russia together. While at the same time trying to defeat Russia with a proxy war, they are stirring trouble everywhere for china. Trying or tried to destabilize HK, Xinjiang, Tibet. Testing china's red line repeatedly on TW. Goading her vassals like Japan SK and Philippines to stir shit up. Put into context, all the sino Russian past bad events are not important and in the past. There's no need to try and dig up old shit.

The economies of both nations are even largely complementary. There are so many factors that are pushing both closer to each other. China foreign policy is to ideally be friends with all and enemies of none. Develop peacefully. Trade with the world. Reunite tw. US is trying to cripple that. Russia is not. So we should just move on from wat past tsarist Russia did to China and focus on the present and future. Last thing we should want is to have US state department dream come true. Russia and China turning against each other. And have the west benefit again to the detriment of the rest.
Good thing the China leaders aren't posting here. I'm hopefully they are smart enough to see geopolitics with no emotional attachment.

No one is your friend. It comes and go. You just aim to make the best choices that benefit your nation in the long run.

If you want to play emotional you can follow India or something. That way you will always be reactive instead of thinking proactively.