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Anyone listening to Jack Ma can tell he's actually not all there and not all that bright overall. He is driven and he's passionate. That's about it to be honest. He did have a few okayish ideas and executed them well. Took advantage of government support and infrastructure and the market of the times. Mediocre people often have great ideas. Executing is 99% of the problem. I've met some Chinese entrepreneurs who are dumb as drywall and less well informed. Doesn't stop them from trying to make it. That might be a good thing but genuinely switched on people aren't doing things purely for money ESPECIALLY when they've already achieved a certain level of living standard and income flow or good enough residual income.

China needs more of those Elon Musk attitudes in its billionaires, understanding that a bank balance beyond a few million is absolutely pointless and that money is a means to bring about positive change for their community and beyond. I'm surprised there are any Chinese billionaires who are NOT happy donating away their vast fortunes for common good/government (seeing as they're doing the best governing job in human history overall) and using the billions they're left with (or maybe less than that) on other interesting and worthwhile ventures. How greedy can people get? The wrong mindsets sometimes do get to those levels and I bet they desperately wish they were American lol. Tough... they seem to forget the CCP and Chinese common people made all that shit possible for them in the first place. Even in a socialist society, the vast majority take issue with it when they stand to lose out. Human nature, quickly forgetting the big picture and how good they have it already. Unwilling to spare an opportunity to lift up those who are left behind. I'm not even talking about donations or redistributing income like old commie days but simply not pointlessly hording money and buying your 100th Euro handbag/supercar/jewellery etc.

Looking forward to the day that greed isn't the clear prime motivator in China's progress. Deng realised really early on that Mao and his mates were a bit too idealistic and that Chinese people should be given the carrot and not the stick to really move forwards. Poverty is not socialism, to be rich is glorious. Now it's time for the next evolutionary step, doing things because they matter rather than because there's a good paycheck at the end of the task. But maybe that's just a socialist delusion. I still think there are more positive elements in the Japanese and even American mindset in this regard e.g. Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and so on.
I think this is because China suffers from a surfeit of heads. When you suffer from a shortage of heads, you force each human to be more innovative and risk-taking and self-sacrificial in order to make up for the lack of working hands.

Because there are too many people in China, people fear getting swamped by the competition and instead take the piecemeal route to success. Therefore big-style risk-taking is not as common, because if you fail, it is truly heart-breaking. On the other hand, in countries with fewer humans, people think you're a genius for risk-taking.

Anyway that's why China state planners are actually quite intelligent when they say population reduction to 700 million is quite ideal in fact for China.


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Khalij e Fars

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I think Israel is realising that on this geopolitical situation they need to start solving their immediate problems so that they can be stronger.
Respectfully, the reverse is true. They achieved "normalisation" with many corrupt Arab monarchies with zero concessions or overtures to Palestinians (in a pro-Israel framework where recognising even 10% of Palestinian legal rights is a "concession"). They have no incentives to change their malign behaviour.


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Just breaking now, Iran reports some sort of attack at their underground nuclear enrichment facility.

Bold of America/Israel, stupid of Iran to allow this to happen, again.

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Really if you want to do this the security have to be better. When China was building the base at Lop Nur it was done with troops coming back from Korean War and they were directly trained to Lop Nur with their family not knowing if they were still alive or dead.


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@voyager1 bro sorry to disappoint, Pentagon Joint chief Milley had called his counterpart in Kremlin by passing Austin for consultation and Germany with France had already warned Ukraine. this show how cluster fxxk the current administration is, bypassing your civilian boss is a sign of disrespect. I think the rumors of withholding the nuclear codes from Biden is true.
The US Military bypassing the civilian authority? What? This is a military dictatorship level act.