When did I dispute PLA deaths? As far as I am concerned, GT reported 4 deaths, so that is what stands. But deaths and casualties have nothing to do with who wins a conflict.
I am glad you are admitting that anyone against the current Indian government is credible. That shows your bias. But what would you think about analysts and journalists like Nitin Gokhale and Snehesh Alex Philip? They have never served in the Indian army or worked for the Indian gov. so by your logic they should be credible.
In reply to your post on arguing over credibility of sources. I assumed the topic was about fatalities reported.
Wrong. I'm saying Indian government sources themselves have reason to say certain things that are not true. That throws into doubt everything they say. The reason I'm saying these people should be heard when they say things that are not working for the Indian side, is because they already have great incentive for pandering the Indian narratives. If for example some are saying that IA used to patrol up to F8, then that is more likely to be truth since they have no reason to work against the Indian narratives. It's a bit hard to explain in my rush but essentially it is one of those, "even you are admitting this". Not so much about picking and choosing.
Tell me exactly what Nitin Gokhale and Snehesh Alex Philip have said. I don't even know what you're trying to promote.
It's this simple. India used to access F4 to F8. They don't anymore after the disengagement agreements. The disengagement agreements resemble China's 1959 offer much more than India being victorious in receiving its claim up to F8. The reason India accepted these conditions as price for disengagement was to work with China in 1. accepting 1959 deal or some resemblance of it (since details are still sketchy) and 2. to create a buffer so no more confrontation can create unpredictable flare ups again.
Now explain what Nitin Gokhale and Snehesh Alex Philip have been saying because these names are strange to me. I haven't said they are credible or not. You have jumped to an illogical conclusion. Indian gov is not credible just like CCP isn't until either is proven correct or challenged formally. Indian media is the MOST lacking in credibility since it's knowingly lied and misled on many occasions.