Ladakh Flash Point

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After reading about their four, ahem, five demands for 'normalization', at this point even just gestures of goodwill are doing more harm than good. This is just setting the bar for how they expect their prisoners to be treated as next time, even as they continue to slit the throats of our own.
Col. Babu and his Jawans committed a despicable act of ambushing a negotiating party, then torturing and slitting prisoner throats. It was a shocking act. Not characteristic of a professional army, but a gang of degenerates.

The PLA reinforcements at Galwan probably had the greenlight to fight to kill. But perhaps they had never expected to overperform. Col. Babu is killed, and his Jawans were routed. So many Jawans died trying to run away. Their own Indian Army were too terrified to come rescue them. The PLA just had to take pity on them. Not because of weakness, but because the PLA have a firm humanitarian tradition. While the Indian Army had nothing like that. They are more well known for carrying out a hospital massacre than doing humanitarian work.

After Galwan, India dared not hurt anymore PLA prisoners. When 2 MIA PLA soldiers were captured by the Indian Army late last year. China demanded that they be returned to China unharmed, and India complied without much fuss. I'd like to think that that happened because of the shame of seeing the enemy being better men than themselves. But we all know that's not how the mind of Indian military men works (forget about the Jai Hinds and Bhakts). They don't respect goodwill, they only respect power. So I believe they did that because of two things. First, the terror from the trauma of the Galwan rout. Second, the fact that dozens of Jawans after the battle were captured, under the mercy of the PLA. That is power, and that spooked them. If the PLA wanted to, they could have just as easily tortured, and slit their throats too. The Indian Army will be powerless to save their own Jawans if the PLA decided to give it back to them. Worse, India is in no position to go to war with China. I believe that it is this humbling experience of being on the business end of real power, that compelled the Indian Army to start behaving themselves ever since.


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As long as China respects the buffer zone that was in place from 1992 to early 2020, nothing should happen.
We all know india wants to invade Tibet. That's why india wants Aksai Chin so bad. Aksai Chin has no economic value, but it makes a good staging area to set up an invasion force. And india already harboring puppet government , known as Dalai Lama, ready to install in Tibet when ready. If india really has good intention toward China, it would not allow the Dalai Lama to stay in india at all. But lately, the Dalai Lama changed his mind, and declared it's OK for China to govern Tibet because Tibetan Living Standard has improved immensely under Chinese administration.
Using Sikkim as an example. Sikkim people are closely related to Tibetans. In 1975, Sikkim was "merged" (annexed under duress) with india. It was done by referendum(voting). The indians conduct the referendum. Problem is at least half of Sikkimese are illiterate. They can't read the ballots and don't know what they are voting for. So the indians use pink color ballots and pink color ballot boxes. They just told the Sikkimese to just drop the pink ballots in the pink ballot box. That's how the referendum was pass with the famous 99% indian majority. Eventually the Sikkim King was exiled to U.S. and died there. That's how india took control of little Sikkim (same type of people as Tibetans}.
Why would india want Tibet in the first place? India has uncontrollable population growth. There are currently 120 MILLION unemployed, jobless indians. About half of indian population are under the age of 26. So 1 MILLION young indians enter the job market each MONTH seeking employment when there's none. India need new land to house these youngsters.
China has to strengthen its defense along the Tibetan border by pinning the indian forces inside the narrow valleys and ravines of both Himalayan and Karakorum mountain ranges. If done correctly, the use of nuclear weapons are unnecessary.
This is just my opinion.


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After the released of the Galwan video from China, more Indians are idolizing or worshiping trouble marker Indian soldiers. Indian news media are calling them heroes. Someone in China should release more pictures or videos to humble all the Indians.
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