Ladakh Flash Point

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Most posters here are kids with free time , living in a bubble, who have no idea about what the actual world thinks of china or Chinese actions.
No harm in my detailing a few of my experiences in China.
The last 100 pages are just full of anti India racist comments from the Chinese with the house Pakistanis doing their bit.
As a Indian i would welcome the experiences of Chinese who have actually traveled to India and have a nuanced understanding of the world.
But thats my thinking, i might be wrong and ppl prefer their bubbles.

But... you are the tallGamer. If that doesn't convey your age then certainly they way you post here does. There is a wide chasm between age and maturity, and you of all, certainly can't mount the high horse.

There is a lot of harm to the thread in you detailing your "experiences" in China.

And you help tone them down by giving them more meat to chew? If you think you are here to defend India then you have been qualitatively substandard in your effort. A lot of ways to shut others and the best is to use verifiable facts.

People don't travel to North Korea or Afghanistan. Yet they can form likely accurate opinions on it. Do you know what's worse than a kid with lots of free time? An adult venting like a kid with free time.


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That picture might offend Tallgamer. The Indian soldier is too skinny and showing too many ribs. You need a better picture or else he will moan.



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Atleast the Chinese posters here are consistent in the quality of their responses.
Maybe that's because interactions that involved twineedle has been, for the most part, very civil. Although disagreements are there, information and positions have been exchanging smoothly.

You, on the other hand, is just here to get triggered and vent.

I have never fancied sifting through garbage.


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Some BJP members dreaming big. Some jai hinds think it's a good thing Pakistan and Bangladesh were separated from India. Some carry the dream of expanding India but don't want to deal with the citizens in those lands they want to expand into.

In any case, India isn't even going to be taking PoK let alone Pakistan, Bangladesh and parts of China.


Some ppl here take everything very personally. This is a defence forum and my experiences should be treated as educational for the young Chinese expats here.
Not that any of your crap belongs on a defense forum, but you should actually treat it as an educational experience what many Chinese people often with PhD, earning top salaries in our fields think about India. You have far more opportunities than us because India is in shambles with valid lessons everywhere while we find little to learn from select anecdotes of questionable reliability that go against the general trend of China's world-beating rise.
My experience in China was mixed as we were inspection engineers and had a job to do. Obviously the Chinese company at the receiving end was unhappy with our report and behaved out of the normal . Or maybe the co. head was a pr...k in general.
I have more impressions of my first visit to China like the underwater tunnel in the Bund waterfront is a total waste of money. But seeing the intolerance here wont share anymore tidbits.
Even if your experience was true and not a dream, it is still pointless. Companies everywhere that perform poorly go under and with China's meteoric rise in its economy and the number of businesses, it's absolutely useless to point out one bad one amidst the rampaging forest of successful ones.
Dont just expect bouquets and praise as not everyone here is a needy Pakistani.
Oh, no, if we wanted those, we would just fail like India. The US would be happy to pluck its nation bare of flowers and send them to us for even a slight weakness.
Most posters here are kids with free time , living in a bubble, who have no idea about what the actual world thinks of china or Chinese actions.
Funny! We think you're a bum sleeping in some Indian ghetto trying to vent his hatred for the defeats that India has suffered when it tried to instigate problems with China. We know what the world thinks and we realize the natural fear of countries that have ascribed to American hegemony of the changes that a powerful China would bring.
No harm in my detailing a few of my experiences in China.
No harm in our answering them either.
The last 100 pages are just full of anti India racist comments from the Chinese with the house Pakistanis doing their bit.
I mean, they're just truths from observation. If you don't like them, then you don't like what Indians do...
As a Indian i would welcome the experiences of Chinese who have actually traveled to India and have a nuanced understanding of the world.
We have an understanding of the world and have travelled to many countries but it's not too easy to find Chinese who would travel to India. I know a lot of Chinese people and only 2 have had to go to India on a business trip; they both said they would never return and it's just filth in solid, liquid, and gas form (yeah, they were chemists). So... not too many takers on that, sorry.
But thats my thinking, i might be wrong and ppl prefer their bubbles.
No, it's actually your bubble of cherry-picked anecdotes which you hide inside to escape the big picture trend of China's rise, economically, technologically, and militarily.


Registered Member
Lol at Tallgamer saying "the house Pakistanis"... he really is totally incapable of hearing himself while he talks about anti-India racism. Anti-Indian attitudes among diaspora Chinese is a result of much more rampant anti-Chinese racism the Indians have been starting and fueling for many, many years. We are really just catching up to Indians in this matter and the Indians don't like it that they don't have a monopoly on talking and a monopoly on racism.

Every second post that mentions China in Indian forums are filled with much more extreme and violent racist attitudes along with obviously more extreme words associated with denigrating entire continents. But that's okay because India is freedoms manifest amirite? lol

Like I said before, hatred and prejudice against Indians will grow because this is exactly what the Indians offer and give unto others. So they shall reap the same.


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Just a word of caution about these "reasonable Indians"-they might be playing the "good cop-bad cop" routine to lull us into a false sense of trust and then they'll dump a load of sh*t on us.Beware.
I don't have anything to gain by the Lull. I am sometimes amused about people fighting on internet forums as they may not say the same things in person.
Ahh the ones that dump shit always dump shit and it stinks from a mile away. It's too obvious. There's no risk of being lulled into believing and following their narratives with some "good cop bad cop" routine. It's just some Indians genuinely are far more sensible and grounded while the ones on heat, the RSS Seig Heil saluting, orange undies are too obvious and cannot hide or contain their nonsense. Don't worry ;) The sensible ones around political discussions may hold some bias as many would expect to for everyone but they aren't so bad and definitely are worth talking to. It's not part of a tactic they've organised between themselves.
The human spirit surprisingly is universal cutting across nationalities, religions, creed or colour. Humans are same everywhere and you can always enjoy manqiangrexue and tallgamer if you do not get emotionally involved.


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I don't have anything to gain by the Lull. I am sometimes amused about people fighting on internet forums as they may not say the same things in person.

The human spirit surprisingly is universal cutting across nationalities, religions, creed or colour. Humans are same everywhere and you can always enjoy manqiangrexue and tallgamer if you do not get emotionally involved.

I agree. It's also good to work against people like tallgamer and jai hinds trying to build narratives based on lies. That's important too. If not for that then SDF at least would also believe Taiwan shot down a PLAAF Su-35, that hundreds of PLA soldiers were killed by Indians because a 2012 Chinese documentary footage of PLA graveyards in Xinjiang and Tibet were shown on TV. That India would be superpower by 2012 2020 and that China is this that and everything they can make up and exaggerate.

So while I agree with you on these things you mentioned, you are also missing a pretty significant part of the view. If not for so many Indians desperately wanting to shape "perceptions" based on lies and half truths, I don't think India would have anywhere near as much doubt and animosity from so many people and an increasing number of people outside of the western world.

Keeping in mind that the western world does not care for India one bit in its heart of hearts beyond empty cheap platitudes. And any increase in western surface "approval" of India is in no small part due to its political desire to oppose China's progress and the relative lack of negative focus it places on India. Those things do not stay constant and do not rely on truths or ground realities. I think it's worth remembering for sensible and forward thinking Indians.


Registered Member
Your sanctimonious twaddle is now getting on my nerves. Atleast the hans are upfront about their hostility while you insist on getting browny points from them with these preachy posts.
No need to quote me anymore as the posts are for the Chinese .
You're afflicted with both American exceptionalism shit and Jai Hind delusions of grandeur hence your unhinge and deranged personal invective against China and to most of us Chinese.
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