J-10 Thread III (Closed to posting)

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i believe that video of the J-10 is from the recent Xinjiang exercise, not sure about J-11 in the beginning or the command centre action

first i thought it was a mashed together vid of precision arty strike with the J-10A, but after looking at the video again there was indeed 2 projectiles hitting the exercise target area, LGB or not? probably yes, it was a precision strike exercise after all

for the matter of how high or low, we just can't tell, the camera might be on high zoom (high zoom = shaky), the J-10 could be at 100m or 500m height

and why couldn't PGMs or LGBs be released from 'low' altitudes, there is a plethora of PGMs and way of deliveries, low altitude flying under radar anti air defense strike for example


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So really the video doesn't add anything at this point, what's important is that we have definitive photo proof J-10A can drop LT-2s in conjunction with presumed off board lazing. Unless that pic was PSed.

Also I don't think LT-2 came in 1000 kg variants, the single size was 500kg and is some 3.5m long going from huitong's page. I'm interested to know where that pic was taken too, if it was during an exercise or during trial runs of the weapon. I'd think the former.

and why couldn't PGMs or LGBs be released from 'low' altitudes, there is a plethora of PGMs and way of deliveries, low altitude flying under radar anti air defense strike for example

Define "low"? Like plawolf said, the point of PGMs is to allow them to have the space to guide themselves onto the target. If you're at lower altitude it'll be harder for (self laser guided at least) bombs to find their target (INS/GPS shouldn't have this problem as much, no clutter to screw with laser). But all guidance methods will end up with less time and distance to get their bearings. Basically sure you could drop smart bombs at low altitude, but if there was a choice, a bit higher is a bit better. Adds to the weapon's range as well, altitude.

If you're a slow flying tank buster firing hellfires or mavericks (which count as PGMs) altitude's a different story.
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Senior Member
that's why i put ' ' on the low word, because it's subjective on this issue
how low actually the low is (or high?), we need at least a fact sheet on the LT-2, and about the vid, we simply can't tell


Senior Member
Probably for PR stunt (Allow ground camera man to take good video)which result the J-10A to drop the LT bomb at low attitude. They wouldn't want to waste time and effort to fly a camera man up to take the LT dropping bomb at high attitude.(PLAAF is alway thrifty when comes to this kind of trival thing, remember they uses Top gun movie video to save cost of a plane explosing,LOL..)


VIP Professional
Re: The J-10 probably dropped laser-guided bombs

Let's examine the other side of the argument.
Let's suppose that the J-10 did not drop LT2 laser-guided bombs, because the altitude was too low. That is the crux of your argument.
How do we explain the precision strike by two dumb bombs onto a clearly defined and "circled" target? That is either a very lucky dumb-bomb hit or a laser-guided bomb strike.
In my opinion, the J-10 video most likely showed a precision-guided bomb strike.

In the 1981 Israeli mission Operation Babylon/Opera, the Israeli F-16's were equipped with unguided Mk-84 2,000 lb bombs. They were able to successfully hit the nuclear reactor's dome with "dumb' bombs.

The video in question is released for the press, and the circle on the ground is probably a lot bigger than the dome of a reactor. I think well trained pilots can probably send a couple iron bombs into circle without too much difficulty.


VIP Professional
Absolutely. Another example would be the falkland war where the argentinians struck some pretty good hits on british ships with dumb bombs. Low level flight makes it considerably easier to hit something. The same war offers another example - when the british used high level bombing (or actually medium level bombing, if i recall correctly) to hit the runway, and they expended A LOT more bombs per hit.


New Member
Absolutely. Another example would be the falkland war where the argentinians struck some pretty good hits on british ships with dumb bombs. Low level flight makes it considerably easier to hit something. The same war offers another example - when the british used high level bombing (or actually medium level bombing, if i recall correctly) to hit the runway, and they expended A LOT more bombs per hit.

Argentinian hit 50% of Royal Navy combat fleet ships. However, very few bombs exploded since they were using wrong fuse settings.




VIP Professional
exactly. 50% is excellent ratio, considering a frigate/destroyer isnt a terribly big target, plus it can still manouver at some 40 kph. british medium level bombing with vulcan bombers was far worse, i wouldnt be surprised if hit ratio on the runway was under 5%.


Senior Member
Re: The J-10 probably dropped laser-guided bombs

In the 1981 Israeli mission Operation Babylon/Opera, the Israeli F-16's were equipped with unguided Mk-84 2,000 lb bombs. They were able to successfully hit the nuclear reactor's dome with "dumb' bombs.

The video in question is released for the press, and the circle on the ground is probably a lot bigger than the dome of a reactor. I think well trained pilots can probably send a couple iron bombs into circle without too much difficulty.

purportly J-10 vanilla has an execellent bomb-aiming algorithm in its fire-control computer, that can put iron bomb on target (CCIP/CCRP and all that jazz) on par with accuracy of some of the older platform with older LGBs


Lieutenant General
Argentinian hit 50% of Royal Navy combat fleet ships. However, very few bombs exploded since they were using wrong fuse settings.



Off topic, but.

They were actually using the wrong bombs, not fuses. They should have been using retarded bombs, but they had none in stock, so they were forced to use conventional iron bombs.

The fuses could not have been set any shorter as that would have made it very likely that the detonation would also take out the bomber as they were flying so low.
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