Italian MIlitary News Thread


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Latest news from the Italian navy the ddx program for the new destroyer is oficaly launch the rendering below is the lattiest(image is not main) 1644515727868.png


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The second prototype of the AW169 LUH (light utility helicopter) has made its first flight photo bellow not main. The program for the Italian armed forces to substitute all the eternal huey, jet rangers platforms still in activ servis with this very modern aircraft. 1644682151180.png


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The European Corvette Program of wich the Italian Navy (Marina Militare) is the project lead nation is continuing.For the Italian Navy the number of ship is projected to be 8 in full version with the displacement not more superior to 3000 tonnes bellow the official Italian Navy(Marina Militare) rendering publications 1644790852876.png


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Fincantieri have launched the fourth PPA (patugliatore polivalente d altura) ship for the Italian Navy .
The P434 Giovanni delle Bande Nere is the first ship of the class in the full configuration (photo bellow from Navi e Armatori).


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To be more specific on the abowe rendering of the DDX ship the artillery armament will be 3 Oto-Melara 76 mm SP (sovraponte) in AA role. 1 over the hangar the ather two midship and the main gun will be the Oto-Melara 127 mm/64 like or identically as in the new Ppa ships 1645642617129.png