Hong-Kong Protests


you young lads might not remember but before pull tabs,cans came with a key. along the spine of the key was a slot which fitted into the flap on the side of the can. you then turned the key in a winding up motion which open up the top. Meanwhile I still prefer to use one of these old fashioned can openers

Bah, that's nothing. We use to open cans with the chopping knife.


The desperation from the Hong Kong journalist association is getting.... rather sad. They try to justify their journalists attempts at deliberately distorting the fact. And in doing so, exposed themselves to what they really are. Scumbag used condoms.

Here they are saying that the Hong Kong government themselves admitted only 80% of the cans supplied comes with self opening ring. As such implying that the cans they photoed could be the other 20% without pull ring.

Mmmmm. Let's see. The can of dice fish is my fav fish in the can. It is the oval shaped can we all see. Never in my life except maybe when I was young did I ever see that types of can without easy pull ring.

And the fact they need to turn over all the cans should tell you what they are up to. The journalist association is embarrassing themselves. The more they try to justify, the more they are making a mockery of themselves.

Now what was that old saying? Oh yeah, when you are in a hole, stop digging!









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Here's the journalist association logo showing a pen and an eye.

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Here's the logo for the association of can openers! Lol

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Here's where all those pull rings gone to!

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You mean the government gave them free canned food, but didn't provide them with can openers?

OMG, human rights violation!!!!111


Registered Member
Look at this BBC report of the farmers protest in India:

It starts with the scenes of angry farmers running around the streets of New Delhi, finally storming the Red Fort, swapping one of the flags there with a protest flag. All this happening on India's Republic Day. India's own national day with military parades.

Then around the 2:10 mark the BBC presenter interviews a representative of the Farmer's Association. Basically she is questioning the why the farmers riots got so violent. She is also subtly condemning the protest movement. Saying that India is having Republic Day, and its putting pressure on Indian police. Asking why are they doing this when there is still a Covid-19 pandemic going on? Why India is having a Republic Day during this Covid-19 pandemic period is also a big question, but she didn't ask.

If this was happening in Hong Kong. The whole report by the BBC would be different. First it would say how the protests humiliate China on its national day. Second it would condemn China for organising its national day in the middle of a Covid-19 pandemic. Third it would praise the bravery of the HK roaches. For defying and humiliating Beijing while risking their lives braving the Covid-19 pandemic. Finally it will surely condemn the cruelty of the HK police and Beijing.

Yet again, double standard reporting by the BBC.
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Registered Member
I'm not sure if Carrie Lam is trolling. She post this regarding the lock down situation in Yau Ma Tai. But one of the photos includes the food packages. Noticed all the cans are right way up! Lol

「行動保密」、「範圍聚焦」、「時間壓縮」,是過去周末我們在佐敦進行「受限區域」強制檢測總結經驗的行動目標。 很高興事隔一天,同事在碧街「受限區域」的強檢行動中就達標:區內約330名居民在昨晚7時到午夜十二時接受檢測,今早6時在相關檢測結果大致確定後,限制結束,居民可上班或正常外出,整個過程只用了11小時。我感謝「受限區域」內居民的合作,亦要為約380名來自民政事務總署、油尖旺民政處、深水埗民政處和警務處的同事點讚!




#同心抗疫 #受限區域 #願檢盡檢 #林鄭月娥 #CarrieLam




