Funny Stuff Thread.... to loosen your day

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Lieutenant General
From all we've seen, Trump's definition of "win" is whatever he says it is. So as long as he's got a sizeable amount of followers agreeing with him, his goal is achieved regardless of what the actual state of the nation is.
That's because the majority of his so called followers are only agreeing with him because of their racist inferiority and superiority complex and negative view about China. It could be anyone, they just need an idiot to blurt it out in public. Deep down they don't care about human values other than white supremacy. That's why you see so many Republicans such as Ted Cruz, Marjory Taylor Green and Tom Cotton caters to these people point of views and beliefs, because that's a large 35% to 40% voters that they need to cater to get win votes.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Someone should remake this but add the Bonhomme Richard, those 2 Burkes and the submarine lol

Yes lmao have the 2 Burkes crashing into each other, the Bonhomme a burning carcass, and the sub there is a pic of it missing its bow so they can use that.
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