Discussing Biden's Potential China Policy

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Biden Plans to Build a Grand Alliance to Counter China. It Won’t Be Easy.​

The president-elect wants a coalition of democracies to pressure Beijing to curtail what he sees as unfair practices; Xi Jinping has been thinking along the same lines
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The world has changed, but the Americans cannot accept it.

Suppose, that a grand alliance forms, and America and the EU together sit down with China to negotiations.

What exactly are they going to talk about? How the EU will ban Huawei 5G, which they did not. How the CAI will be improved to further a potential free trade agreement between the EU and China?

The suggestion we have been reading from the American media on how Biden will deal with China, as far as China is concerned that is dead on arrival.

A grand alliance to confront China is a pipe dream. Very few countries were willing to sacrifice their own China interests.

Then the Biden's team of using a watered down version of Trump's policies with allies in support, is absurd. Even if the allies were supportive, a watered down version of Trump's policies is still useless. If they actually want to pursue a failed policy, then by all means go for it.

Other countries are not blind. They see what is happening. On the topic of China relations, America is still alone.


Look at it another way. When they have to sugarcoat it like they do now, you know it is bad.



Registered Member
Watching CNN and when the reporter said that these aren't protesters but rioters I just have a good laugh. Just over a year ago, these same reporters proclaimed Hong Kong rioters as protesters and freedom fighters.
The us media and gov:
When they see other countries go into chaos :D
When they see the exact same thing happen back home o_O

I guess now they should learn how other countries feel when they get color-revolutioned.


Junior Member
The world has changed, but the Americans cannot accept it.

Suppose, that a grand alliance forms, and America and the EU together sit down with China to negotiations.

What exactly are they going to talk about? How the EU will ban Huawei 5G, which they did not. How the CAI will be improved to further a potential free trade agreement between the EU and China?

The suggestion we have been reading from the American media on how Biden will deal with China, as far as China is concerned that is dead on arrival.

A grand alliance to confront China is a pipe dream. Very few countries were willing to sacrifice their own China interests.

Then the Biden's team of using a watered down version of Trump's policies with allies in support, is absurd. Even if the allies were supportive, a watered down version of Trump's policies is still useless. If they actually want to pursue a failed policy, then by all means go for it.

Other countries are not blind. They see what is happening. On the topic of China relations, America is still alone.


Look at it another way. When they have to sugarcoat it like they do now, you know it is bad.

the EU was in deep water even before the covid19 stroke, it desperately need help. the only thing from "the democracy summit" will be what further sacrifices the EU can make to help the US to maintain its hegemony.


Senior Member
Registered Member
The world has changed, but the Americans cannot accept it.

Suppose, that a grand alliance forms, and America and the EU together sit down with China to negotiations.

What exactly are they going to talk about? How the EU will ban Huawei 5G, which they did not. How the CAI will be improved to further a potential free trade agreement between the EU and China?

The suggestion we have been reading from the American media on how Biden will deal with China, as far as China is concerned that is dead on arrival.

A grand alliance to confront China is a pipe dream. Very few countries were willing to sacrifice their own China interests.

Then the Biden's team of using a watered down version of Trump's policies with allies in support, is absurd. Even if the allies were supportive, a watered down version of Trump's policies is still useless. If they actually want to pursue a failed policy, then by all means go for it.

Other countries are not blind. They see what is happening. On the topic of China relations, America is still alone.


Look at it another way. When they have to sugarcoat it like they do now, you know it is bad.


Lets tone down the expectations. Instead of trying to build a grand alliance or have any foreign policy goals, I think the US should focus on internal affairs. And I don't mean beating COVID or reducing unemployment, I mean doing what's necessary so that there are still at least 50 stars on that flag for the 2024 elections.


Lieutenant General
Excellent article by George Koo Instead of treating the symptom they should treat the root cause of sickness Unfortunately they didn't do that. The Trumpism is caused by stagnating living standard in US and discontent in the last 20 years. But manipulated by the elite and deflected their frustration to anti foreign, China, immigrant etc. About the time US improve the living standard of the people and help the neglected and left behind by globalism Here is sound advice but I doubt it will be picked up by major MSM as it doesn't paint China as villain
See plenty of advice from OC but they have no channel to spread their message

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Biden needs China to help improve Americans’ lives​

Donald Trump did next to nothing for the bottom 90%, and his anti-China policy was a major reason for his failure
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JANUARY 7, 2021

In a
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on National Public Radio, Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser-designate for the incoming Biden administration, said US foreign policy must serve domestic policy. In other words, “the work that we do abroad fundamentally has to connect to making the lives of working people better, safer, fairer.”

So far, so good. The preceding regime under Donald Trump did next to zero for the bottom 90% of the American people. Indeed, improving the lives of the huge middle class has to be the highest priority for the Biden presidency.

Also read:
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In fact, Sullivan said, “What Joe Biden is proposing, and what I am reinforcing as the national security adviser, is that every element of what we do in our foreign policy and national security ultimately has to be measured by the impact it has on working families, middle-class people, ordinary Americans here in the United States.”

He pretty much repeated his talking points in his
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with Fareed Zakaria of CNN.

Unfortunately, he then talked about changing the foreign policy with respect to China, in which he envisaged an approach that differed only slightly from Trump’s zero-sum confrontation. It’s almost as if Sullivan is slowing down the train heading toward the precipice from 100 miles per hour to 50 but is not getting off the track that’s leading to disaster.

On the other hand, China by trial and experimentation has devised a methodology that lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty. As the saying goes, rather than give the poor man a fish to eat, teach him to catch fish so that he will never go hungry. In other words, the poor were taught new skills to improve their livelihood, and that’s irrespective of their ethnicity.

To China’s central government, every life matters, and other countries are beginning to take notice. African countries among many are now studying China’s approach to poverty alleviation and seeking China’s advice on how to apply similar measures in their home country.

The total eradication of extreme poverty has been unprecedented and is China’s greatest achievement in protecting the rights of its people. Rather than lambasting China for human-rights violations, Sullivan may want to study China’s poverty alleviation programs for ideas on how to use them in America.

China’s national policy treats its people far more fairly than in an America that’s rife with racial inequality and xenophobic tension, to say nothing of inequality in education, in opportunity, in income and in protection under law.
Click the link for full article


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Biden inherits a shambled economy, surging pandemic, and rabidly polarized nation. He has NO political capital to continue the tech/trade war with China. In contrast, China is stornger than ever, because it has contained the pandemic, strong GDP growth, and unified leadership. So long as China recycles promises of strong IP protection and increased financial access, Biden WILL claim victory, reiterate tough rhetoric, and move on (i.e. end the tech/trade war).