This is one of the reason I criticize the "new age" reporters being unprofessional. Here is why, the red bold texts are quotation of Li Hong's words. The rests are the reporter's own words.
Firstly, the reporter mixed her own understanding of what the interviewee said with the quotation in the same paragraph. This does not make it clear of what was the question, what was the answer, what was the interpretation. A professional interview should separate these in different paragraph with the heading like "Reporter:", "Interviewee:".
Secondly, her interpretation (in black bold texts) asserted 100t LEO, qualified the figure with "is 4 times of CZ-5". This firmly put CZ-9 at 100t LEO. However, the Li Hong's original words was "greater than 4 times of CZ-5's LEO capability". Greater than 4 is totally different from 4. Yet, she did not verify her interpretation with the interviewee, but rather assumed being right. The worst is that she did not put her report in the format that I proposed above. It is not like the reporter (knowing nothing) ask for an answer, but rather the reporter makes her mind then get some professional person to back her up with twisted interpretation.
There are three proposed configurations of CZ-9 by Long Lehao. The following slide was from a presentation by Long Lehao in 2017.
View attachment 69656
The left most is the 140t version (CZ-9) with four boosters. The middle one (CZ-9A) is 100t with two boosters. the right one (CZ-9B) is 50t without boosters but 5 engines in the core instead of 4.
In the presentation, Long Lehao said "CZ-9 (140t) is our plan, the initial test may be conducted by CZ-9B, CZ-9A and B may not be ever typified, depends on if there is a need for them".
So my understanding is that, strictly speaking CZ-9 is 140t, the other two are possibilities that may never be built. Anything other than 140t (now it is 150t) are misunderstanding or misquotation.
As of comparing to NASA's program, CZ-9 is comparable to Ares V (150t 240x240km LEO). SLS block II cargo at 130t is the down-sized Ares V.