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Do you think there is a possiblity that the PLA will start recruiting pro Beijing Gurkhas in the it's ranks?
At present, China will not recruit foreign mercenaries. The French Foreign Legion or the British Gurkha are rare examples.

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However, there are Gurkhas in China. They are called "Daman(达曼人)".
They are the remnant soldiers left after the failure of Gurkha's invasion of Tibet. For a long time, they had no citizenship because of their special status. Because of their long-term settlement in Tibet, their culture has been somewhat different from that of Nepalese people.

In the 21st century, the government officially granted them citizenship and helped them to carry out economic construction. According to the comments below the video, some people in this small group of hundreds have joined the army. As a group at the border, they will also assume the responsibility of monitoring the border.


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I found these 2 articles about hazing in the Chinese Miltiary (Despite the articles being about the Armed Police Firefighters)
What are your thoughts.
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Its an unfortunate byproduct of any organization. Even companies have their own version of hazing. Such behavior demonstrates leadership issues within the unit and they should be kicked out or, at the very least, demoted to a private.

The Observer

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I have a question that just came to mind.

I recently discovered the Robinson Armament XCR, and I'm very interested in its bolt and bolt carrier design, specifically the cam lug and the cam track (shown below).


If QBZ-191 adopts the cam lug (I guess it's now a cam pin?) and the cam track design, as well as adapting its own 4-lug bolt, would that be a better design?

The anti-preengagement system is less secure by design because there's no positive lock, just engagement between the cam lug and the cam track. However, AKs, FN FNC, SIG 550, and now Robinson XCR all use variants of this design without any problem, so I think it's not a problem at all.


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I have a question that just came to mind.

I recently discovered the Robinson Armament XCR, and I'm very interested in its bolt and bolt carrier design, specifically the cam lug and the cam track (shown below).


If QBZ-191 adopts the cam lug (I guess it's now a cam pin?) and the cam track design, as well as adapting its own 4-lug bolt, would that be a better design?

The anti-preengagement system is less secure by design because there's no positive lock, just engagement between the cam lug and the cam track. However, AKs, FN FNC, SIG 550, and now Robinson XCR all use variants of this design without any problem, so I think it's not a problem at all.
Try ask in the small arms thread, or check out cabbage's video on the QBZ-191

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刚刚在 上阅读了一篇关于边防人员 (边防员) 的文章
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并在那里, qutoes
“北疆冬季风大,白天都极少有车辆在边境线出现,更别说晚上了。。。他迅速向边防连队报告情况,而后关闭车灯,发动摩托车只身潜入漆黑的草原深处,隐蔽跟踪可疑车辆动向 。。。不见车的踪迹。。。这时,时任边防连连长张锋带着官兵赶来了。他们又一起沿着边防线巡查
在这些部分,我们可以得出结论,边防部队(不是解放军)将比解放军的边防部队到达更远的地方,作为他们观察边界线并报告任何怀疑的眼睛,解放军将在其中发挥作用快速反应部队对任何报告作出回应,但我们是否知道解放军是否会定期自行在那里进行任何基本巡逻?我们当然知道答案是肯定的,但在多大程度上呢?我希望 pla 或 pap 将接管边防卫队(没有 pla)在恶劣环境下的角色,但是边防卫队所在的地区呢?我们有证据表明解放军将以月为单位对它们进行检查,但同样,以什么为单位?一名边防警卫负责多少区域?如果它很小,


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I was using google translator to check spellings and staff, and it turns the writing into Chinese, sorry guys I'll rewrite one later I don't think I can't rewrite the whole thing under 5 mins so please someone delete it