News on China's scientific and technological development.


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5 Chinese cities rank in top 30 in latest global science and technology innovation index

By Du Qiongfang Published: Dec 02, 2022 07:01 PM

Du Debin, dean of the School of Urban and Regional Science, East China Normal University, delivers the Global S&T Innovation Center Index 2022 during the The First Conference on World Geography on November 27, 2022. Photo: Courtesy of Du Debin

Du Debin, dean of the School of Urban and Regional Science, East China Normal University, delivers the Global S&T Innovation Center Index 2022 during the The First Conference on World Geography on November 27, 2022. Photo: Courtesy of Du Debin

Beijing has surpassed Boston in the US and ranked in the top 5 in science and technology innovation in the global sphere and Shanghai is also in the top group in an individual indicator, a recently released index report shows.

Three other Chinese cities including Shenzhen, Hangzhou and Guangzhou also ranked the top 30 cities of science and technology innovation, according to the Global S&T Innovation Center Index 2022 released for the first time by the Institute for Global Innovation and Development of East China Normal University during the First Conference on World Geography held recently.

The report evaluates the level of technological innovation and development of 130 cities in 45 countries from six continents around the world from five dimensions including global clustering abilities of innovation factors, global leadership of scientific research, global original breakthroughs of technological innovation, global driving force of industrial transformation and global support of innovation environment.

It is noteworthy that among the top 100 science and technology innovation centers, 26 cities are from the US, six more than those from China and 13 cities from the US rank in the top 30.

From the perspective of the five dimensions, the San Francisco-San Jose region in the US is the world's top scientific and technological innovation center with not only its comprehensive ranking top the list but also ranking the first for three indicators.

China's capital Beijing ranks the first in the dimension of the global leadership of scientific research while New York from the US ranks first in the dimension of global support of innovation environment.

The report shows that the global innovation centers form a situation of tripartite confrontation situation among Europe, North America and Asia Pacific regions. Among the top 100 innovation centers, 34 are located in Europe, 30 in North America and 29 in Asia Pacific.

Furthermore, among the top 30 innovation centers, 13 are located in North America and nine are located in the Asia Pacific region. Both two regions have four cities respectively ranking in the top 10.

According to Du Debin, dean of the School of Urban and Regional Science, East China Normal University, who delivered the index report, only two European cities made the top 10, showing a lack of innovation momentum while North America continues to excel in innovation. The Asia-Pacific region is the best performer in the global driving force of industrial transformation but remains weak in the global support of innovation environment.

The index report also shows that China's global science and technology innovation centers are concentrated in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Half of the 20 Chinese cities that rank the top 100 on the index are located in the three regions.

According to the report, compared with the top global science and technology innovation centers in the US and Europe, China's innovation centers still have many weaknesses in terms of outstanding innovative talents, top scientific research bodies, innovation engine enterprises, high-quality innovation achievements, international science and technology cooperation and innovation environment construction.

The report suggested to coordinate the development of international and regional science and technology innovation centers, work hard to strengthen the weakness and enhance the strengths, and further focus on training talents and cultivating innovative bodies and optimize the environment for innovation.


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I don't understand enough about Quantum computers so I will have to defer to you here. Do you know what is the practical use for having something commercially with 72 qubits that can be used in a cloud? Let's say I make 10 72 qubits computers available for calculation on my cloud, how much work can it actually do?
There is no practical application of quantum computer yet. What everyone is doing is boson sampling, basically an effcient data mining technique from complex probability distribution that runs more efficiently on quantum computer than on supercomputer on certain tasks like molecular dynamics. Hence, the early adopters are battery, chemical and biomolecular companies and institutions.


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5 Chinese cities rank in top 30 in latest global science and technology innovation index

By Du Qiongfang Published: Dec 02, 2022 07:01 PM

Du Debin, dean of the School of Urban and Regional Science, East China Normal University, delivers the Global S&T Innovation Center Index 2022 during the The First Conference on World Geography on November 27, 2022. Photo: Courtesy of Du Debin

Du Debin, dean of the School of Urban and Regional Science, East China Normal University, delivers the Global S&T Innovation Center Index 2022 during the The First Conference on World Geography on November 27, 2022. Photo: Courtesy of Du Debin

Beijing has surpassed Boston in the US and ranked in the top 5 in science and technology innovation in the global sphere and Shanghai is also in the top group in an individual indicator, a recently released index report shows.

Three other Chinese cities including Shenzhen, Hangzhou and Guangzhou also ranked the top 30 cities of science and technology innovation, according to the Global S&T Innovation Center Index 2022 released for the first time by the Institute for Global Innovation and Development of East China Normal University during the First Conference on World Geography held recently.

The report evaluates the level of technological innovation and development of 130 cities in 45 countries from six continents around the world from five dimensions including global clustering abilities of innovation factors, global leadership of scientific research, global original breakthroughs of technological innovation, global driving force of industrial transformation and global support of innovation environment.

It is noteworthy that among the top 100 science and technology innovation centers, 26 cities are from the US, six more than those from China and 13 cities from the US rank in the top 30.

From the perspective of the five dimensions, the San Francisco-San Jose region in the US is the world's top scientific and technological innovation center with not only its comprehensive ranking top the list but also ranking the first for three indicators.

China's capital Beijing ranks the first in the dimension of the global leadership of scientific research while New York from the US ranks first in the dimension of global support of innovation environment.

The report shows that the global innovation centers form a situation of tripartite confrontation situation among Europe, North America and Asia Pacific regions. Among the top 100 innovation centers, 34 are located in Europe, 30 in North America and 29 in Asia Pacific.

Furthermore, among the top 30 innovation centers, 13 are located in North America and nine are located in the Asia Pacific region. Both two regions have four cities respectively ranking in the top 10.

According to Du Debin, dean of the School of Urban and Regional Science, East China Normal University, who delivered the index report, only two European cities made the top 10, showing a lack of innovation momentum while North America continues to excel in innovation. The Asia-Pacific region is the best performer in the global driving force of industrial transformation but remains weak in the global support of innovation environment.

The index report also shows that China's global science and technology innovation centers are concentrated in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Half of the 20 Chinese cities that rank the top 100 on the index are located in the three regions.

According to the report, compared with the top global science and technology innovation centers in the US and Europe, China's innovation centers still have many weaknesses in terms of outstanding innovative talents, top scientific research bodies, innovation engine enterprises, high-quality innovation achievements, international science and technology cooperation and innovation environment construction.

The report suggested to coordinate the development of international and regional science and technology innovation centers, work hard to strengthen the weakness and enhance the strengths, and further focus on training talents and cultivating innovative bodies and optimize the environment for innovation.
So, another social science is publishing their own pseudo-metric about science and technology. In serious scientific matrices-
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Solar panel export reached record high:

Germany resists US pressure for blanket Huawei ban​

  • An economy ministry strategy paper has recommended increasing scrutiny on the use of telecoms components from certain states
  • A US House Foreign Affairs Committee member said Berlin was ‘jeopardising its own national security and that of Europe’s’ in its decision on Huawei
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There was this story just a couple of weeks ago.

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Since one story is saying that a US politician is demanding Germany ban Huawei, and the other story claims Huawei has been chased out of Europe, put those two stories side by side, and nothing makes sense.

Both stories cannot be true at the same time.

Clearly, someone is lying through their teeth.

To sum up.

1) It is pretty obvious who is lying. If one believes that Huawei will still be banned by others in Europe, after all these years, then American ideology has a vice grip on their free thinking mind.

2) Virtually 95% stories about Huawei from the mainstream media is a propaganda campaign or FUD campaign.

3) FUD campaigns do work. That is how Trudeau took out the truckers and threw a couple of agitators in prison. That is how politics is. But can FUD work for cap-ex? Are they serious?!



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and atleast one more advanced system.
I stand corrected. There's few more.

Tsinghua has developed a programmable 68 qubit superconducting quantum computer to simulate anyons to built topological quantum computer. So, they're using quantum computer to built quantum computer. Tsinghua is working on atleast 4 approaches - Cold atom, ion-trap, superconducting and topological.
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Professor Fan Heng's group at CAS has also developed a 43-qubit superconducting quantum processor, named as Chuang-tzu for quantum simulation.
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. Earlier this year the same team had developed programmable 30-qubit superconducting processor
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Chinese academic and industrial labs has already surpassed America in quantum communication. Chinese and US academia are neck and neck in quantum sensors News on China's scientific and technological development.


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So, they're using quantum computer to built quantum computer.

China needs to encourage Chinese companies to combine supercomputer, quantum computer and AI to advance and innovate on every possible sectors; like basic sciences, medicines, computer software/hardware, energy, .. etc.

Like in EU,

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Even Nvidia is doing it,

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Moore Threads will never be able to catch up if they don't use Supercomputers/AI to assist their development.


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China's first hydrogen energy industrial vehicle manufacturing production line officially put into operation] On December 3, China's first (set) production line dedicated to hydrogen energy industrial vehicle manufacturing was officially put into operation in Guangdong, marking the start of the application of hydrogen energy industrial vehicles in the Greater Bay Area.

The demonstration effect has taken the lead in achieving staged progress in China. According to reports, the production line put into production this time specializes in the production of power systems suitable for industrial vehicles..



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I saw this on Chinese social media. This is why Chinese automaker or any other companies increasing market share against foreign companies operating in China is a great thing.


海天金属:安徽永泰3台,2台6000吨,1台7000吨,在谈8800吨;大江美利信, 已购一台8800吨,在谈第二台;宜安科技在谈7000吨,已草签合同;泉峰汽车1台6000吨,已签合同,预计明年出货。

布勒:拓普集团1台,6000吨;爱柯迪2台,6000吨;泉峰汽车匈牙利工厂,2台6000吨;旭升集团,1台7000吨, 在谈9200吨。

吉利:极氪009是自己压铸, 用的力劲8000吨机器,德国HNB公司开模,在宁波加工。


Notice how in this example, BYD and other Chinese companies are offering die casting machinery from Chinese companies (well aside from Geeely that is). Tesla on the other hand is ordering those machines from IDRA.

Yizumi here is the main player. You can read here on just how much BYD has ordered from Yizmui.
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