Ladakh Flash Point

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Indian Army is now moving part of Pakistan facing Strike Corps to Ladakh..this makes India vulnerable to Pakistan my assessment Indian strike corps facing Pak include 2 Corps from Ambala-Bhatinda(Western Command),1 Corps from Mathura,21 Corps and 33 Corps for desert,17 Corps is yet a baby.I guess troops from 2 Corps are the nearest to go to Ladakh..14 RAPID may be converted as RAMID and could also include 22nd Infantry Div..add Corps Artillery brigade..this leaves 2 Corps with Ist Armoured div only,virtually nothing against Pakistan
With the detente between India and Pakistan on the Loc , might be a acclimatization excercise for the troops.
Or something might be cooking.
Reports of xi visiting the chinese area adjoining arunachal pradesh today.
With India highlighting the dalai lama last week with the PM wishing him , something not done in the last 6 years of present government , i see the 2 countries coming to blows again.


Lieutenant General
Hi guys, my first post and i have joined this forum because of the ladakh dispute.
Going through most of this thread , i couldnt find the Chinese viewpoint on why this dispute erupted into such a serious clash.
Lot of name calling but no conclusive reasons given for the serious clash.
And India is involved in a low intensity insurgency and loses soldiers in kashmir on and off , but for China losing 5 soliders at the hands of a foreign adversary, after so many decades, must be particularly troubling ?

The Indians fell for Trumpian American propaganda BS and thought China was totally destroyed by covid and wanted to kick China while it was down and do some land grabs.

China responded with, if anything, even great swiftness and scale than stand offs on previous years, and made a special point to draw troops specifically from Wuhan for the reinforcements to obliterate all possible delusional hope on the Indian side.

Seeing only calamitous defeat if it didnt back down, the Indian government backed down during the commander level talks and both sides agreed to start drawdowns and gradual withdraws.

But a local hothead idiot commander who recently transferred from Kashmir watched too many Bollywood BS movies tried to pull LOC BS on the Chinese before they withdrew and led an attack to ambush and murder the PLA forward observers. Which is where all of China’s fatalities occurred.

When PLA reinforcements arrived, they beat the Indians so badly and broken them so hard more died fleeing than in actual combat.

I think that incident came closer to unleashing a rerun of 1962 than most outside observers would imagine.

This incident coming so close after the commander level agreement would have smelled absolutely of the worst kind of treachery and backstabbing to PLA command, and made them doubt anything and everything the Indians said to them. And basically the entire PLA front were mobilised for immediate combat operatio.

A lot of jokes were made and laughs were had about the Indians not even realising they mere missing men in the mountains until the morning, which contributed to their high body count as many of their fatalities froze to death overnight. But personally I think it’s just as, if not more likely, that was just a face saving cover story because the Indians were too scared to send out SAR teams due to the understandable rage they would have been hearing from the PLA over comms, and the combat posture of the PLA all along the line.

There was every chance the PLA would have interpreted large scale nighttime SAR for the lost soldiers as a follow up main attack and dropped the hammer hard on the Indians.

That no SAR occurred, and so many Indian troops were left to literally die out in the open (which the PLA probably saw happening in real time on thermal imagining cameras, as they would have surveillanced the crap out of the area that night expecting more Indian treachery) probably went a long way into restoring some of the PLA’s faith in the word of the Indian commanders than this was a rouge op led by a nutjob hothead low level commander.

But a red line was cross nevertheless and Chinese lives were lost, so lessons had to be taught and a price extracted to ensure the Indians never allowed something like this to happen again. Which is why the PLA remained deployed throughout the winter, forcing the Indians to suffer and freeze while the PLA lived in comparative luxury in heated and oxygen enriched barracks and only a small number of PLA troops had to tough it out in OPs.

With the recent suspected Indian orchestrated terrorist attacks in Pakistan killing Chinese civilians, there is a chance China will chose to kick things off in the disputed boarder to extract a price from India in retaliation and warning that it cannot except to get away with such grey zone attacks. China gives zero shits about their plausible deniability BS. If China is convinced India was responsible, it can and will make India pay directly. The only question is how what price China might chose to extract.

Waqar Khan

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With the detente between India and Pakistan on the Loc , might be a acclimatization excercise for the troops.
Or something might be cooking.
Reports of xi visiting the chinese area adjoining arunachal pradesh today.
With India highlighting the dalai lama last week with the PM wishing him , something not done in the last 6 years of present government , i see the 2 countries coming to blows again.
There is no detente between Pakistan and India,read the Indian Media on Afghanistan and Kashmir,its boiling as hot acid


Registered Member
Hi guys, my first post and i have joined this forum because of the ladakh dispute.
Going through most of this thread , i couldnt find the Chinese viewpoint on why this dispute erupted into such a serious clash.
Lot of name calling but no conclusive reasons given for the serious clash.
And India is involved in a low intensity insurgency and loses soldiers in kashmir on and off , but for China losing 5 soliders at the hands of a foreign adversary, after so many decades, must be particularly troubling ?
That's because it was discussed last October (2020) itself. You need to go Five hundred pages back.
This is what the Indian Soldiers suffered and freezed in last winter prior to mutual disengagement.

I'm pretty sure that Chusul is one of the major military base of India with an airfield. It is easy to construct a 'model' camp here for propaganda purposes. Besides that, these "smart camps" ( with DRDO kerosine heaters) made its appearance AFTER chinese media showed off the modern heated camps of China. This was discussed here.


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does not seek independence from
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but wants greater development, Tibetan spiritual leader the
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said here on Thursday.

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So mother f..king Indians want to keep using Tibet to be used against China and if anyone here dares to pretend that India wouldn't have made any moves to splinter China if the relative powers were reversed then someone must be smoking some Opium.

I can honestly say that this kind of news and revelation makes it really difficult for a regular Chinese person like myself to look at India as some innocuous and potential friend. They have done us wrong historically even if they were under the British control. The ass kicking they got in 1962 wasn't enough and they must be disabuse of this pathetic notion that they can be on par with China militarily, economically, and socially or that they can somehow pry Tibet away from China.

Just look at this fella's comment which goes to show that most of these Jai Hind folks really feel towards Chinese-Tibetans. They are being used and propped up for political propaganda nothing more, nothing less.

1337 days ago
akhil sharma
Well then there is no point of staying in India HH Malai Lama . All the Tibetan Refugee should leave our country and join the mainstream of China ruling Tibet instead of eating our resources, jobs and land.
The Dalai Lama says that Tibet doesn't want separation, but wants greater development. Well China is doing to Tibet exactly that. Here is an example of city living lifestyle in Lhasa:

Can't see comparable kinds of development for Tibetans in Dharamsala. There is a deadly flood going on over there today. But that's another matter.

In Lhasa Tibetans live as Chinese citizens. Tibetan script is written everywhere. In media, signs, and products. Tibetans can buy imported stuff from around the world and watch movies in shopping malls. This is human rights. For them, there is no 'good old days' to go back to. The good times is now.

While in India. Tibetans are second class citizens. Opportunities are limited. Their only purpose is to be used as tools against China. If any would refused to be used, then the Jai Hinds would rather see them being deported. This shows how insincere India is to the welfare of Tibetans. So much for democracy and human rights.

I think even the Dalai Lama himself could see the writing on the wall. Tibet can never be separated from China. India can keep dreaming.


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There is no detente between Pakistan and India,read the Indian Media on Afghanistan and Kashmir,its boiling as hot acid
The daily artillery duels and sniping seemed to have stopped on the loc.
Your present chief seems to be a practical man . While Afghanistan is in flux , he decided to cool down the eastern sector.
Whatever the reason, its given the IA a good opportunity to focus on the Chinese border.
Whatever the social media might say , India and Pakistan have managed to thrash out a break in the daily firings.
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