What the Heck?! Thread (Closed)

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It's GOLD babe! I want one! This is my answer to finding the future Mrs. Equation of my dream...hehehehe!:eek:


This will also work......

The bottling of Malbec will stop until Popeye returns


The interesting thing about Argentine Spanish in the incorporation of Italian and even some French words in the daily vocabulary due to the influxes of European immigrants in the beginning to early part of the 1900s. There is a series I ran across on YouTube which provides the pronunciation and a brief definition of word. While there are hundreds of words that have worked their way into daily idiom, these are some of my fazorites.

The word “Morfar”

The word “Trucho”


The word “Zarpado”

The Word Bancar

I will now get back to bottling my Malbec



Which foreign country has a stronger influence on Argentinian cuisine? Other than empandas and dulce de leche, what are the popular dishes in your country?



Which foreign country has a stronger influence on Argentinian cuisine? Other than empandas and dulce de leche, what are the popular dishes in your country?

The cuisine is mostly Italian with a bit of Spanish and French thrown in for good measure. The same can be said about the population. Mostly European, or as is often mentioned “ A bunch of Italians that speak Spanish, that claim French ancestry but act like the English”.

I will now get back to bottling my Malbec



The average human can now BOLT like Usain - thanks to a pair of bionic boots which give people the ability to run at 25mph. Bionic Boots, a concept developed by Keahi Seymour from Solihull, West Mids, will help humans run as fast as the 6x Olympic gold medal winner. Keahi, who now lives in San Francisco, California, was mesmerized by the wide gait and speed of kangaroos and ostriches as a child. And his boots, which are still in the prototype stage, are aimed at emulating the stride of an ostrich. Highly tensile springs imitate the Achilles of these animals providing a swift form of transport - close to Usain Bolts average speed of 27.4mph.
Picture: Caters

Don’t forget to check out the http://www.sinodefenceforum.com/general-pictures/world-picture-day-7025.html

I will now get back to bottling my Malbec


Tyrant King
all I can ask is does it make this sound.....?
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