US Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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So there is this stream that goes through US DoD audit (in Chinese).

While I can't verify much of what he says (trouble finding the audit, although some articles he displays are directly from which are true enough), but I personally see him as pretty trustable (used evidence/sources before), and it should also be pretty clear to everyone that there's massive corruption and grift problems in US lol.

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Faced with a shortfall of new sailors, the US Navy appears to be scrapping the barrel. Vice Admiral Richard Cheeseman wants to begin enlisting people who did not finish high school or earn an equivalent diploma. Apparently, there are around 2 million Americans ages 16-24 who fit that category.

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The high school diploma requirement was first applied in the 1990s, albeit given that U.S. high school completion rates have soared since then, people who don’t hold a high school diploma are a much more negatively selected group

Dragon of War

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After what happened in Ukraine I think we can pretty much scratch the whole idea of needing scout helicopters anyway. Drones can do the same job with much less expense.

Unless they go down the sixth generation line of aircraft, which have one human operated aircraft "mastermind" and multiple unmanned drones splintering off of "mastermind" aircraft. All unmanned aircraft drones would answer to "mastermind" and be in control by "mastermind" giving infinitely more power projection. Now line up 6 or 7 of these "mastermind" aircraft together and you can have a swarm of 50-100 unmanned drones of various capabilities at your disposal as a commander.


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The Missile Defense Agency completed FTX-23 on February 8th which resulted in a successful intercept of an IRBM deploying multiple counter measures.

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The video below shows many stages of the test, including the IRBM being deployed from the C-17 and subsequently the IRBM dropping from its housing and engaging its rocket motor.

The Twitter user below attempts to identify individual components from the intercept:



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The Missile Defense Agency completed FTX-23 on February 8th which resulted in a successful intercept of an IRBM deploying multiple counter measures.

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The video below shows many stages of the test, including the IRBM being deployed from the C-17 and subsequently the IRBM dropping from its housing and engaging its rocket motor.

The Twitter user below attempts to identify individual components from the intercept:

So beyond the missile interception this actually showcases a interesting capability. The ability to launch IRBMs from a cargo plane. I wonder if the missile (target in this case) retains a good level of accuracy.