South East Asia Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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I don't know why they included a chart of the anti-radiation version together with pictures of an anti-surface attack ... anyway, it's interesting, so can anybody please provide more news on this test?

Kh-31 does have an anti shipping capability I believe, the chart is probably just there to show external dimensions of the missile. I'm pretty sure all Kh-31 variants have the same outwards dimensions.
Kh-31 does have an anti shipping capability I believe, the chart is probably just there to show external dimensions of the missile. I'm pretty sure all Kh-31 variants have the same outwards dimensions.

oops, I missed the obvious :) now I consulted one of the Russian sources
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which says, my translation, Due to a high level of unification with Х-31А, the anti-radiation modification differs basically just in the guidance system.
(Х-31А is the Russian designation of the anti-surface variant; anti-radiation: Х-31П -- you may see their pictures in the link I posted.)


Junior Member
Exercise Bersama Lima 2014 has begun.

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Australia will join with Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA) partners over the next fortnight to defend against a fictitious security threat in and around the South China Sea.

Exercise Bersama Lima 2014 will see Defence Force elements from Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore and the United Kingdom confront a simulated conventional threat on land and at sea from 7 to 22 October.

Australia’s exercise Commander, Group Captain Dennis Tan, said the FPDA remains a key component of Australia’s regional defence strategy.

“This exercise will give the ADF members the opportunity to work together with FPDA member forces to cultivate stronger regional ties,” GPCAPT Tan said.

“Australia and our FPDA partners are committed to maintaining a stable South East Asian region.”

The Royal Australian Navy’s Anzac Class Frigate HMAS Stuart will play a key role in the exercise, with the ship’s embarked S-70B-2 Seahawk helicopter involved in hunting submarines as well as other maritime activities.

ADF members will also be active on land with a Platoon from Rifle Company Butterworth also taking part.

Two Royal Australian Air Force AP-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft and a KA350 King Air light transport aircraft will participate in the exercise from Royal Malaysian Air Force Base Butterworth in Malaysia.

Bersama Lima is one of the most significant exercises within the FPDA series of activities. It has been developed from the lessons learnt during Exercise Bersama Shield held in Malaysia and Singapore earlier this year, and Exercise Suman Warrior held on New Zealand’s North Island last month.

The FPDA is the longest-standing multilateral arrangement in South East Asia and has maintained relevance in the contemporary security environment.

Chief of the Republic of Singapore Navy, Rear Admiral Lai Chung Han officially opens Exercise Bersama Lima 2014 at Changi Naval Base, Singapore.



Lieutenant General
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I post here for Bangladesh

Bangladesh Navy is going to have two submarines in its fleet by 2015, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina announced yesterday.

“Inshaallah, two submarines will be added to the naval force by next year,” she said while awarding National Standard to BNS Osman at Naval Berth in Chittagong.

Besides, two new corvettes will be added to the Navy fleet to strengthen the capability of the force to protect the maritime boundary and sea resources, Hasina said adding that a process is on to set up the biggest naval base at Rabanabad in Patuakhali with facilities for submarine berthing and aviation.

“It's imperative to ensure a favourable atmosphere and security in the maritime area for extracting sea resources and securing trade. The naval force has to perform an important role in this regard,” said Hasina, who also holds the defence portfolio.

BNS Osman has been awarded with the National Standard for its outstanding contribution at home and abroad for the last 25 years, including its engagement in the UN Peacekeeping Mission in Lebanon for the last four years.

The premier hoped that the Navy members would uphold the dignity of the force through their high efficiency and discipline and by maintaining the chain of command.

Hasina said her government has taken short and medium term plans to make the Navy an efficient, modern and balanced three-dimensional force by 2030.

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The armed forces of Thailand purchased two Mi-17V-5 helicopters worth $40 million
Russian Aviaton » Thursday October 2, 2014 12:17 MSK

The armed forces of Thailand signed contract for delivery of the second batch of Russian-produced helicopters, including two Mi-17V-5s, RIA Novosti reports with reference to an official; representative of the Center for Analysis of World Arms Trade (CAWAT).

In February 2011 Thailand purchased three Mi-17V-5 helicopters – the first order for Russian-produced helicopters placed by the country.

"Terms and conditions of the contract have been discussed since October 2013. The contract for delivery of two helicopters to the Thai army was signed in Moscow this year", — the representative of CAWAT said.

Rosoboronexport declined to comment on the situation.

In October 2013 government of Thailand approved the purchase of eight additional multi-role helicopters intended for the Thai army (Mi-17V-5 and UH-72A Lakota made by Eurocopter North America).

The program included purchase of 6 UH-72As worth $55.4 million and two Mi-17V-5s worth $39.9 million. The government stated that the purchase will be funded from defense budgets for the 2013-2015 period.

I will now get back to bottling my Malbec


Russia, Vietnam boost co-operation - Russian FM Lavrov

Russia and Vietnam are developing actively co-operation spreading it on new spheres, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said at talks with Vietnamese counterpart Pham Binh Minh in the Vietnamese capital on Wednesday.

"Our partnership is developing actively spreading on new spheres of bilateral relations and co-operation on international scene," he said.

"I am glad to be in Vietnam and enjoy your hospitality," Lavrov noted. In his words, Russia hopes to consider progress of fulfilling the agreements reached by the leaders of the two countries.

For his part, the Vietnamese foreign minister noted that Hanoi "gives major importance to the current visit of the Russian minister." "This is a good opportunity to discuss all aspects of our strategic co-operation," Pham Binh Minh said, adding that "We hope for intensification of co-operation in all spheres.

Vietnam praises Russia's contribution to global stability - Vietnamese FM

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov’s visit to Vietnam will facilitate strategic partnership, Vietnam’s senior government official said.

Upcoming consultations "will give us a good opportunity to determine ways to specify Russia-Vietnam strategic partnership. We’ll discuss the implementation of the agreements, reached during Russian President Vladimir Putin’s official visit to Hanoi in November 2013," Vietnamese Vice-Premier, Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh said TASS on Tuesday.

Special attention will be paid to major projects in the oil, gas and energy sectors. The ministers will consider ways of expanding inter-ministerial cooperation for contributing to effective development between the two countries, he said.

The talks will focus on global and regional issues of mutual interest, particularly, on cooperation within the UN and ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), Pham Binh Minh said.

Vietnam praises Russia’s efforts aimed at maintaining peace and stability round the world, he said.

"Peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia Pacific Region promote the interests of all countries, including Vietnam and Russia," Pham Binh Minh said.

I will now get back to bottling my Malbec


Junior Member
Here is a more detailed account of the recent Filipino killing by a US Marine. It occurred at the tail end of the PHIBLEX 2014 exercises. How the prosecution, sentencing and local sentiment evolves in this story will be interesting to see:

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