Russian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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Russia's remote-controlled Tigr armored vehicle shows fire power

MOSCOW, August 26. /TASS/. Russia’s military-industrial company VPK LLC has designed a remote-controlled version of the wheeled armored vehicle Tigr, armed with a 30-mm gun, CEO Aleksandr Krasovitsky told TASS in an interview.

"A new product will be rolled off the line that we haven’t mentioned before - a special purpose vehicle Tigr equipped with a combat module and a 30-mm automatic gun," he said.

Not only is this armored vehicle capable of moving and firing on an operator’s commands, it can also identify and track targets on its own.

"This machine has been developed in cooperation with our counterparts at the joint stock company 766 UPTK with permission from the Defense Ministry at its own expense," he said,

The Tigr’s combat module is identical in design and fire control system to the automatic remote-controlled combat module, armed with a 30-mm gun that was created for "Product Uran-9" (a robotic attack mechanism - TASS)," Krasovitsky said.

The newly-developed vehicle is unparalleled.

"We’ve managed to mount a 30-mm gun on a two-axle armored vehicle with a mass of under nine tonnes. The vehicle can use ordinary roads without any restrictions," Krasovtisky added.

The remote-controlled Tigr is currently undergoing test runs and firing tests, and has performed impressively so far. TASS publishes video footage of the armored vehicle's first tests.

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As always, Russia is giving the VDV powerful armament to their light vehicles to increase their firepower while retaining mobility. Although a lot of IFV is starting to provide 30-mm ammunition, a light 4x4 with a 30-mm turret is still something annoying in the battlefield for the enemies.

I wonder if Russia have retired AT-3 Sagger, I always liked how the crew can reload it while still in the vehicle by sliding it on the rail.


Tyrant King
Partially true Delft yes.
but her name was changed to Varyag in 1990.
You have to remember that the Kuznetsov class is considered a Cruiser by the Russians not a Pure Carrier. Also They Changed the names alot after The Cancellation of the Ulyanovsk and with the repeated instability of the late soviet period.
When Laid down The Kuznetsov herself was going to be the Riga, Then her name was Changed to the Leonid Brezhnev when she launched, Her Trial runs were as the Tbilisi before they finally decided to name her the Fleet Admiral of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov.
... but didn't the Varyag become the Liaoning????
Russian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.
here, so my answer is this: the ship you know as "Liaoning" was Project 11436 (one-ship class), while the "Varyag" I posted (in Project 1164, the third of this class

let's see if somebody nitpicks :) by the way in Russian wiki you can see 1143.6 (it's 1143 dot 6, similarly 1143.5 for the Admiral Kuznetsov) but I checked

В.П. Кузин, В.И. Никольский
(the book from 1996)

now and there are no dots in those project numbers


Tyrant King
All of which brings up my favorite one joke from 2010
Dimitri Moisevitch: We know you are building the Discovery II to go back to Jupiter, to find out what happened to your men up there. You know we are building the Alexei Leonov to also go up there.
Heywood Floyd: I thought you were going to call it the Titov?
Dimitri Moisevitch: We changed last month; people fall out of favour.

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Tyrant King
As always, Russia is giving the VDV powerful armament to their light vehicles to increase their firepower while retaining mobility. Although a lot of IFV is starting to provide 30-mm ammunition, a light 4x4 with a 30-mm turret is still something annoying in the battlefield for the enemies.

I wonder if Russia have retired AT-3 Sagger, I always liked how the crew can reload it while still in the vehicle by sliding it on the rail.
I must have missed this the First time round but The US Army is also looking into the same for It's Next Gen Para Vehicles.


Tyrant King
okay Firearms blog Errupted today with shorts on alot of Kalashnikov Concern weapons due to Releases from The Russian
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in Moscow.
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First up some possibly conflicting rumors that the AK12 has been traded in for the more conservative AK400 set up. Now AK400 series is a bit like the Ak100 series in that it's a update to the weapon Adding a full monolithic picatiny Rail a Almost M4 style side folding stock a Updated gas system but unlike the AK12 The 400 Lacks the ambi features and retains Classic AK controls. Also Unlike the 12 400 only ejects from one side. see the video below to learn about the AK400
And the AK12
Now reasons this might happen are likely budget. In the 1990's the Russian first tried to ditch the Ak74 For a new Rifle. but cost of Production and technical issues more or less Killed the An94.
Ironically The Competitor in that attempt the AEK 971 is the basis for the other Competitor in Russian army trials the A545


Tyrant King
Another release form this event is that the Russians are Starting to show the possible replacement for the SVD the SVK.
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And KC has done a press Release.
06 сентября 2016
Концерн «Калашников» представил на «Армии-2016» прототип новой самозарядной снайперской винтовки СВК

Концерн «Калашников», входящий в Госкорпорацию Ростех, в рамках Международного военно-технического форума «Армия - 2016» впервые представил опытный образец новой самозарядной снайперской винтовки - СВК. Концепция винтовки разработана с учетом пожеланий действующих снайперов специальных подразделений РФ.

Компактная самозарядная снайперская винтовка СВК разрабатывается в двух вариантах, под отечественный патрон 7.62х54R и под самый распространенный в мире винтовочный патрон 7.62х51 НАТО.

Винтовка имеет «перевернутую» компоновку со стальной ствольной коробкой П-образного сечения, в которой в «подвешенном» состоянии располагается затворная группа. Автоматика оружия использует газовый поршень с коротким ходом и поворотный затвор с тремя боевыми упорами. В конструкции предусмотрен ручной газовый регулятор, обеспечивающий надежную и комфортную стрельбу, как в обычной конфигурации, так и с установленным глушителем.

Питание патронами обеспечивается из отъемных коробчатых магазинов стандартной (10 патронов) и повышенной (15 или 20 патронов) емкости. В варианте под патрон 7.62х54R магазины СВК взаимозаменяемы с винтовкой Драгунова СВД.

Винтовка имеет двусторонние органы управления оружием. На верхней поверхности ствольной коробки выполнена планка Пикатинни для установки современных прицельных комплексов. Открытые прицельные приспособления при необходимости могут быть установлены на эту же планку. Пластиковый регулируемый приклад складывается вбок. Винтовка может комплектоваться быстросъемным тактическим глушителем и складной сошкой. В настоящее время СВК проходит заводские испытания.
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For us English types here is Google's poor attempt.
September 6, 2016
Concern "Kalashnikov" was presented at the "Army 2016" prototype of a new semi-automatic sniper rifle SVK


Concern "Kalashnikov", belongs to the State Corporation Rostec, the International Military-Technical Forum "Army - 2016" for the first time presented the prototype of a new semi-automatic sniper rifle - SVK. rifle concept was developed according to the wishes of snipers operating special units of the Russian Federation.

Compact semi-automatic sniper rifle SVK developed in two versions, a native cartridge 7.62.54mmR and under the most common in the world of rifle cartridge 7.62.51mm NATO.

The rifle has an "inverted" arrangement with steel receiver U-shaped cross-section, which in "limbo" state is slide group. weapons Automation uses the gas piston with a short stroke and a rotating bolt with three lugs. The design of the manual gas control is provided, which provides a safe and comfortable shooting, as in a conventional configuration, and a silencer installed.

feeding is provided by ammunition from detachable box magazines Standard (10 rounds) and higher (15 or 20 rounds) capacity. In a variant chambered 7.62h54R stores JMC interchangeable rifle Dragunov SVD.

The rifle has a ambidextrous controls. On the upper surface of the receiver is a Picatinny rail for installation of modern sighting systems. Open sighting devices may be mounted on the same rail, if necessary. Plastic adjustable buttstock folded sideways. The rifle can be equipped with quick tactical folding bipod and silencer. Currently, SVK is in factory testing.


Tyrant King
KC also displayed a full sniper Rifle and a New version of the MA Subcarbine.
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the VSV338 is a new bolt action Sniper rifle in the nearly Nato standard .338 LM chambering. In the Soviet Era after the adoption of the SVD rifle It was more or less that the Russians totally Phased out Bolt action Sniper Rifles for all but Reservists. Since the End of the USSR however Slowly there have been a few Russian Bolt action sniper rifles that may indicate that the Russian Ground Forces have been looking to return true Snipers to the Field Particularly the SV98 chambered in 7.62x54 Rimmed.
The VSV338 seems a farther growth of that.
September 6, 2016
Concern "Kalashnikov" was first presented at the "Army 2016" promising high-precision sniper rifle VSV-338

Concern "Kalashnikov", belongs to the State Corporation Rostec, the International Military-Technical Forum "Army - 2016" for the first time presented the prototype of a new modular high-precision sniper rifle VSV-338.All components are assembled on the rifle carrying case made of aluminum alloy, and a modular design allows quick replacement of the barrel.

.338 Lapua Magnum Prospective long-range sniper rifle VSV-338 under the cartridge is designed for use by snipers in all weather conditions, when shooting at a distance of 1500 meters. The rifle is a development initiative of Concern "Kalashnikov".

Rifle layouts principle - modular. The barrel is locked directly to the stem by turning the sleeve longitudinally - sliding shutter three symmetrically arranged lugs. Trigger warning allows you to adjust the overall progress of the trigger and the trigger pull. Fuse double-sided lever type which locks the bolt, the sear and trigger. Handguard rifle has grooves such as Key-MOD for mounting a bipod, sling attachment, removable straps Picatinny rail for installation of additional equipment. In the upper part of the body and the forearm is made Picatinny rail for installation of optical and mechanical sight and night vision device.

The rifle is equipped with a folding stock with adjustable height and laterally support the cheek and shoulder rest, as well as height-adjustable additional pull-out desk. Elements rifle management (forearm pad, grip and buttstock) are made of high-strength plastic, have a symmetrical shape and are suitable for shooting both left and right shoulder.

Концерн «Калашников» впервые представил на «Армии-2016» перспективную высокоточную снайперскую винтовку ВСВ-338

Концерн «Калашников», входящий в Госкорпорацию Ростех, в рамках Международного военно-технического форума «Армия - 2016» впервые представил опытный образец новой модульной высокоточной снайперской винтовки ВСВ-338. Все узлы винтовки собраны на несущем корпусе из алюминиевого сплава, а модульная конструкция позволяет производить быструю замену ствола.
Перспективная дальнобойная снайперская винтовка ВСВ-338 под патрон .338 Lapua Magnum предназначена для применения снайперами в любых погодных условиях, при стрельбе на дальности до 1500 метров. Винтовка является инициативной разработкой Концерна «Калашников».
Принцип компоновки винтовки - модульный. Запирание канала ствола производится непосредственно в муфте ствола поворотом продольно - скользящего затвора на три симметрично расположенных боевых упора. Спусковой механизм с предупреждением позволяет регулировать общий ход спускового крючка и усилие спуска. Предохранитель двухсторонний флажкового типа, блокирует затвор, шептало и спусковой крючок. Цевье винтовки имеет пазы типа Key-MOD для крепления сошки, антабки для ремня, съемных планок Пикатинни под установку дополнительного оборудования. В верхней части корпуса и цевья выполнена направляющая Пикатинни для установки оптического и механического прицела, а также прибора ночного видения.
Винтовка оснащена складным прикладом с регулируемыми по высоте и в боковом направлении опорой щеки и плечевым упором, а также регулируемой по высоте дополнительной выдвижной стойкой. Элементы управления винтовкой (накладка цевья, рукоятка и приклад) выполнены из высокопрочной пластмассы, имеют симметричную форму и удобны для стрельбы, как с левого, так и с правого плеча.
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Tyrant King
Finally the Dragonov MA updated.
The Dragonov MA was a offering originally to compete with the AKS74U.
This was a Russian army requirement for a Personal Defense weapon for Speznats and Vehicle Crews the objective was to come up with a small weapon the size of a Sub machine gun but packing the 5.45x39mm round of a Assault rifle so that personal like tank crews who may have broken down in the middle of enemy territory and have to defend themselves can do so and use the rounds and magazines of Regular Russian Infantry as well as have the added penetration of a Rifle round but in a tight package.
The Original weapon failed to win likley due to the commonality of the AKS74U. however The AKS74U had a number of Drawbacks and the Russian army more or less phased it out in favor of the longer barreled AK105 in the 1990-2000s yet here the MA is but updated
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07 September 2016
Kalashnikov Group presented its first prototype of the new 5.45mm MA compact assault rifle


Kalashnikov Group, which is incorporated in the State Corporation Rostec,during the international military and technical forum “Army-2016” for the first time presented the prototype of the new 5.45mm compact assault rifle MA, which weights no more than 2.5kg without magazine

The MA compact assault rifle is an initiative development of Kalashnikov Group. It is intended as a Personal Defense Weapon for military vehicle and crew-served weapons crews, as well as a lightweight CQB weapon for Special Forces. When folded, MA’s overall length does not excess 50 cm, which is about 20cm shorter than standard-issue AK-74M with stock folded.

«During development of new small arms we are closely interacting with our most competent users, combat personnel from Russian Armed and Law Enforcement forces” - remarked Alexey Krivorucko, “Kalashnikov” CEO. - We are sure that MA concept will be in high demand from our Military and LE customers, because its light weight and small size makes this gun very handy during various Special Operations”.

Design of the 5.45mm MA compact assault rifle uses the most modern materials and ergonomic features. Unlike traditional Kalashnikov assault rifles, MA has an inverted-U shaped compact steel receiver which hosts bolt group. This ensures that integrated Picatinny rail at the top is always properly aligned with the barrel and no re-sighting of any scope or sight would be required after hard use or disassembly and maintenance.

MA uses short-stroke gas piston operated action with rotary bolt locking. The lower receiver is made from polymer and is integral with magazine housing, trigger housing and pistol grip.

Rifle features ambidextrous control and side-folding adjustable plastic shoulder stock. For special operations, it can be issued with quick-detachable tactical sound suppressor.

07 сентября 2016
Концерн «Калашников» показал на «Армии-2016» концепцию легкого малогабаритного автомата калибра 5,45-мм

Концерн «Калашников», входящий в Госкорпорацию Ростех, в рамках Международного военно-технического форума «Армия - 2016» представил прототип 5,45-мм малогабаритного автомата (МА), вес которого без магазина не превышает 2,5 кг.
Концепция малогабаритного автомата является инициативной разработкой Концерна «Калашников». МА предназначен в качестве оружия самообороны для расчетов боевой техники, а также как легкое и маневренное оружие для спецподразделений. Длина автомата со сложенным прикладом не превышает и 50 см, что на 20 см меньше длины штатного АК-74М.
«При разработке новых видов боевого оружия мы активно взаимодействуем с самыми компетентными пользователями нашей продукции - сотрудниками российских силовых структур, в тесной кооперации с которыми разрабатываются тактико-технические задания на новые образцы стрелкового оружия, - отметил генеральный директор Концерна «Калашников» Алексей Криворучко. – Мы уверены, что концепция малогабаритного автомата будет востребована среди многих силовых структур, так как благодаря своему небольшому весу и компактности такой автомат значительно облегчит выполнение спецопераций».
В конструкции опытного образца 5,45-мм МА используются современные материалы и решения в области компоновки и эргономики оружия. В отличие от автоматов Калашникова, малогабаритный автомат имеет «перевернутую» компоновку с компактной ствольной коробкой П-образного сечения, в которой в «подвешенном» состоянии располагается затворная группа. Благодаря такой конструкции обеспечена возможность быстрой установки любых современных прицельных приспособлений, а также гарантируется сохранение пристрелки прицела после разборки и сборки оружия.
Автоматика оружия использует газовый поршень с коротким ходом. Снизу к ствольной коробке шарнирно присоединяется коробка ударно-спускового механизма, выполненная из цельного пластика с приемником магазинов, пистолетной рукояткой и спусковой скобой.
Органы управления оружием двусторонние, на верхней поверхности ствольной коробки выполнена направляющая типа Пикатинни для установки современных прицельных комплексов. Пластиковый телескопический (регулируемый) приклад складывается вбок, на правую сторону оружия. Автомат может комплектоваться быстросъемным тактическим глушителем.
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