Project 093 and 094

Sea Dog

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chinawhite said:
The seawolf is basicly a upgraded LA class submarine which has a small lead over the LA in all areas. the US navy was planng to produce these as replacements for the LA but at the cost of three LA class it was turned down and only three(?) ships were built.

The viginia is a new submarine with all the lessons learnt in the Seaworlf. It is not as capable though



The Seawolf is a different design in all respects. It is nothing like an LA class SSN. The Virginia is very much like a Seawolf, but is apparently less capable in diving depth and overall speed. But not by much. I believe this is for cost-savings reasons. And the Virginia has VLS like LA Class while Seawolf does not. So the Virginia is going to be the best of both worlds. Capabilities of a Seawolf, with VLS for striking power like an LA Class.

Now back to the topic. The 093 and 094 will have better reactors than previous Chinese designs. Like others on this topic have suggested. China has learned alot about nuclear propulsion since Han SSN was brought into service. So I expect to see better technologies incorporated into quieting as well.


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MIGleader said:
a seawolf enters a chineses harbor and the crew intantly dies of pollution.:D
while chinas nuclear submarines are inferiror to american counterparts, they will be operating near home water, under the protection of surface ships, recon, fighter/bombers, and ground support. a u.s sub will be far from any form of base, supplies, or support group.

unless it's sneaking around by itself then a CBG will be behind it


Banned Idiot
swimmerXC said:
unless it's sneaking around by itself then a CBG will be behind it

the cbg might act as a diversion so the seawolf can slip in an attack chinese ships in port.

to counter, china should do the "saddam strategy", and fill its harbors with civilian liners that will block of its warships. any stry torpedo, even one thats a foot off, could hit a civilian liner.


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MIGleader said:
the cbg might act as a diversion so the seawolf can slip in an attack chinese ships in port.

to counter, china should do the "saddam strategy", and fill its harbors with civilian liners that will block of its warships. any stry torpedo, even one thats a foot off, could hit a civilian liner.

1st of all, iraq's coastline is about 100 times smaller than chinas...
2. why whould they put civil liners near naval port? do they want all their secrets to be reveiled to the public?

a better idea is jsut to lay SOSUS nets all around the coast or ports


Banned Idiot
swimmerXC said:
1st of all, iraq's coastline is about 100 times smaller than chinas...
2. why whould they put civil liners near naval port? do they want all their secrets to be reveiled to the public?

a better idea is jsut to lay SOSUS nets all around the coast or ports

where did iraq come from?
as for civil liners, it was a bad idea. to avoid sea wold penetration, the chinese would simply have to net the entrance untill a ship needs to leave.

as for the cbg diversion plan, it seems all too viable. china bette bet working on a asw plane.


Junior Member
In the case of a conflict between China and US, China would probably have to count with all three Seawolves being in the Chinese sea, at least if the conflict would take some time. These three subs could probably alone destroy a invasion fleet or task forces from the PLAN, so having a number of SSN's is possibly a very good idea from the Chinese side. This doesn't mean that I belive that the next generation of Chinese SSN's are able to master the Seawolf, but they are at least a major improvement over the Han, and to back them up there is always the Chinese fleet of different SSK's.

Does China btw have any kind of fixed-wing ASW-asset? This is important not only for the efforts to hunt down enemy subs, but also to provide cover for own subs leaving/enetring harbours.


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Does China btw have any kind of fixed-wing ASW-asset? This is important not only for the efforts to hunt down enemy subs, but also to provide cover for own subs leaving/enetring harbours

no, the whole ASW field is a major achilles heel to the PLAN. Only the SH-5 flying boat could be descriped as one, but it was outdated from the birht and totally incapaple in modern naval enviroment...But as China has now taking good care of it's even bigger default, Airdefence i suspect we will see some sort of improvements in the ASW filed as well...


Banned Idiot
i think china wants to employ sub-on-sub. since there is no threat from taiwanese subs, china can afford to take the time to create a sub net around taiwan.

i hope the chinese decide to build a asw plane and ship specifically dedicated to the job in the future. the y-8 seems like a viable platform for such.


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Z-9C and Ka-28 are also used for ASW. It says on huitong's site that China is looking to purchase Be-200US? Also, I'm still a little confused about how well the latest version of Yu-7 compares to Mk-46.