Predict the future thread


Registered Member
The problem with the American discourse is their lack of a historical perspective. They have literally only experienced a rise, and have no idea what a fall looks like.

Sure they may think they know, from studying the fall of the Roman empire, but when it happened to another culture, there are always plenty of ways to rationalize away the signs.

In contrast, the darkest period of recent Chinese history is still within living memory. The fall of the Qing dynasty is still fresh among the nation's collective consciousness. In addition, we have centuries of dynastic cycles to guide us with signs of rise and decline. Even when I was but a child, a mere 10 years after the end of the most destructive period in PRC history, my mother was telling me with no uncertainty that the 21st century would belong to the Chinese people. China's rise came as a surprise to the rest of the world, but not to the Chinese themselves. We knew it as certainly as we knew the sun would rise the next day.
I would say that the possibility of China's rise was a certainty known to Chinese, but not the actuality. I mean look at all the 润人. But more importantly, the fall of the Qing tells us that nothing is guaranteed. Societies must continuously evolve and improve, or fall behind. And falling behind too much is dangerous, as we've seen. Chinese cannot rely on the mercy of outsiders, as that has been tried and failed.


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In 20 years will the US remain the most powerful state and still be as hegemonic as it is now?​
Interesting discussion in this thread. Literally no one mentions China as having any meaningful power in the next 20 years. Its as if China is completely defeated. They think this so called slowdown is it for China. They are more worried about India becoming a bigger power now. But overwhelmingly people think US will growing richer and more powerful and will continue to dominate the world. I know r/Geopolitics is no longer a place of intelligent people anymore. Its a cesspull of Pro-western lowest denominator intelligence.

I would like to see what people in this forum think about this. Where do you US and its power will be compared to China and other in 20 years?

US will not remain as the most powerful state in 20 years. Diversity is the only way to bring down or fracture America. You have to understand that different ethnic race don't like to fully assimilate with the traditional white American value. They brought along their different language, culture and tradition to America-- That will weaken the core. Prior 20 years ago, it was a very white America. Now, it has gotten alot more diverse through immigrant birth, illegals crossing the border or immigrants by the legal way. In a few decades, white majority will no longer be the majority race. That being said, politicians, police force, and military will naturally become more diverse. There will be tons of infighting and conflicts by then. A country with a weaken core will split the country up in a matter of time.

Mass diversity is guarantee to bring down a country. Right now, 75% of America's politicians are white. Hope it drops down to 30-35%, then the problem really starts from there.


Registered Member

In 20 years will the US remain the most powerful state and still be as hegemonic as it is now?​
Interesting discussion in this thread. Literally no one mentions China as having any meaningful power in the next 20 years. Its as if China is completely defeated. They think this so called slowdown is it for China. They are more worried about India becoming a bigger power now. But overwhelmingly people think US will growing richer and more powerful and will continue to dominate the world. I know r/Geopolitics is no longer a place of intelligent people anymore. Its a cesspull of Pro-western lowest denominator intelligence.

I would like to see what people in this forum think about this. Where do you US and its power will be compared to China and other in 20 years?
"people" I.e. the good residents of Eglin afb?

Anyways US cannot be classified as a hegemon today. A hegemon would be unopposed, US can only be classified as a superpower contender.

China has begun to activate itself against US, while US has already activated maximum hostility for awhile without achieving major results. On paper, the US military is larger, but it is more spread out, and China has a complete economic advantage. Given that ultimately, economic might begets military might, it's fairly clear who is number 1 and who is number 2.

In 20 years, that difference is likely to be felt more acutely across the world. That said, US is gonna remain a long term security challenge.


Senior Member
I would say that the possibility of China's rise was a certainty known to Chinese, but not the actuality. I mean look at all the 润人. But more importantly, the fall of the Qing tells us that nothing is guaranteed. Societies must continuously evolve and improve, or fall behind. And falling behind too much is dangerous, as we've seen. Chinese cannot rely on the mercy of outsiders, as that has been tried and failed.
I'd argue that balance would be guaranteed in nature (regardless of how long it takes to occur/reached), but being at the apex of things is always a fluid state and never absolute, as things change when circumstances change (such as dinosaurs being replaced by mammals after the Cretaceous extinction event).


Lieutenant General
Like I've been saying, the US needs to be in control of everything and everyone in order to feel safe. Naturally that's impossible. China is one-fifth of the world therefore the US doesn't control at least one-fifth of the world. It doesn't matter if China collapses like they wish or not. It will still be one-fifth of the world they do not control. They laugh at North Korea being backward and isolated but tiny North Korea keeps them up at night. What do you think China is going to be like for them? Still clinging on to the hope the world will revolt against their own governments because they love and prefer white people...?

The American people are living an important lesson of fact in the world today that they don't even realize because they're in denial. US politicians have lied to them for decades that Americans don't need anyone but everyone needs the US so they can keep their jobs in office. No, they do need others. Look at oil. The US is energy independent. It doesn't need to buy oil from others. That also means they don't carry the influence like they use to when they were the number one customer for oil and oil exporters made all their riches from the US. It means the US can't command oil exporters who to sell their oil to because they no longer have to be concerned the US won't be buying oil from them if they don't obey. And now who is the number one importer of oil like the US use to be pushing their weight around telling oil exporters who they can sell oil to? China.

The US today is scrambling to prevent Saudi Arabia from moving towards China because it's that important. More important than human rights hence why the US is dropping threatening human rights actions to keep Saudi Arabia away from China. The US doesn't need anyone...? The US needs others to help them control the world. Europe, Japan, and South Korea need to import oil. Such short sightedness because that goes hand in hand with arrogance hence why the US's European allies are in crisis over supply chain issues like getting oil. And oil isn't the only strategic commodity in the world and most of them the US isn't independent.

Another stupidity of the US is believing China is wholly dependent on the US for jobs. They believe no US and there will no jobs in China. All those construction workers building China's advance cityscapes and infrastructure... all because the US is behind it. All those street vendors selling food to Chinese on China's street markets, wouldn't be happening if the US wasn't employing them. I saw an article pointing out how foreign tourists aren't going to China anymore. So because of that China is going to collapse like with everything else they claim? Since Chinese tourists are the biggest spenders in the world, foreign tourists are irrelevant to China. The article concentrated on foreign tourists because domestic tourism is robust or else they would've just said all tourism. Of course another lie they like to tell is Western money is the only thing that's real and worth anything. They want to fool themselves into believing even though Western tourists don't spend as much as the Chinese do, their money is worth more. They think China's domestic economy is all fake and Western money is the only thing building China. They think the paper they literally print money on is more valuable than the paper that China prints money on. That's what makes them dumb and why they think their money is real while China's is not.

They think because they got India to stifle a BRICS currency, that's a victory against China. No that just makes the yuan even stronger when the world uses it more. They certainly ain't going to use the rupee. What does India have that world needs to use rupees for? China is the factory of the world. There are plenty of things you can get with the yuan. That's why Russia wants yuan than rupees when selling their oil to India. India's block just made the rupee less valuable and the yuan even more important.

China being a competitor to the West for the world's resources means more money for those who have them to sell. If the West had their way, the world would be making less money. They don't call China the engine of the world economy for nothing. Even when Obama was President warning countries against joining China's AIIB, he charged China doesn't place conditions and restrictions. What country wants to be bound? The West wants to claim they're naturally favored by the world. Only in their perverted delusions they think the world wants to be tied and chained and whipped by them. That's why only barbarians think they can spin slavery out to be a good thing for slaves hence how they think the US will still be in control twenty years from now.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
I saw an article pointing out how foreign tourists aren't going to China anymore. So because of that China is going to collapse like with everything else they claim? Since Chinese tourists are the biggest spenders in the world, foreign tourists are irrelevant to China. The article concentrated on foreign tourists because domestic tourism is robust or else they would've just said all tourism. Of course another lie they like to tell is Western money is the only thing that's real and worth anything. They want to fool themselves into believing even though Western tourists don't spend as much as the Chinese do, their money is worth more.
It's so much copium. Foreign tourists never visited China. China's not a tourist country; it's simply not China's comparative advantage.

I've lived for decades in the United States. In my entire life - knowing thousands of white people - I've never once known a white person who flew to China for vacation. Not in any year of the 21st century, not under any Chinese president.

This is simply because Westerners are racist.

They think because they got India to stifle a BRICS currency, that's a victory against China. No that just makes the yuan even stronger when the world uses it more. They certainly ain't going to use the rupee. What does India have that world needs to use rupees for? China is the factory of the world. There are plenty of things you can get with the yuan. That's why Russia wants yuan than rupees when selling their oil to India. India's block just made the rupee less valuable and the yuan even more important.
Honestly I don't see the renminbi having the ability to replace the dollar.

However, I do think there's something that is a powerful replacement for the dollar - something which has been used for millennia as the world's primary medium of exchange.



Registered Member
Which countries recieve many tourists? Germany? France? Italy? How many of their tourists come from within the eurozone? If you removed all those, they would just be average or low in terms of tourists.

China is bigger than the eurozone in area, wealth and about equal in population. Most of China's domestic tourists travel a longer distance than intra EU domestic tourists. They go from a province that may be comparable to Belgium or Russia in gdp to another province with similar gdp, which may have rather different culture.

People generally want to tourist in somewhat similar areas. Non EU people don't go a lot into the EU. There are also more barriers of entry for those outside, while people can travel unhindered within their own bloc.


Lieutenant General
It's so much copium. Foreign tourists never visited China. China's not a tourist country; it's simply not China's comparative advantage.

I've lived for decades in the United States. In my entire life - knowing thousands of white people - I've never once known a white person who flew to China for vacation. Not in any year of the 21st century, not under any Chinese president.

This is simply because Westerners are racist.

Honestly I don't see the renminbi having the ability to replace the dollar.

However, I do think there's something that is a powerful replacement for the dollar - something which has been used for millennia as the world's primary medium of exchange.

Money is just a middle man. It's an understanding. It's like a contract. That's why Westerners thinking their money is more real is a joke. The yuan is just as real as long China carries out their end of that understanding. Trump threatening to only give less than a dollar for every dollar bought through US treasuries and bonds means the US is the one that didn't carry out their end of the deal thus their money is not real.


Junior Member
Registered Member
America is still a white majority country with collective white dominant ideology. White are really worried that America becomes so diverse one day that their hold of the government is gradually diminished. The trend is inevitable. The collapse of the white version democracy system..
Colored people are exponentially increasing more than whites. White also have a birth problem. America's population is increasing is because they are letting in alot of colored people from all over the world in.