PRC/PLA 2015 Victory Parade Thread


Junior Member
I believe this video actually is set at both Hainan and Okinawa.
yes the Title is "3D simulation wins Battle Island: Chinese military panoramic display 3D CG PLA Island Retaking Battle" and there is that opening Air raid sequence where we see the night vision and campy running explosions alla Transformers followed by the Crashing Y20 Transport however that facility is not the same one attacked by the DF15B at 1:50 nor is it the facility assaulted in the video. why? because there is no battle damage.

If we track back to the sequence before the fist slam, We see what is supposedly a the Island meant to be "Retaken" this is a PLA base presumably Hainan as why else would a Y20 be landing there? and how else could it be attacked with out spurning a instant reaction form the main forces. the Airbase is I believe meant to be the Lingshui Airbase.

then we have the retaliation The Resolute fist slam, changes out settings to Kadena and Okinawa. why? because if such an attack took place on Lingshui and it was "Taken" it would take weeks to repair and get a operational runway yet at 2:00 we see a operational base in pristine conditions. at 1:50 we see a enact fuel depot before it is blown to bits.

Also the survivor, who's eyes we are seeing through sees a Z8 helicopter fly over head in day light. This indicates that the Chinese still had control of the facility.

yet the Runway and air base at 2:00 is operational and critically is base to F22 Raptors. If their are Raptors then that base is under American control not Chinese. As we all should know the F22 has been rotated into Kadena as part of the 18th composit wing.

Then there is the island at 2:15 seconds off of which the US carrier group is destroyed. It is shaped like Aguni island which is part of Okinawa Prefecture and the Okinawa islands group in the Ryukyu Arc.
Then we see the landing operations and final assault at 3:00 which again cannot be the same facility as seen in the opening of the video as we know that it remains in the hands of the PLA because of the SAR chopper and because we don't have our POV ended at the blunt end of a invading rifle butt or the sharp point of a bayonet.
note that although damaged the facility being taken at 5:00 seen in the flyover shot leading to the Mt. Suribachi flag rasing homage is almost identical to that seen at 2:00. this seems to indicate that is the same facility having been softened up by the DF15B strike. and if the DF15B strike nailed a Raptor taking off and it's the same facility being taken at the end of the video then its the taking of Kaneda.

that's my opinion any way. The CG was well done but like the Russian Video's with the super UGVs and the Trailer Drones it's high on nationalism and chest thumping low on gritty reality. the video has a very one sided take. other then the opening act every thing goes the PLA's way and they hardly break a nail.

The screen caption in chinese in the begining of the video says multiple coastal area of China's military bases got surprise attacked by certain alliance in violation of international law. So.... the first few scene are supposedly Chinese military bases under attack. And in order to force peace and bring the other side back the negotiation table, China have to show strength. and thus the counter attack.

And then later on in the video is the retaliation from China side. Like shen already told us, is made by a major internet company and game producer Tencent in China. Maybe we'll get to see a new game like Red Alert soon?


Tyrant King
Which fits my supposition to a T. With the exception that if this "Alliance" made the first move they seem to have been very lax. I mean when we see the PLA counter all the US assets destroyed barely seem on alert or a war footing. One Raptor taking off, no counter missile fire not even a air raid alarm. The carrier group is all bunched up and not maneuvering makes it feel like a turkey shoot. The landing operations are unopposed and the tanks seem more like some kind of off road free wheelling racing game then combat operations.


Junior Member
Which fits my supposition to a T. With the exception that if this "Alliance" made the first move they seem to have been very lax. I mean when we see the PLA counter all the US assets destroyed barely seem on alert or a war footing. One Raptor taking off, no counter missile fire not even a air raid alarm. The carrier group is all bunched up and not maneuvering makes it feel like a turkey shoot. The landing operations are unopposed and the tanks seem more like some kind of off road free wheelling racing game then combat operations.

If you make the scenario so realistic like in real life, how do you expect the game company to make such a speculator CG video in so little time(A little over 5 minutes)? You can't really take the CG video seriously or it will not make sense. The main goal is to make the video look cool and speculator. :D


Junior Member
Did anyone else find it odd that China would parade its STRATEGIC weapons in front of the world and INTENTIONALLY mark it in BIG WHITE BOLD LETTERS of their designations (DF-5, DF-31, DF-26, DF15, DF-21, DF-25...etc etc)?? These weapons are of the END GAME, the last draw, the trump cards. Clearly Chinese leadership knows the world are all watching, US/UK/Japan/India all have spys on the ground to visually confirm the systems which would then be collaborate with satellite imaging to ID the systems from above - which can then be identify and destroy in time of war.

Clearly, the Chinese leadership knows this, so it makes me wonder why they make it easier to identify every system going as far as even spell out every system's designation in big letter markings like this?? Maybe the real systems don't look like this?


Junior Member
If Xi actually invited Abe to the celebration, this would be an ingenious thing to do. No matter what Abe does, he would be wrong.

If he actually accepts the invitation, that means he agrees with China and the rest of the world in that Japan was a fascist state during the WWII and what they did was wrong. So much so that he is willing the celebrate Japan's own defeat with them. This is something that the Japanese govnts have refused to admit. If he doesn't accept the invitation, it also means he identifies Japan as the enemy of all those who accept the invitation. And it also means that he still thinks his own current govnt as the same as, a continuation of, the administration that held office during the WWII. I don't think anyone in the Jaoanese govnt has openly admitted yet. The world will know what they actually believe.

One thing that I do know is that Germany always openly admits that what they did during the WWII was wrong. They are always happy to celebrate the defeat of the Nazis with everyone in the world.

The thing is, the Japanese never believed they were defeated by the Chinese during WWII.

They know they got it beat by the American and maybe some of its western allies, but never in their mind that they were "defeated" by the Chinese. That's their mindset. So of course they don't offer sincere apologies - why would they apologise to people they defeated (and view as lower than them?).

Actually come to think of it, a lot of japanese (mostly the right wing conservative side) don't believe they were beaten by the americans fair and square - they actually believe the americans cheated with the nukes (even though if the table had turned they would use it in a heart beat). That's why when asked about the war, most of they only offer vague "war is terrible" line, not actual apology, not even to americans (where they sneak attacked). Is this the mindset of someone who truely believe what they did was wrong?

The irony is that, this is similar mindset as Germans had right after WWI. Germans didn'n't believe they were beaten by the allies - which subsequently leads to the rise of Nazi and WWII.
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The thing is, the Japanese never believed they were defeated by the Chinese during WWII.

They know they got it beat by the American and maybe some of its western allies, but never in their mind that they were "defeated" by the Chinese. That's their mindset. So of course they don't offer sincere apologies - why would they apologise to people they defeated (and view as lower than them?).

Actually come to think of it, a lot of japanese (mostly the right wing conservative side) don't believe they were beaten by the americans fair and square - they actually believe the americans cheated with the nukes (even though if the table had turned they would use it in a heart beat). That's why when asked about the war, most of they only offer vague "war is terrible" line, not actual apology, not even to americans (where they sneak attacked). Is this the mindset of someone who truely believe what they did was wrong?

The irony is that, this is similar mindset as Germans had right after WWI. Germans didn'n't believe they were beaten by the allies - which subsequently leads to the rise of Nazi and WWII.

Which is exactly why China needs a strong military to deter and defend against that possibility. And China's capability is not there yet, only when it can conventionally defeat any aggressor from anywhere in the world without damage to Chinese home territory can it consider its deterrence effective.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Did anyone else find it odd that China would parade its STRATEGIC weapons in front of the world and INTENTIONALLY mark it in BIG WHITE BOLD LETTERS of their designations (DF-5, DF-31, DF-26, DF15, DF-21, DF-25...etc etc)?? These weapons are of the END GAME, the last draw, the trump cards. Clearly Chinese leadership knows the world are all watching, US/UK/Japan/India all have spys on the ground to visually confirm the systems which would then be collaborate with satellite imaging to ID the systems from above - which can then be identify and destroy in time of war.

Clearly, the Chinese leadership knows this, so it makes me wonder why they make it easier to identify every system going as far as even spell out every system's designation in big letter markings like this?? Maybe the real systems don't look like this?
What you saw - with the exception of the DF-5 was the TEL and part of the missile. You did not see the whole thing. Those missiles are no secret to anybody in terms of what they look like. The secret parts are still secret. How many are there? How many warheads? What is their performance? Where are they actually deployed? etc.

About all China did is confirm they exist and there is more than one.


Lieutenant General
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Did anyone else find it odd that China would parade its STRATEGIC weapons in front of the world and INTENTIONALLY mark it in BIG WHITE BOLD LETTERS of their designations (DF-5, DF-31, DF-26, DF15, DF-21, DF-25...etc etc)?? These weapons are of the END GAME, the last draw, the trump cards. Clearly Chinese leadership knows the world are all watching, US/UK/Japan/India all have spys on the ground to visually confirm the systems which would then be collaborate with satellite imaging to ID the systems from above - which can then be identify and destroy in time of war.

Clearly, the Chinese leadership knows this, so it makes me wonder why they make it easier to identify every system going as far as even spell out every system's designation in big letter markings like this?? Maybe the real systems don't look like this?

They've labelled the names on various ballistic missiles and other weapons systems in past parades, and/or had TV commentary listing the names of the systems. It's not unique to this year's parade.

And there's no threat in allowing the public and/or the govts of potential competing countries to know the designations of the systems. Knowing the designation doesn't say anything about the capabilities of the systems, or the actual deployed number, or the way they are deployed, or the doctrine in which they are operated... etc.

So I think you're being a little bit overly paranoid in this case. There's no reason to think the weapons are not what they are designated.

The reason they're allowing these systems to be identified is because those systems are already in operational use, and there's little to no threat in allowing the names of operational systems to be known.
In fact if potential competitors didn't have intelligence services which already knew the designations of these weapons systems then I think they wouldn't really be doing their job properly, given almost all of it was known by open source for years.

So no, I do not find it odd at all.


that's my opinion any way. The CG was well done but like the Russian Video's with the super UGVs and the Trailer Drones it's high on nationalism and chest thumping low on gritty reality. the video has a very one sided take. other then the opening act every thing goes the PLA's way and they hardly break a nail.

Well keep in mind that the purpose of the video is to display Chinese military capabilities, and obviously they had a limited amount of time to do so. The opening uses a minimum amount of information to establish the scenario, and everything that follows is just a demonstration of those capabilities.