PLA Next Generation Main Battle Tank


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What is the advantage of those diamond shaped barrel cross section I'm seeing a lot on next gen tank designs?
I've read somewhere that gun barrel is what differentiate tank from other vehicles by many sensors. By conceal the barrel it may look like just another IFV or other auxiliary vehicle in the eyes of recon vehicle and UAV (proper fixed wings one).


I've read somewhere that gun barrel is what differentiate tank from other vehicles by many sensors. By conceal the barrel it may look like just another IFV or other auxiliary vehicle in the eyes of recon vehicle and UAV (proper fixed wings one).
Does that mean that having cope cages may will also (intended or not) fool recon sensors?


Registered Member
Does that mean that having cope cages may will also (intended or not) fool recon sensors?
The sleeve concealing the barrel will make it less visible on IR so misidentification is more prone to happen. Field improvised cope cages will probably fool AI systems using image designation tho.


New Member
Does that mean that having cope cages may will also (intended or not) fool recon sensors?
To fool long range airborne rader or SAR-sat most likely, the shape of the barrel cover makes the barrel less noticeable,then the tank looks like an APC or IFV in SAR image


I think it is prudent to add upward looking radar or sensors for detection of drones. This sensor or radar should be able to detect drone from all possible direction, including looking vertically to the top.

Side looking radars are good but I suspect the designer's original concern was to detect in coming ATGM and presence of ground vehicles. Drones flying directly or near directly on top of the tank should be in the list of threat too.


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Registered Member
T-14 official weight is 55t.

On the other hand, I´m spotting a lot of differences between these two:

View attachment 130054
I honestly think the lower image is the same vehicle but with armor removed.

It makes sense if they're doing road conditions testing, they would see how having all the add ons changes the road worthiness of the vehicle.