PLA Next Generation Main Battle Tank


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My argument for 2 front positions not being properties of a modern IFV is that no modern IFVs use 2 front positions. The use cases for the second position are all able to be filled by a console in the troop compartment, as they are today. There is no reason to place more people forward of the turret if there is a troop compartment underneath the turret that will be more comfortable, and be accessible to personnel that may need to take control of the turret or unmanned systems. Also, how is this squad leader supposed to dismount from the front position with the rest of his squad? Theres clearly not enough space for the front stations to be able to easily access the troop compartment. Not a single one of your use cases precludes the use of the troop comparment, which is the preferred position for IFV turret controls in every single IFV with a remote turret in service today. In fact, the best reason to pack crew together in the front is to reduce the crew footprint to better protect them and to make collaboration with the driver easier. The troop compartment in an IFV is better protected than the front positions from most likely angles, and collaboration with dismounts is prioritized over collaboration with the driver. I dont believe you really know much about IFVs.
I don't see why second position have to be in crew compartment under the turret. First it assumes a non-penetrate turret is used which as we see in real life examples has its own pros and cons. Second as long as the engine doesn't get in the way why don't push the seat further forward sitting next to the driver and make the crew compartment bigger. Which also brings the point that if this chassis is supposed to be used by different variant like IFV/tank/assault gun, its power package might be installed in the center taking place from one side to another side and in traditional IFV layout while only driver is in front of turret the engine usually sit right next to him.

Also mind you squad/platoon leaders have often sit in more awkward position like the small hatch behind driver and a penetrative turret.


VIP Professional
Export oriented vehicle or a demonstrator oriented vehicle for promotion do sound like plausible options.
The design on these things is somehow flashier than what actual in service vehicles tend to feature.
One might expect a PLA vehicle to have a more rugged, utilitarian design, especially if it's nearing service.


Junior Member
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What is the advantage of those diamond shaped barrel cross section I'm seeing a lot on next gen tank designs?


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Signature reduction. Gun barrels are round, so have large radar reflections in certain wavelengths. Also likely reduces thermal signature by quite a bit.
I'm guessing there must be active air circulation under the outer sheathing then, the heat must be dissipated one way or another