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The Capitalist
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True in theory, but changes practically nothing in reality.

Taiwan’s true top value to America are, or rather were, threefold, one of which no longer applies.

Firstly, it serves as a primary strategic magnet for China in that Taiwan dominates Chinese military and diplomatic focus. Unless and until Taiwan is reunited with China, it will always be China’s top priority. That buys America valuable time and breathing space in the rest of the world. If America feels pressed by China in Africa, the ME and even Europe now, it would be a hundred times worse if China didn’t need to worry about Taiwan and can instead focus completely on dominating the next century and beyond.

Secondly, it acts as the ultimate failsafe for China to check Chinese growth and power in the most direct way possible - direct war; with the added bonus of being able to easily and convincingly frame China as the indisputable aggressor.

The third benefit was that Taiwan could be played as a card to get valuable concessions out China by America without needing to give up anything of value themselves. All they need to do is get Taiwan to stir shit up and come in offering to calm things down for a price. This third strategy is no longer viable thanks to historic low relations between China and America, and Chinese raw power.

You can see American trying to pull this shit by making extremely provocative moves like landing military aircraft on Taiwan and planning visits by senior officials.

In years past, China would have come to the table to bargain for America to back off. But today, Chinese raw hard power is such that it no longer fears direct military conflict with America over Taiwan, and basically said as much with its blunt and specific rebuff of Blindard Blinken’s position of strength gaff.

That also links back to point 2, in that in the past, military conflict was seen as a viable option because of American conventional military superiority. But even then America’s carefully maintained strategic ambiguity over its commitment to Taiwan allows them to pick and choose whether to fight or not if China did invade.

Furthermore, any war triggered by American troop forward deployments to Taiwan will be hard for even the western MSM to spin as entirely China’s fault. That makes it much harder for American administrations to stomach the enormous US casualty numbers that will be all but assured from such a war, win or loss.

To deploy troops to Taiwan is to declare war on China. There can be no dispute or ambiguity about that. Furthermore, any meaningful scale troop deployments will be impossible to hide from China, so other than being able to determine the precise timing of the war, America really does not gain any meaningful advantage from such a move.

The PLA will not allow American troop ships to land on Taiwan. It will be a Cuban missile crisis like stand off with either the PLAN facing off against the USN in open waters, or China launching a full invasion as US forces are underway with warnings that anything military that comes within a thousand miles of the conflict will be engaged without warning or mercy.

The USN can gather is fleets in advanced in preparation, but that’s no different to today. If America wants a war with China tomorrow, all it needs to do is give Taiwan a call and tell them to declare independence and it will have said war exactly when they want it.

I think this is the one of the points I was trying to make, that for Taiwan to declare Independence would be a declaration of war and that this would not happen unless it had US support politically and militarily, which would mean stationing the entire USN and Marine Corps in the vicinity of the Island and ready to move as soon as the Independence whistle was blown.
Unless these are the conditions on the ground, no such declaration would ever be made, unless Taiwan simply wanted to reunify but felt unable for some reason to simply ask !!??
I am also reading this in the light of the Sherman visit earlier this week. China has now officially it seems, labeled the US as an adversary. This means that any moves of maneuvers the China sees, will be interpreted in the most negative light.
China was never going to simply watch the USN and Marine Corps gather at will in the Philippine Sea without challenging it.
Now that threshold has been dropped very low and any even apparent attempt to gather multiple battle groups in the vicinity is likelly to viewed by Beijing as a preamble towards a declaration of Independence Taiwan and makes the chance of a preemptive strike by the PLA against the USN and Taiwan much more likely.


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Just what the heck is India's endgame here?

India trying to be super power India. But it'll never succeed all the time they keep doing this.


A teenage girl in India was beaten to death and hanged by male members of her family for wearing jeans during a religious ritual, according to her mother.

Shakuntala Devi Paswan claims her 17-year-old daughter Neha was savagely beaten with sticks by her grandfather and uncles after she defended her clothing choice.

The grieving mother told the BBC: ‘She had kept a day-long religious fast. In the evening, she put on a pair of jeans and a top and performed her rituals. When her grandparents objected to her attire, Neha retorted that jeans were made to be worn and that she would wear them.’

This led to the violence, after which Paswan’s in-laws summoned an autorickshaw and claimed they were taking Neha to hospital, she said, but instead took her to a nearby river and hanged her from a bridge.

Local police intend to charge 10 people with murder and destruction of evidence. Neha’s grandparents, an uncle, and the driver of the rickshaw have been arrested, and the rest are being sought.


Lieutenant General
I think this is the one of the points I was trying to make, that for Taiwan to declare Independence would be a declaration of war and that this would not happen unless it had US support politically and militarily, which would mean stationing the entire USN and Marine Corps in the vicinity of the Island and ready to move as soon as the Independence whistle was blown.
Unless these are the conditions on the ground, no such declaration would ever be made, unless Taiwan simply wanted to reunify but felt unable for some reason to simply ask !!??
I am also reading this in the light of the Sherman visit earlier this week. China has now officially it seems, labeled the US as an adversary. This means that any moves of maneuvers the China sees, will be interpreted in the most negative light.
China was never going to simply watch the USN and Marine Corps gather at will in the Philippine Sea without challenging it.
Now that threshold has been dropped very low and any even apparent attempt to gather multiple battle groups in the vicinity is likelly to viewed by Beijing as a preamble towards a declaration of Independence Taiwan and makes the chance of a preemptive strike by the PLA against the USN and Taiwan much more likely.
Good points and broadly agree expect for a couple of points.

Firstly, I don’t think significant USMC mobilisation and forward deployment is needed most likely. If Americans need to engage in major land combat operations in a Taiwan scenario, they have already lost and should not have even bothered to get involved.

Similarly, there would be minimal value in trying to forward deploy US ground forces to Taiwan as war prep against China, since all those troops will serve is target practice for the PLAAF and PLARF and end up yielding a lot of body bags for no meaningful gain even if the US wins.

I am also very skeptics that the Chinese will launch a pre-emotive strike against US forces no matter how blatant the threat.

Americans are poker players and love to bluff, and China will know that. Also, parallels with Pearl Harbour would be too uncomfortably close for China.

China will allow America to throw the first punch. But that doesn’t mean China will allow them to make it a significant one.

In a situation where you have multiple US CSGs converging on China, I think China will force the issue by sending second tier naval and coast guard assets to go out into the open ocean and confront them and act as tripwire forces to force the US to engage them first, and thereby buying the rest of China’s military time to prepare and react.

The Sovs are perfect for this role, and it may even be for this specific reason that they opted to retain the rear turret during their MLU.


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The noose continues to tighten.

the dirt cheap "Made in China" is largely due to furious, cut throat internal competition among Chinese suppliers. the government should have stepped in long time ago. check all exports item by item, balance price and market share, use export tariff and kick back to erase those dirt cheap prices. hard working Chinese workers deserve better pay.


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End Pandas YaYa & LeLe’s suffering and send them back home now!

In 2003, Giant pandas YaYa and LeLe travelled to Memphis Zoo in Tennessee US, as lovely, impressionable little furballs. After 18 years serving the zoo, today, they look
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YaYa, the female panda’s fur has been shedding profusely. Yet Memphis Zoo claims they are
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I am asking you, my fellow animal lovers, to encourage the Memphis Zoo CEO Jim Dean to return YaYa and LeLe back to their hometown where food is abundant and medical care is accessible.

  • From 2007, the zoo performed
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    none of which were successful, possibly causing irreversible health damage to her. As early as 2008, YaYa was already shedding patches of fur. 13 years later, YaYa’s shedding has spread throughout her entire body.
  • Beijing Zoo has confirmed that as early as 2014, YaYa has parasite infections that are causing her skin disease. Yet Memphis Zoo continues to claim that YaYa has a seasonal hormone fluctuation that causes hair thinning and that she looks thin due to her small frame. They also told fans YaYa is just “not photogenic”. Both the Zoo and the Association of Zoos and Aquariums who credited the zoo stated that
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  • Panda’s diet is 99% bamboo and only eat certain species. The Zoo only provide
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    for BOTH pandas. Research has shown that at least 17 acres (
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    ) bamboo is sustainable for ONE panda.
  • From 2013 - 2016,
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    to Toronto Zoo. This no doubt caused shortage, since Memphis Zoo
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    from public.
  • The bamboo quality is also questionable, Yaya LeLe often rejected the bamboo provided. Even the panda in Toronto Zoo
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    purchased from Memphis zoo.
  • YaYa and LeLe not only suffer physically from disease and hunger, which is already incredibly heartbreaking, they also suffer psychologically from being caged in a small “den” every day for up to 18-HOURS! In the past 4 weeks, YaYa was allowed to go outdoors only 4 times! Consequently, both YaYa and LeLe show severe signs of
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    , an irreversible mental impair caused by abnormal environment.
These unspeakable sufferings of YaYa and LeLe was not just a recent discovery but have lasted for more than a DECADE! Years of apparent
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, and the lack of transparency seems to indicate that the zoo has little interest, if any, on animal welfare.

We ask you to encourage Memphis Zoo CEO Jim Dean to send YaYa and LeLe back to their homeland China immediately! They have already sacrificed their entire lives to entertain humans. Now they are senior pandas reaching to the end of their life span, YaYa and LeLe deserve a retirement life without sufferings!

Please sign and share this petition to help bring YaYa and LeLe one step closer to a healthier and happier life. On behalf of Yaya and LeLe, we sincerely thank you for your support!


Lieutenant General

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End Pandas YaYa & LeLe’s suffering and send them back home now!

In 2003, Giant pandas YaYa and LeLe travelled to Memphis Zoo in Tennessee US, as lovely, impressionable little furballs. After 18 years serving the zoo, today, they look
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YaYa, the female panda’s fur has been shedding profusely. Yet Memphis Zoo claims they are
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I am asking you, my fellow animal lovers, to encourage the Memphis Zoo CEO Jim Dean to return YaYa and LeLe back to their hometown where food is abundant and medical care is accessible.

  • From 2007, the zoo performed
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    none of which were successful, possibly causing irreversible health damage to her. As early as 2008, YaYa was already shedding patches of fur. 13 years later, YaYa’s shedding has spread throughout her entire body.
  • Beijing Zoo has confirmed that as early as 2014, YaYa has parasite infections that are causing her skin disease. Yet Memphis Zoo continues to claim that YaYa has a seasonal hormone fluctuation that causes hair thinning and that she looks thin due to her small frame. They also told fans YaYa is just “not photogenic”. Both the Zoo and the Association of Zoos and Aquariums who credited the zoo stated that
    Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
  • Panda’s diet is 99% bamboo and only eat certain species. The Zoo only provide
    Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
    for BOTH pandas. Research has shown that at least 17 acres (
    Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
    ) bamboo is sustainable for ONE panda.
  • From 2013 - 2016,
    Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
    to Toronto Zoo. This no doubt caused shortage, since Memphis Zoo
    Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
    from public.
  • The bamboo quality is also questionable, Yaya LeLe often rejected the bamboo provided. Even the panda in Toronto Zoo
    Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
    purchased from Memphis zoo.
  • YaYa and LeLe not only suffer physically from disease and hunger, which is already incredibly heartbreaking, they also suffer psychologically from being caged in a small “den” every day for up to 18-HOURS! In the past 4 weeks, YaYa was allowed to go outdoors only 4 times! Consequently, both YaYa and LeLe show severe signs of
    Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
    , an irreversible mental impair caused by abnormal environment.
These unspeakable sufferings of YaYa and LeLe was not just a recent discovery but have lasted for more than a DECADE! Years of apparent
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, and the lack of transparency seems to indicate that the zoo has little interest, if any, on animal welfare.

We ask you to encourage Memphis Zoo CEO Jim Dean to send YaYa and LeLe back to their homeland China immediately! They have already sacrificed their entire lives to entertain humans. Now they are senior pandas reaching to the end of their life span, YaYa and LeLe deserve a retirement life without sufferings!

Please sign and share this petition to help bring YaYa and LeLe one step closer to a healthier and happier life. On behalf of Yaya and LeLe, we sincerely thank you for your support!
Doesn’t China have any conditions in their lease agreements to check the health and well-being of pandas abroad to make sure they are being looked after properly? If not, they really need to put them in immediately.