Military story thread

Finn McCool

Registered Member
DPRKPTboat said:
Thats because by then they've handed over to the Tajik army - remember, there isn't much insurgency because the previous Islmaic government was unpopular. You only need that amny troops to maintain a military outpost there. But maybe I should change that figure.
And Al-Qaeda may bomb mosques - remember, Al-Zarqawi's done that in Iraq. And the PLA may have changed their tactics - they'd probably model an Invasion of Tajikstan on the invasion of Iraq.

I have taken your points and edited my story slightly. Its the same story, but with some changes. Read it if you wish.

Zarqawi only bombs Mosques because they are the mosques of Shitte Muslims, and not Sunni Muslims like him and the rest of Al Qaeda. He does it because he is trying to encite a civil war between the Sunni and Shitte Muslims in Iraq. (which in my opinion has already started). If it breaks out into open war, the US can kiss its hopes of a stable, pro-US Iraq goodbye. Which is what Zarqawi wants. :eek:ff

Screw it. I don't want to write another huge story about Brazil vs. Venezuela so I'm gonna finish it in a paragraph now. Brazil masrshalls all tis forces, cutting off most of the Venezuelan Army in Georgetown in a Stalingrad-like battle (not the urban fighting, the massive encirclement.) After two weks of being cut off and pounded from the air and sea, most of the Venezuelan Army surrenders. After this, resisatance crumbles and the Brazillians begin driving into Venezuela itself almost unopposed. Venezuela is very impoverished, because by now the oil has not been reaching the outside world for months, and the economy is one the verge of collapse. Several days later, Chavez is killed in an air raid, and the opposition takes power with popular support. Brazil passes both Venezuela and the US as the dominant power in South America. The end.


VIP Professional
Well let me try one of possible scenarios:

Part 1

It is 2007 A.D. Zimbabwe faces worst economic crisis in his history. Unemployment rate is at 90%, the government's land reform program has miserable fail, and Zimbabwe relies heavily on international aid to feed its population…

On October 26th (during Mugabes visit to China) at 08.00 hours Greenwich time Zimbabwe national television announces that ZDF SF battalion has seized control of Harare bucked up by two regular brigades and one reserve unit that seized control of Harare military airport… All air force personnel have bean taken hostage’s together whit 48 Chinese military advisors…

At 14.00 hours Colonel Kwame declared Peoples Republic of Southern Rhodesia, whit him as president… He also declared that he will not release Chinese personnel unless China extradites Mugabe…

At 14.15 hours Johannesburg TV announced that Chinese ambassador in South Africa has come to urgent meeting whit South African president. There is no press release but there are speculations that China asked president for possible South African diplomatic help…

At 14.34 hours new Chinese LPD ship ”Zheng He” that conducts sea trials in South China Sea receive orders to meat whit Chinese battle group near Hainan and then sail to South African territorial waters…

On October 27th Chinese first Expeditionary Strike Groups sails towards Africa. “Zhang He” is escorted by two type 054FFG, one type 051c DDG and one type 093 SSN… It carries compliment of 150 PLAN marines and 80 PLAN SF personnel and 8 Mi -171v7 helicopters…

At 01.00 hours two PLAAF il-76 transports whit civilian markings arrive at military airport near Johannesburg. After landing they are rapidly placed in two military hangars…

At 07.00 hours Johannesburg TV reports about unusual military activities around Johannesburg…

At 08.00 hours South African MOD cancels al leaves for military personnel stationed on Johannesburg military airport.


Banned Idiot
What? This is too easy...

China convinces the U.n to immediatly halt all humanitarian aid to zimbabwe. The hungry people of zimbabwe riot, and the country plunges into chaos after two weeks. Kwame has little power to do anything.

China offers Kwame aid if he releases the Chiense hostages. Kwame declines the offer.

Chinese sattelites ID strong Kwame force outposts in Harare. The 54s then launch new Donghai cruise missles, destroying these positions. then, a squadron of 18 south african Cheetah's fly over the city and drop bombs on key command and government buildings.

The mi-17v7s drop the special forces in a large flat area in the city. 1 is lost to a manpad, and one is damaged. The surviving 70 SF's troops quicky sieze control of the area and establish it as a drop zone. Zheng he's marines are landed and sent to Johannesburg airport. The two il-76's then quickly fly them to the drop zone. all this happens in 72 hours.

the marines and SF's storm the central government building. This is a diversion, to draw away guards. A dozen hand-picked Sf's are helidropped inot the building, and extract the chiense advisors.

After the extraction is complete, all chiense forces move on and capture Harare airport. They are ferried away by the il-76's, along with their equipment and the advisors. The il-76s arrive at Johannesburg airport unscathed. Everyone is shipped back to China.

On November 14th, a day after the end of the conflict, Kwame is assasinated. No one can find the killer, but it is believed to be a Mugabe supporter using Chinese supplied weapons.

Mugabe returns to Zimbabwe, and relations continue normally.


VIP Professional
well I had more Iranian hostage rescue scenario in mind, whit E.O. merceneries and Chinese SF rescuing hostages but since you have finished it Il try something else...

Finn McCool

Registered Member
That's right folks, the miltiary story thread is baaaaaaaaaack.

Chapter 1

Under the Banner of Allah

The year is 2008. Discontent in the Muslim world is reaching new heights. Iran surrendered its nuclear weapons program in 2007, an event which came as a shock to Muslims everywhere who saw Iran as a bastion against the West. In Saudi Arabia, the government has begun to bow to US pressure and open its government to democratic participation. The peace process in Palestine has, or course, gone no where, and Hamas and Israel are almost in open war, with civillian Arab casualties climbing into the thousands since mid-2006. US and NATO forces have launched a new offensive in Afganistan. It gets much play time on Al Jazzera and many other satillite networks across the Arab world, and civillian casualties are high there as well. Osama bin Laden was killed in 2007 in a SEAL raid. Protests were sparked across the Arab world after rumours were started that the SEALs actually executed Bin Laden, and that he did not die as he ineptly fumbled for an AK-47. Anger was growing across the Muslim world in early 2008. Anger that was directed not only at the West and Israel, but also at Muslim governments that supported the West well opressing their own people. The anger would soon explode.

The spark came in the heart of Islam, Mecca. At a meeting of the Council of Wahabbi Clerics, a group that had normally supported the Saudi government, a statement was issued denouncing the monarchy's recent moves towards democracy. The clerics feared a loss of influence if Saudi Arabia democratized. They decided to send the monarchy a message. The clerics word was met with action by the people. Protesters flooded the streets, denouncing the monarchy as a stooge of the United States. Americans were killed in the streets of Riyadh, and foreigners fled Saudi Arabia. The government responded by sending the security forces into the streets. They opened fire on protesters across Saudi Arabia, killing dozens. This spawned even more riots and demonstrations and more government reprisals, and for three days Saudi Arabia was in chaos. In the other Gulf states, sympathy protests were clamped down on by the monarchies. Predictably, this caused a reaction much like what happened in Saudi Arabia itself. On May 23, 2008, another meeting of the Wahabbi Council began, with other clerics in attendance. They decided to abandon their traditional support for the monarcy and call for its overthrow, then step into the void. Two days later, they issued another statement, calling for the destruction of the "puppets of the Americans and the Zionists, the hated Royal Family." Across Saudi Arabia, royals were killed, and in Riyadh government buildings were destroyed. The government's security apparatus melted away. The most important Royals tried to flee in several private jets to Egypt. However, they were shot down by planes of the Saudi Air Force on the orders of the "Islamic Revolutionary Council", a new organization made up of clerics which declared itself to be the new government of Saudi Arabia. Their first three acts were these: Changing the name of Saudi Arabia to Arabia.
Ordering the destruction of all Christian embassies, and the killing of all Americans.
Declaring war on Israel.
All of the other Gulf monarchies fell in the next few days, in similar manners. The next government to fall was the Jordanian monarchy, with the Royal family executd for crimes against the highest, most holy law of Allah. Jordan had been invaded two days before by the Saudis because it had made peace with Israel. It was no apparent to the world that a wave of Islamic fundamentalism was sweeping across the Muslim world. As protests broke out across Syria, the government tried to save itself and unleashed the full force of the Army on them, resulting in thousands of deaths. They failed, as many Army troops were overrun by unarmed and semi-armed crowds. Many other troops joined the revolt, and Syria fell to fundamentalism just two weeks after the fall of the House of Saud, with its leaders meeting the same fate as most of the rest. By now almost every embassy in the Muslim world had been evacuated as foreigners fled the advancing Islamic wave of vengance and righteousness. The Islamic Revolutionary Council has renamed itself the World Caliphate, and all of the nations that had experienced revolution almost immediately joined it. Lebanon and Algeria were the next, both relatively bloodless because the rulers simply tried to escape with their Swiss bank accounts and their lives. Hosni Mubarak went down hard in Egypt, with street fighting taking place in all of Egypt's major cities for two weeks before Army units backing the Caliphate trimuphing. The goverments of Lybia, Morroco and Azerbaijan went down in flames during this period as well. Pervez Mussharaff fled Pakistan along with most of his ministers, leaving Pakistan in the hands of the mob. Despots in Central Asia also began to flee, seeing that there was nothing to stop the wave of revolution. Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan both lost their governments quickly. In Turkmenistan, the Stalinist dictator Saparmurat Niyazov took 3,000 of his own citizens with him to his grave as his opressive goverment fell. All of the countries that had to this point fallen gave their allegance to the World Caliphate. NATO troops, mostly Greek, backed by Bulgarians and Romanians moved into European Turkey and occupied Istanbul to prevent it from becoming another scene of revolution. They were met by fierce resistance from armed local residents, stone throwing youths and the Turkish Army. However, with no government, Istanbul was occupied. Lastly, revolution began in Kazakhstan, but Russia invaded to prevent it from falling as well.

Now the rule of the World Caliphate spread from Morroco to Pakistan. All of the national armies of the countries that had been absorbed into the Caliphate declared their allegance to it. Jihad had already broken out against Israel, with units of the Saudi, Syrian, Lebanese, Jordanian, Egyptian and Sudanese armies attacking Israel. Attacks against the Christian nations of Georgia and Armenia had begun in the Caucasus, conducted by units of the Azerbaijani and Turkish armies. On July 8th, 2008, the World Caliphate declared its intention to bring Islam to all corners of the world.

A few items that may have been missed in the narrative this far: Afghanistan, which had already experienced years of Islamic Law rule, did not join the Revolution. In fact, Afghanis turned to the US and NATO for protection from the chaos. However, Pakistani, Iranian, Tukmen, Uzbek and Tajik units, helped by Taliban guerillas moved into Afghanistan and attacked foreign troops and the Afghan National Army. The Caliphate denounced all of Afghans as apostates because they did not support the Revolution. In order to try to save its troops in Afghanistan, the US called on the aid of the SCO at an emergency session of the Security Council. Chinese troops began preparations for an attack on Kyrgystan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan immediately. India mobilized its troops and prepared for war with Pakistan. Iran, because it is Shia, was not immediately ready to join the Caliphate. The Iranian goverment declared and alliance with the Caliphate, but maintained complete sovereignty of its territory. Some on the Caliph's High Council wanted to attack Iran immediately because they were Shia "apostates", but they were overruled. Iraq descended into complete chaos during the weeks after the Saudi monarchy fell. US generals abandonded most of the country and concentrated around Baghdad.

Up Next: Chapter II The Escape from Iraq​


Junior Member
Ok this is from when I was an air cadet. Our squadron was travelling somewhere and we were lodged at some inn. I walked out of my room and found that my zipper was unzipped, so I bent down and zipped it up. When I looked back up, I noticed that a middle aged female Captain was standing right in front of me, staring with disbelief. She said "oh I'm so embarassed now" and ran away.

The end. :(


Junior Member
The Fall of Pyongyang

The scene is set in 2008 - President Bush's last year in office. Once again North Korea is testing a new missile, the Taepodong 3. This is capable of flying beyond Alaska and the West coast, covering all of the U.S. and Europe. At the moment, it is being fuelled. Bush makes it clear this cannot be allowed, since North Korea promised the world it would not test any more long-range missiles in late 2006 after the fring of the Taepodong 2. Due to American disillusionment post-Iraq, he agreed to trust the DPRK to advoid another war. Now it is clear it cannot be trusted. North Korea is still demanding Civillian Nuclear reactors from the U.S. The U.N. has made this clear this will not be allowed. KCNA explits for propaganda purposes, denying the missile which U.S. satellites are observing.
Since 2006, U.S. - DPRK relations have sunk to an all-time low. In mid 2006, North Korean fighters shot down a EP-3 Orion, killing all the crew. A week later, a South Korean U-2 was nearly shot down by a modified SA-2. The plane was damged, and was forced to make a crash landing near Seoul. The pilot survived.
American spies have discovered is selling its ICBM technology to Iran and Venezuala, at the request of Hugo Chavez. When a Saudi warship detains a North Korean freighter carrying Taepodong 2s to Iran on Febuary 2008, the same time that the Taepodong 3 is being observed in the launch pad, that is the final straw. Bush threatens to cut of all aid to the North unless it ends it missile programme.
But the American public now demand more. They criticise Bush for trusting Kim Jong Il to keep to the missile moratorium in late 2006. Even Michael Moore joins in by making another one sided movie (in order to gain further profit by criticisng Bush for another of his mistakes). Bush at first warns the people that it could lead to another Iraq. Then he makes a U-turn and anounces that North Korea has 72 hours to abort the missile test and end all missile research, or an attack will follow. He knows that the North does not have an effectice nuclear detterent - its scientists have still not succeded in developing a nuclear warhead for a missile. The pressure increases when North Korea has been discovered to have abducted a bus full of South Korean visitors in Pyongyang. American, South Korean and Japanese troops conduct "training manouveres" just outside North korea. However, the overwhelming majority of the Coalition force is American.
China's response is at first meditational. It calls on both Bush and the DPRK to show restraint. But when North Korea test fires two short range missiles on the Chinese border (one of which crashes in China) Hu Jintao declares the Stalinist state as "unstable" and anounces that no Chinese troops will be sent to assist North korea in the event of U.S. invasion. But Some members of the CCP want to go further and provide military and finacial aid, but the rest of the people's congress refuse to allow it. They do want to waste any more Chinese money by suppourting North Korea. The evidence is that the Kim regime is determined to survive through agression, is corrupt and leading the country into decay. But China also says it will not suppourt the invasion. KCNA now produces even more fierce propaganda against the U.S. and now denounces China for "leaving it to be ravaged by the Imperailist vultures" But then China annouces it will grant asylum to any Korean worker's party members who feel they have to flee.
On the 28th of Febuary, 2008, the U.S. launches its first airstike on Norht Korea. the Taepodong 3 is destroyed, and missile stocks, airfelds, Nuclear research centres, military bases and regime targets are bombed. Air raid sirens wail in Pyonyang. North korea's air defences react furiously, lighitng up the sky above the capital with SAMs and tracer fire. The air defences prove to be of the smae standard of the Iraqi systems during Desert storm. They succeed in shooting down 20 coalition aircraft, inlcuding a B-52 shot down by fighters. Pilots are captured and Shown on TV Iraqi style for propaganda purposes. But it has little affect.
In response, North Korea fires SCUD and No dong missiles at Japan and South korea, but none are fired at the U.S.A. Civillian casulaties are limited by Patriot missiles, shelters, evacuation and the incredible inaccuaracy of the enemy missiles.
Despite this, U.S. tanks quickly cross the DMZ, with MOABs clearing the masses of mines. The highly praises KPA proves no match, and the KPAAF and KPAN make very poor showings - they are easily swept aside by Coalitionan air power. North korean soldiers surrendur in their thousands, since many are conscrpts. Generally, the standard of the KPA's fighting against the colaition is the same standard as that of the former Iraqi army - poor. Although there is some fierce resistance, the North koreans smilpke cannot match American military power, and the front-line forces quickly crumble. In one case, North Korean propaganda backfired. The division defending the southern route to Pyongyang had heard from their media and high command that the Americans were bloodthirsty warriors, and had used chemical and biological weapons in the previous Korean war. KCNA had even told them that they would reduce any unprotected solider to a hideous mutation that would obey the Americans. KPA conscripts defending the road to Pyongyang are so terrified about fighting the Americans that they break ranks and flee, fearing a chemical attack! Soon U.S. armoured divisions head steadily on the road to Pyongyang. At the same time, Japanese forces storm ashore on the country's east coast. They suceed in capturing the Northern missile stocks, most of which are in poor condition due shortage of materials - similar to iraqi missiles found after the 2003 invasion. The famous Taepodong series are found buried and rusting. The air force is found in a similar condition, as is North Korea's now abandoned Inchon nuclear facilities and the two LW reactors that had been under construction by the clinton administration. Some of these abandoned facilities are booby trapped to kill investgating soldiers, but most of the traps are dismantled by U.S. engineers.
The main part of the story focuses on the chaotic scenes in Pyongyang, marking the Downfall of the DPRK regime. In the next chapter!
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Junior Member
The Fall of Pyongyang (part 2)

As the U.S. forces advance into North Korea, Kim deicdes to unleash a desperate but deadly strategy. He orders the reactors at Yongbyon to be heated up and turned to critical in order to create a nuclear explosion when Coalition forces arrive. Secondly, he orders all nuclear test devices to be destroyed before they can be found, in order to disprove the American justifcation for war. Finally, he orders the use of Chemical and Biological weapons on South Korea, Japan and Coalition forces.
Fortunately, his orders are not obeyed. The scientists tasked with the destruction of the nuclear warheads surrender to the Americans. After American threats of Nuclear attack if any WMD are used by the North Koreans, the WMD troops also surrender, just as the Iraqi ones did in the 2003 invasion. But the reactor technicians, literally forced under gunpoint, succeed in creating a Chernobyl like explosion in Yongbyon - but Japanese soldiers in radiation suits quickly put a stop to their actions, and declare a 20 mile exclusion zone around Yongbyon, while reactor specialists put out the fires deliberately caused by the North Koreans. The area is evacuated due to contamination. The action is condemned throughout the world.
Three days later, U.S. forces are advancing on Pyongyang. The city is beseiged by artillery fire and aerial bombing, routing out enemy positions. It is in pyongyang where the real drama occurs.
President Bush advises President Hu to evacuate the Chinese embassy - it may be targeted, since he knows Korean government officials are known to be hiding there. So Hu announces a mass evacuation of the embassy, similar to operation frequent wind. But then he expands it to evacuate staff from the Iranian, Zimbabwean and Venezualan embassies, all of which whose govnernments have had known weapons dealing with the DPRK, and which the U.S. considers as targets. Then the evacuation list is expanded to include Korean worker's party members and military officials, on the insastance of Hugo Chavez. This annoys Washington, as it fears some of those behind the attempted detonation fo Yongbyon and the Bio/Chem war attacks may be saved. Under pressure, China announces that it will not evacuate any Korean government officials, or any members of the military. Chavez is pissed. But in the real situation, things do not go totally to plan, and the fall of Pyongyang will become a chaotic evacuation almost resulting in confrontation, amid the fall of a regime and a capital left in Chaos.
The U.S. embassy had already been evacuated before the war. Now another evacuation takes place.
On the 31st May, 2008, the first Chinese helicopter, a Z-15, lands on top of the Chinese embassy. The first load of staff scramble onto it, and it takes off. Below them, a crowd of desperate koreans, believing that their city will be turned into another Baghdad, plead for help. Their desperation grows wild and they break into the embassy as the next helicopter lands. Many of the people are clinging to belongings believing they will be stolen should looting occur. This will add to the weight, so the Chinese guards struggle to keep them back, eventually being forced to fire warning shots. More embassy officials, together with some Korean refugees, are lifted out by the second helicopter. Soon a whole fleet of helicopters is landing on top of the Pyongyang buildings, evacuating mostly remaining Chinese economic or military advisors. One amusing incident occurs at Koryo hotel, where actor Sean Penn (on another peace visit before the war, stupid idiot) and his journalist buddies, including John Simpson wave for help to a passing Mi-17 from the top of the Koryo Hotel. Below them, U.S. forces swarm through Pyongyang. The pilot recognises them (he's a big movie buff) and picks them up, cramming them in with evacuated embassy staff and Korean refugees. He is later court-martialed for adding extra load to the helicopter.
The scene in the city soon becomes chaotic as the M1 Abrams and Bradley tanks push further into Pyongyang. At the Iranian embassy, the staff, under orders direct from Ayatollah Khamanei, burn all secret documents relating to missile sales - they hurriedly do this before they board the helicopters. Similar procedures are taken by the Venezualan and Zimbabwean embassy staff.
As the tanks push in further, the refugees become more desperate. Some cling onto the helicopter landing skids as they take off. It is later found out that a good number of them are minor communist party mebers and their families, but China keeps this a secret. Others are simply fleeing from a war-torn country which they fear will go the same way as Iraq. Korean troops bravely try to hold the Americans off as the Helicopters leave. The final helicopters are seen taking off from the Kim Il-Sung stadium and the Party congress building just as U.S. tanks break through the barricade surrounding it and the main Square, which is held by determined KPA troops. Amidst the Chaos, Kim Jong-Il takes poison in his residence in the city moments before a Delta force team reaches him.
Some anti-regime Koreans, gathering in huge crowds, cheer as the tanks enter and throw stones at helicopters carrying away party officials (the KPAAF also uses its helicopters for evacuation, adding to the chaos). The staues of Kim Jong-Il and Kim Il-Sung are pulled down and desecrated in a similar way to the statues of Saddam. Thousands of happy North koreans raise the SK flag and hold up pictures of Bush. Three weeks later, North and South Korea become one country again. There is not as much chaos as in Baghad, but there is mass looting of the evacuated embassies and Kim Jong-Il's palaces, and former government buildings, but SK police are moved in, and order is quickly restored. The SK government works to rebuild the impoverished North.
There is one incident that has occured during the evacuation. A U.S. mechanized division, riding in humvees, spotted several NK generals rushing to a Chinese helicopter on top of the arch of triumph. They opened fire, and the Chinese guards returned fire. A brief firefight resulted, but the helicopter managed to get away, taking the KPA generals with them. So far Bejing has denied they were generals, but both governments are eager to keep the situation under wraps, not wanting another major confrontation. President Hu had never planned to evacuate high-level personnale, but in the ensuing chaos, some managed to get away. China returned all the high-level leaders it had evacuated which had been responsible for crimes against humanity to Korea two years later. The fall of pyongyang becomes the most dramatic evacuation and takover since the fall of Saigon in 1975.

The End
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