Japanese ships disrupted Chinese naval exercises


Banned Idiot
The solution to Japan's ridiculous air identification zone is easy, just send hundred of Cheap Drones out and see how many japanese jets can go up and intercept them.

Even if Japan shoot it down, the missiles will cost more than those cheap drones.


Re: Japanese ships dusrupted chinese naval exercicies

Unfortunately close maritime proximity of east asian countries means everyone wants a big buffer zone lol...

But Japan will have to get used to increased PLAAF and PLAN presence as they transit beyond the first island chain. Of course there are other routes they can take as well, but fact is that's the quickest out into the open pacific.
Not every transit between Japanese islands are a political statement.


Japan scramble jets whenever another military plane enters the zone. How on earth one can say China is being aggressive when they send her jets just outside of her doorsteps?

Indeed, even if you don't look at the China vs Japan issue, just looking at what Japan considers its ID zone is absurd with the borders to South Korea and Russia. The western portion of the ID zone near South Korea is closer to Korea than Japan. And you can barely fly out of Russia before running into Japan's ID zone? Turn the tables around and have each other East Asian nation's ID zone be right up at Japan's doorstep so any Japanese ship or plane flying out will invoke military scrambles. I guarantee you the Japanese will be irritated really quickly. :D
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Jeff Head

Registered Member
I assume it would include smaller FACs, submarines, smaller auxiliaries, and other assets (aircraft?) as well, not just large ocean going surface ships?
Sorry, Bltiz, the Type 022 and other FAC's do not have the range or the endurance for such exercises out that far into the open Pacific Ocean, nor were they designed to. As I said initially, you can count them out.

The SSKs, do not have the speed or the endurance to be a part of such large exercises pitting two fast surface action groups against one another on the high seas either and were most probably not a part. The SSNs? Sure.

But, for grin's sake, even if you added all the Songs (13), Yauns (12), and Kilos (12) into the exercise...all 37 of them...with the initial 58 I documented in my intial post, you are still short of 100 vessels. And as I said, NO WAY could the PLAN send them all, because 20% or more would be in scheduled refit and maintenance. And NO WAY would the PLAN send all that were available, because then there would be nothing to cover and defend the China Sea or their own coast with. So even if you added the SSKs...you would still end up with a maximum exercise of something like 30 ships...and that would be a maximum number.

It was never anywhere near 100. It was never even close.

But, at this point we do not need to even speculate. We now know a whole lot more about the constitution of the group. It seems like it was ten vessels. Four DDGs, five FFGs and an AOR vessel. That's still a fairly large exercise, and an involved group of major PLAN combatants holding those exercises. But still nothing like the rediculous assertion that the Chinese had 100 ships out there conducting mock battles against one another.
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The solution to Japan's ridiculous air identification zone is easy, just send hundred of Cheap Drones out and see how many japanese jets can go up and intercept them.

Even if Japan shoot it down, the missiles will cost more than those cheap drones.

What you describe is an express train to war that will benefit no one.


Lieutenant General
What you describe is an express train to war that will benefit no one.

So China sending drones to fly in international airspace is going to trigger war? If you honestly think that, then clearly isn't not China that is the problem.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
So China sending drones to fly in international airspace is going to trigger war? If you honestly think that, then clearly isn't not China that is the problem.
I believe these statements were given in the context of the warning the Japanese defense Forces issued, which was that they would shoot a Chinese UAV down if it violated Japanese air space and did not respond to warnings and instructions to turn back.

So, with that in mind...because that was the basis for the discussion...I believe Blackstone correctly presumed that the "hundreds of drones," that the other poster indicated could solve the problem were meant to violate Japan's airspace so the Japanese would waste expensive missile shooting them down (except if the scenario were actually carried out, with "hundreds" of them, the Japanese would probably shoot them down with the guns on their fighters instead). Otherwise, if they did not violate Japanese airspcae, Japan has not threatened to shoot them down.

Therefore, Blackstone was indicating that if hundreds of drones, were sent by China to violate Japanese airspace, then that would be an "express train to war."

Anyhow, Blackstone, if I have it wrong, please correct me.
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