CV-16, CV-17 STOBAR carrier thread (001/Liaoning, 002/Shandong)


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I read somewhere that because of its age, the Liaoning is only used as a training aircraft carrier. Is this true ?


As ships, both CV-16 and CV-17 are fitted out as regular combat capable ships.
Being utilized for training/seed roles is a reflection of the PLAN's current peacetime priorities of expanding the human resource base for carrier relevant expertise, it is not a reflection of the ships themselves (either hull age or fit out or whatever).


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What are the helicopters in the background ? They look like Sea Kings.


I read somewhere that because of its age, the Liaoning is only used as a training aircraft carrier. Is this true ?
Well, beggars can't be choosers and since PLAN only has 2 carriers at this point; yes it is most definitely used for training as they methodically build up thier organic aviation component.
With that said however I think everyone also expects cv 16 to fully engage in combat operations should the need ever arises.
Even though stobar and catobar is vastly different they will still be many aspects of carrier operations which are similar.
Aircraft movements, traps, launch procedures etc. will still be 90% similar. Perhaps CV16 will one day be officially designated a 'training carrier' but that day is still a ways away.

