Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Tyrant King
Mass Quarantine is a drastic step, Global isolation?
No. The WHO have a habit of talking overkill statements they are often more politician. What is needed is Triage. Identify the worst locations and quarantine those. For places where the situation is under control losses. What people don’t get about the US is it’s decentralized. Rather than the Top micromanaging you have the states in the lead with the fed in support.


Senior Member
Registered Member
So many people fail to grasp the significance of exponential growth.

Right... Neil DeGrasse Tyson, an astrophysicist, doesn't understand the concept of "exponential growth"... but you do... (lolz).

The arrogance of panicked people, with no understanding of mathematical analysis, who all suddenly think they're mathematicians, is astonishing. They would rather take a few graphs and random stats from the newsmedia (which has a vested interest in scaring people), and then feed everyone more and more hype and panic. Great strategy.

Instead of talking about a broken healthcare system and issues which actually matter, let's just scare people about the "china virus." Oh and by the way, how about stopping the Shark Finning that is destroying the marine eco system? Or stopping Brazil from cutting down the rain forest? No, that isn't worth panicing about. But let's all throw a collective fit and create the biggest media storm that has ever existed over a bad flu that's going around.... makes sense.
Right... Neil DeGrasse Tyson, an astrophysicist, doesn't understand the concept of "exponential growth"... but you do... (lolz).

The arrogance of panicked people, with no understanding of mathematical analysis, who all suddenly think they're mathematicians, is astonishing. They would rather take a few graphs and random stats from the newsmedia (which has a vested interest in scaring people), and then feed everyone more and more hype and panic. Great strategy.

Instead of talking about a broken healthcare system and issues which actually matter, let's just scare people about the "china virus." Oh and by the way, how about stopping the Shark Finning that is destroying the marine eco system? Or stopping Brazil from cutting down the rain forest? No, that isn't worth panicing about. But let's all throw a collective fit and create the biggest media storm that has ever existed over a bad flu that's going around.... makes sense.

China Virus? Intentional Trolling?


Lieutenant General
For people who pooh pooh Corona Virus California declare "shelter in place today' And medical supply will run out in 2 week The number of cases is exploding now that people are tested Latest tally 14000 casess more than 200 death. Governor of California Newsom declare at least 20 million Californian will be sick


Senior Member
Registered Member
China Virus? Intentional Trolling?

Yes, that was "intentional trolling"... and not obvious SARCASM criticizing the term (wow)

You guys are suffering from something far worse (and more contagious) than coronavirus

And there is no easy cure for it...

Good luck.


Tyrant King
For people who pooh pooh Corona Virus California declare "shelter in place today' And medical supply will run out in 2 week The number of cases is exploding now that people are tested Latest tally 14000 casess more than 200 death. Governor of California Newsom declare at least 20 million Californian will be sick
Which is how the US reacts. Those places with a serious issue will respond at the local level not the national. The national will come in to assist. Although that 20 million figure if extreme. That’s half the official population of California.


Junior Member
Question: Did China under report it deaths from COVID-19?
Hard to believe that 80K+ cases and only 3,248 deaths. While Italy with half the number of cases has already surpassed China's number in deaths.

The difference (Italy has 2× CFR of China and keep rising) is exactly the reasonable consequence of an overwhlemed medicare system.

Among 3238 deaths in China (w/ HK, Macau and TW), 3132 is in Hubei province. CFR is 4.62% in Hubei, 5 folds of other provinces' 0.89%

To solve your problem in one sentence:
China prevented the medicare system from being overloaded nationalwidely, Italy failed to do so.

I have predicted this in post #2502 and explained the mechanism.

TLDR version to anyone who doesn't bother visit page 251:

The case fatality ratio of Covid19 is highly floatable, decided by amount and intension of medical service one patient could enjoy.

Naturally, more than 1/3 patients turn to severe.
It requires medical help to bring that ratio down to 10%.

Severe patients need intense (ventilator, intubation, ECMO), frequent and long time (3-6 weeks) medical service to stay alive.
Without it, patients die in respiratory failure, with lungs turned grey and totally soaked in goo.

Covid 19 is super contagious.
Natural R0 (average number of one patient can infect) is 6.47 according to researchers from Jiaotong University.

China halted the spread by effective quarantine protocol.
Hubei got a powerful helping hand from Mother China.
China's medicare system does NOT get overwhelmed by a nationalwide outbreak. Hubei's system was brought back on track thanks to external help.

Italy started doing the right thing a bit too late.
Italy could not expect a game-changing help from anywhere.
Italy's medicare system DO get overwhelmed and the situation is still in downward phase.

BTW, next time when you see China achieved something "abnormal", ask how-could-they-reach-it first, before questioning how-real-it-is.
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Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Yes, that was "intentional trolling"... and not obvious SARCASM criticizing the term (wow)

You guys are suffering from something far worse (and more contagious) than coronavirus

And there is no easy cure for it...

Good luck.

Gents!, It's time to reign it in, this past 3 or 4 days of discussion has been a little social experiment, Webby implored you to show respect and has allowed you to have a "voice" here on SDF.... Dieno gave you a stearn warning yesterday! Remember, do NOT respond to trolling, hate, or nonsense, the moderator's are watching this process play out, lets just dial it back shall we??

This is an official moderator's specific warning, DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS MODERATION! READ the RULES!
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