Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Same here in Canada.

Some bus drivers wanted to wear masks to work, and management denied them, saying masks were not effective at protecting them. Even brought in a doctor to "educate" them.
They're trying to show us Chinese that we're doing it wrong with everyone wearing masks. They can do it better they believe. We shall see.

These same doctors have also agreed that the mask would only prevent the patient from infecting the doctors. If this is the case, wouldn't the mask prevent the bus driver from infecting the passengers? The driver could be asymptomatic and could be sneezing once in a while for which he blames it on the dust.


Junior Member
Registered Member
I write in here in the open.
With my photos and my web page and Facebook for all to see.

I currently have 4,849 friends there and about to reach my limit in Facebook.
At least half of them are American friends that known me and my writings on birds and parrots over the last 20 years
Then I got Koreans, Taiwanese, Chinese, Japanese , German, French, Italians , Spanish Russian , Thai, Indonesian and from many other countries.

I do not hide myself behind a jumble of alphanumeric characters, like zgx09t , hiding in the dark and hoping to write in the dark and writing putting himself on pedestal casting pearls and judgement down.

Statcounter hits on my webpage.
I opt for free service, resulting in restrictions to just last 500 hits



Junior Member
Since we barely into a barfight again last night, I want to say something.

Mass media is fundamentally nothing more than a cultural phenomenon over certain social substrates, which can be war, hurricane, earthquake, freefalling stockmarket or COVID-19.

It doesn't really tell readers checked&solid info about big news. It only tells how local society react to complexity and uncertainity of a huge, precieved approaching risk.

This is almost all useful information from it. As for highly concentrated corperate media, save the almost, because it has already evloved into a business purely oriented by viewer flux.

For media outside mainland China, what it says about China often makes me sad. Those journals are such convoluted nonsense that it is even impossible to pinpoint where the mistake is! Just as the famous quote from W. Pauli, "It is not only not right, it is not even wrong".

We should be more than that. Most SDF members gather to study an important military force with 0 desire of showing off. We extract subdue clues in tiny pieces from even uncheckable sources, then we link them together to recover what the truth is. This can't be done without an objective view and good logic.

OMHO, for all members here, We should introduce the fact then try express opinions following logic, and do not hold the assumption that others should agree with you.
If you are so confident that your fact and your logic are unbreakable, then it is their loss for not believing you, just like those poor folks who were so badly fed with disinformation twisting every countermeasure China threw on COVID-19 that now makes themselves totally confused sitting ducks facing an outbreak.

SDF is a good place, and I hope it can keep the quality.


Registered Member
Sky rocketing? In Italy in Iran yes. in nations like Japan and South Korea perhaps. compared to their relative population. And the fact that South Korea refused to close the boarder to Chinese flights despite calls to do just that.
On the US you are spinning. It’s at 1/654,000. The odds of being struck by lightning are better.

Confirmed cases in the USA are now clearly showing exponential growth.
  • In the last 3 days, the number of cases has roughly doubled.
  • In the previous 3 days, it roughly doubled as well.
  • In the previous 3 days, it was roughly double as well.
If this pattern holds, then:
  • In 6 days time, there would be 500 cases per day.
  • In the next 6 days, it would be 2000 cases per day.
But of course, these numbers are an underestimate given the lack of testing in the USA.

In comparison, the UK is one of the countries less hard hit by the coronavirus (when compared with other countries in Europe).
It has one of the most comprehensive testing regimes (320 tests per million)
It also has universal health care.
And a similar exponential growth profile.

If we use the UK as a benchmark and adjust for population, this suggests the USA actually has 2-3x as many cases as recorded.
Confirmed cases in the USA are now clearly showing exponential growth.
  • In the last 3 days, the number of cases has roughly doubled.
  • In the previous 3 days, it roughly doubled as well.
  • In the previous 3 days, it was roughly double as well.
If this pattern holds, then:
  • In 6 days time, there would be 500 cases per day.
  • In the next 6 days, it would be 2000 cases per day.
But of course, these numbers are an underestimate given the lack of testing in the USA.

In comparison, the UK is one of the countries less hard hit by the coronavirus (when compared with other countries in Europe).
It has one of the most comprehensive testing regimes (320 tests per million)
It also has universal health care.
And a similar exponential growth profile.

If we use the UK as a benchmark and adjust for population, this suggests the USA actually has 2-3x as many cases as recorded.

Not to worry. The US is just one presidential tweet away from declaring the epidemic over. It is not too far out of the realm of reality in US Maybe CDC will declare it as common flu.


Junior Member
Registered Member


From my WhatsApp just received and transferred into Vimeo

The natural results of all the hate and lies generated in Western Media
Gays, immigrants, rainbows, blacks pedophiles , hate speech writers seemed to have much more rights and protection than Chinese.

Was he one of those saved from Med Sea ?

This terrible incident happened in Paris. Two Chinese nationals were brutally stabbed by a Arab man who was agitated by their presence because they were wearing face mask.



Senior Member
People calling for a ban on exotic animal markets in China are making two major mistakes.

Firstly you are buying to the western MSM manufactured, racially motivated smear campaign against China.

People have been eating wild animals since there were people. Let’s not forget the 2009 American Swine flu and many bird flu outbreaks over the years.

And no, it is not just people in ‘backwards’ communities that eat wild animals in this day and age as the western MSM like to imply with its disproportionate and highly biased focus on the exotic animal meat reporting.

People, rich people at that, proudly hunt and eat wild animals all over Europe and America. Rabbit, duck, geese, pheasant, deer, wild boar and countless other wild animals and hunted and eaten by the same westerners who are trying to pain the Chinese as uncouth and unreasonable for daring to buy their dinner from a market, when they would shoot and eat wild animals who most certainly does not come with a food safety certification.

So long as people continue to eat animals, then there will remain the chance that a virus that originated from animals would jump species. The obsession focus of the western MSM on the seafood market has nothing to do with science or safety and everything to do with victim blaming to try and create the narrative that China somehow ‘deserve’ this outbreak.

Secondly, just look at the war on drugs. How’s prohibition working on that front?

And yes, exotic meats are not addictive like hard drugs such as cocaine or heroin, but it is very similar to ‘softer’ drugs like cannabis in that it is a lifestyle choice. OTOH, highly addictive substances like alcohol and nicotine are legally sold all the time. So legalisation has zero correlation to the additiveness of something.

If we look at the cannabis case study, legalisation has massively reduced crime, improved safety and even generates tax revenue and boosts local economies.

As such, the key to combating the issue of exotic meat trade and consumption should be not prohibition, which would only drive such practices underground, which would make the health and hygiene dangers far worse instead of better; but instead commercialisation, reduction in price and more stringent food safety standards is what real world case studies prove is most effective at reducing the risks from such consumption habits.

However, I suspect that for some or most of those who loudly demand a ban and ridiculously disproportionate punishment for offenders; at least part, if not the whole reason for your stance is an emotional reaction to the aforementioned Western MSM smear campaign and you somehow think that banning exotic animal meats would make the western MSM stop making disparaging remarks about China

If that is the case, I have some truth for you, no society is or can ever be perfect. So long as the western MSM is determined to find something, anything to attack China with, they will find it. Nothing China does will ever change that. Not even total capitulation to the west.

No matter how far China goes to appease such people, it will still never ever be remotely enough.

The only effective response is to give zero what the west thinks and instead only look at what is most beneficial for China. When China is rich and strong enough, what the western MSM thinks or says will matter as much as what the Indian media thinks or says about China today.

well said. Thank you for the elaboration my friend


From my WhatsApp just received and transferred into Vimeo

The natural results of all the hate and lies generated in Western Media
Gays, immigrants, rainbows, blacks pedophiles , hate speech writers seemed to have much more rights and protection than Chinese.

Was he one of those saved from Med Sea ?

This terrible incident happened in Paris. Two Chinese nationals were brutally stabbed by a Arab man who was agitated by their presence because they were wearing face mask.

Nothing in news yet. Hope it is not true.


Lieutenant General


From my WhatsApp just received and transferred into Vimeo

The natural results of all the hate and lies generated in Western Media
Gays, immigrants, rainbows, blacks pedophiles , hate speech writers seemed to have much more rights and protection than Chinese.

Was he one of those saved from Med Sea ?

This terrible incident happened in Paris. Two Chinese nationals were brutally stabbed by a Arab man who was agitated by their presence because they were wearing face mask.

WTF isn’t anyone helping? The man is dead, but the woman is clearly still alive. Putting pressure on the wounds to slow the bleeding might be the difference between life and death for her.

Western governments’ politically motivated ‘no masks’ campaign is also to blame for these tragedies as they are more concerned about looking bad because they cannot provide enough masks for their population than doing everything possible to slow and stop the spread of the disease. But this in turn makes better prepared Chinese, who can get masks, stand out more and be more prone to be targeted.