China Flanker Thread III (land based, exclude J-15)


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Nope … from my understanding confirmed are Batch 07 J-11Bs upgraded and Batch 08 was most likely BG fresh from the factory.

I think the radars are due for an upgrade at some point since the older planar arrays have a tendency to degrade after more than a decade of use. This prompted PLAAF to switch to air-cooled AESA for J-10A.


A nice image and nothing more.



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When was Batch 08 produced?

Actually I don't know, but Batch 07 was first seen in 2017

By the way ... Some interesting images, since officially only labelled as an ETC Brigade, but at least one image reveals the serial number 70261, that confirms it as the 95th Air Brigade at Lianyungang, Baitabu AP.

Also interesting, this unit is rumoured to gain J-16 or even J-20.

(Image via @太湖军I名 from Weibo)

J-11BG 70261 - 95. Brig - 太湖军I名 - 2.jpgJ-11BG 70261 - 95. Brig - 太湖军I名 - 1.jpgJ-11Bs 70x6x - 95. Brig - 太湖军I名 - 1.jpg


Lieutenant General
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Allegedly the "Liaodong Eagle" unit within the NTC has been revealed operating now J-16 ... so as it seems, the 89th Air Brigade at Pulandian is now confirmed a J-16 operator!
(Image via @太湖军I名 and @拓跋尊 from Weibo)

J-16 allegedly Liaodong Eagle unit -.jpg