China Flanker Thread II

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Jeff Head

Registered Member
However a website shouldnt have entries that consist in huge walls of added text through the years with no paragraphs nor justified text.
Well, in truth, it is purely subjective as to whether it "should," or "shouldn't".

Of course, it requires time/effort and its your website, not anyone´s else. But even so, it would be nice if that was the case.
Like you is his web site.

If the info is good enough...we will tough it out and read the text, even it t does not have paragraphs, and even if it is not conveniently split into historical sections.

Over they years, I have found it worth I keep going back.

Perhaps not everyone will...but my guess is Huitong is more about simply getting the info out there for those who want to take the time to digest it.[/QUOTE]


Junior Member
I like huitong's website just the way it is right now. It's simple and right to the point when you want to look up for something or check for any new information in short time.

Thank you huitong and I appreciate all the time and efforts you've spent keeping us up to date on all Chinese aviation information. It's the best website for Chinese military aviation news when you don't have the time to go through all the forums or not very good with the Chinese language. It's almost like a Chinese military aviation dictionary for me since I started following Chinese military development. Just wanted to say We love you but not in any gay way. :p


Junior Member
Registered Member
Thank you for all the feedbacks. FYI once every few months, depending on its popularity, I did review a particular entry from the beginning to the end and give it a major overhaul by deleting and reorganizing the text. However, the basic format will stay the same. Like I said before, everything you want to know or I already knew has been condensed into 20-30 lines of text (call it mobile device friendly?), including both historical background and latest developments. It's not too difficult to dig out what you want, even without the help from extra spaces or blank lines between sentences. In the meantime, I will try to be more specific when I add something to the What's New section and make it easier for you to find exactly where the updates are.
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