American Economics Thread


Senior Member
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Remember Bush saying the American way of life was nonnegotiable lol? that was just 20 years ago.... home ownership was the cornerstone of the American dream...

The great wreckoning is coming... the elites in power will and have sold the middle class under the bus to save themselves....

This is just the tip of the iceberg im afraid... as EROEI keeps diminishing its going to get nasty...

She is pretty cute tho, would smash


Senior Member
Registered Member
The new American dream upgrading from a tent to a car :rolleyes:
It's a bit of a downgrade from the Van life dream.
Or maybe the Van life is a upgrade from a Car to a Van
Okay guys the plan is to send everyone Oculus headsets from facebook or is it now called meta... we will all live inside the metaverse where we can extent the real economy to expand GDP into the virtual e-CON-omy and buy up investments such as NFT images of houses and then the US gov will convert our dollars to metabucks 1:10000000 so we can all be billionaires inside the metaverse VR where no recession exists and we dont have to worry about things like EROEI because in the metaverse the laws of physics need not apply and perpetual free energy machines are a thing....MMT MMT MMT!!! USA USA USA


Registered Member
Okay guys the plan is to send everyone Oculus headsets from facebook or is it now called meta... we will all live inside the metaverse where we can extent the real economy to expand GDP into the virtual e-CON-omy and buy up investments such as NFT images of houses and then the US gov will convert our dollars to metabucks 1:10000000 so we can all be billionaires inside the metaverse VR where no recession exists and we dont have to worry about things like EROEI because in the metaverse the laws of physics need not apply and perpetual free energy machines are a thing....MMT MMT MMT!!! USA USA USA
But you first need to toil Bill gates and other high lords farm land so you can earn social credit score. Those credits can be used to buy virtual time in the meta verse and of course pay for the rent for your capsule room.