JF-17/FC-1 Fighter Aircraft thread


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The FC-1 Thunder (probable designation in Argentina) is emerging as the best candidate to meet the needs of the Argentine Air Force. Although the last decision will depend on the political power, by far the Chinese model, is the one that more than meets all the requirements specified by the Argentine Air Force.

These articles were published in the last four days in Argentina:

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As I pointed out above, the Thunder is exactly what the FAA asks for, however there are many pressures policies on the Argentine government.
Perhaps some weighty gesture by the Chinese authorities would be of great help in favor of this possible operation.
An FC-1 in the hands of a Force with combat experience and great operational prestige can be a great initial kick in the region for its products.

Greetings from Argentina
Well, xi is meeting argentinian president in g20 this week so he better seal the deal.


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I don't think that's the way it works, especially for a nation like Argentina whose economic ability to support a purchase like this is as much in question as its outright political commitment.
If they want to join BRICS this would be a good token of earnest, though?


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Como les dije hace un tiempo, soy de Argentina... y créanme cuando les digo, el tema del caza para la Fuerza Aérea Argentina es un caso perdido! ni este gobierno ni el anterior ni muy probablemente el que viene tiene ningun interes en adquirir un caza para la FAA.... simplemente hacen pasar el tiempo... lamentablemente no va a pasar nada, tampoco con el JF- 17 ni con el Texas ni seguramente con F-16 usados..

Como les comenté hace un tiempo, soy de Argentina... y créanme cuando les digo, el tema del caza para la Fuerza Aérea Argentina es caso perdido!
ni este gobierno ni el anterior ni muy probablemente el que venga tiene interés alguno en adquirir un caza para la FAA.... simplemente hacen correr el tiempo...
nada va a ocurrir, lamentablemente, ni con el JF-17 ni con el Tejas ni seguramente tampoco con F-16 usados..


Google translate @berkut

As I told you a while ago, I'm from Argentina... and believe me when I tell you, the issue of the fighter for the Argentine Air Force is a basket case! neither this government nor the previous one nor most likely the next one has any interest in acquiring a fighter for the FAA.... they just pass the time... unfortunately nothing will happen, neither with the JF-17 nor with the Texas nor surely with used F-16.

As I told you a while ago, I'm from Argentina... and believe me when I tell you, the issue of the fighter for the Argentine Air Force is a lost case!
neither this government nor the previous one nor most likely the one that comes has any interest in acquiring a fighter for the FAA.... they just make time run...
nothing is going to happen, unfortunately, neither with the JF-17 nor with the Texas nor surely with used F-16s.


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A fighter for Argentina; "Bed of Thorns"

November 01 2022

By Marcelo R. Cimino Argondizzo

Even with more seasons than "The Walking Dead", the Argentine path in search of providing the Argentine Air Force with a replacement for the Mirage System, seems to have no end. Given that, more than 12 years have been analyzing different alternatives, and the only certainty that can be arrived at is the recurrent lack of commitment and strategic vision of the vernacular political arc.

Contrary to other installments where we extended our analysis, this time we intend to point out some situations that perhaps you, dear reader, have already noticed. This point begins by pointing out that it is effectively the different political actors who throw the ball forward or directly to the side, in order not to confront interests that are alien to our sovereign decisions.

To detail, we must talk about the leadership component, since as soon as a party or coalition comes to power (of whatever party color), through the Ministry of Defense, any previous process automatically returns to zero; in the best of cases, it proceeds to "recalibrate", inevitably marking its imprint. This constant defines us as a Nation, clearly demonstrating the lack of strategic State policies in various interests, but especially in the case of Defense.

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The FC-1/JF-17 "Thunder" is emerging as the best proposal for Argentina.

With an Argentine commission on its way to observe the eighty Danish F-16 MLUs, a new commission is formed, at the request of India, destined to "contemplate" an aircraft that today "does not exist". Inevitably, the end of the selection process for the replacement of the Argentine Mirages is drawing near.

In recent days, both the Telam agency and TN on their website have published articles referring to the FC-1/JF-17 fighter of Chinese origin, whose offer brings with it cutting-edge technology and latest-generation intelligent weapons.

Beyond the economic crisis, the Argentine Republic appears on the world stage as an energy power on the rise, to which it seems that the USA and Europe only want to drain, as was the case in the past in the Brazilian Amazon with the rubber tree.

The opposite is the case with China, which not only promotes mutually beneficial exchanges, but also permanently redoubles the bet, raising levels year after year. In this sense, the eastern colossus does not speculate in the military field and offers new fourth-generation aircraft with fifth-generation electronics and weapons derived from its most advanced products, such as the J-20 itself.

Months ago, the Chief of Staff responded to the request for a report from the PRO legislator, Federico Frigerio, where it became clear that the fighter of Chinese origin exceeded the requirements set by the Argentine Air Force (FAA).

The Argentine Thunder proposed by CATIC is newly manufactured (0hs), it will have an excellent AESA radar, an In-Flight Refueling System compatible with that used by the FAA, modern weapons of all kinds (including medium-range air-to-air and anti-ship missiles), state-of-the-art data linking, smart helmet, single screen data presentation, and above all and most importantly, government-to-government Yuan funding.
The cards are already on the table and in a few days the FAA will inform which is the best of the candidates in the technical-operational plane.

It will be then, and as it has been for 10 years, the political power that must rise to the occasion.
For now, no one offers even 10% of what the FC-1/JF-17 Thunder brings.

Argentine Interests

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