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Senior Member
They are very mistaken. The 80s generation were the ones burning flags, storming the embassy and holding NATO NAZI signs during the Belgrade bombings of the Chinese embassy. The 90s generation is widely regarded as the most nationalist since Mao.
I agree with this. LKY even mentioned about it before when he was in semi retirement, whether china's current older gen leaders are able to control the supernationalism in future gen, or something to that effect. The older gen lived in chaotic turbulent times, they know the value of peace and stability. The future gen can be more volatile and nationalistic.
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Senior Member
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Didn't even realize sg export to China that much. In my mind sg has very little manufacturing industry, it's economy dominated by financial services and commercial. But tp when I checked wat they export to China, surprised me.

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In 2020, Singapore exported $42.9B to China. The main products that Singapore exported to China are Integrated Circuits ($10.6B), Ethylene Polymers ($2.25B), and Machinery Having Individual Functions ($1.86B). During the last 25 years the exports of Singapore to China have increased at an annualized rate of 11.1%, from $3.11B in 1995 to $42.9B in 2020.
Singapore electronics exports will be displaced very soon. They better behave properly from now on.


Junior Member
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Singapore electronics exports will be displaced very soon. They better behave properly from now on.
I would say that our government hasn't really been supporting the electronic industry as much as in the 80s to early 2000s and have been transitioning to healthcare and pharmaceuticals, so displacement is a matter of time only.

Nothing will fundamentally change the way our government handles foreign affairs as long as we still rely on the inherited Israeli doctrine for self-defense.


Registered Member
If japan is foolish enough to join nato, it would have condemmed itself to self containment, the moment japan joins nato, then russia will heavilly militarizes sakhalin island perhaps even installing long range missiles or even nuclear weapons, thus it will face two-front war, it won't be able to concentrate facing China
I think even kishida realized this, he is just bluffing
Which is why Russia coming out as victorious on this current war with U.S./NATO using Ukraine as it's proxy must succeed because if Russia fails and collapse it isn't unlikely that Putin and his acolytes will be replaced by a pro-western interests, placing China in the most delicate position being surrounded by enemies from all direction.

So the maxim of the enemy of my enemy is my friend aptly applies to China's current predicament. We can't pretend that China must absolve or wash itself away from the Russians because China is some sort of super benevolent peace loving country or that Russia had caused historical great damage to China as some of our esteemed members on this forum have purposely argued.

We ought to really ask this question: is the world that has been conquered, shaped, and led by the white western countries prepared to live in a world where thr predominant power is non-white, non-Christian, and Asian? A race that's been historically demeaned, devalued, and characterized as both weak, and inferior? We can see and observe from countries in Europe that even if they largely disagree with American way of doing things geopolitically, distaste the American culture, way of thinking etc..they are more than willing to overlook all of those negatives because their dislike of Asia, specifically China possibly lording over the civilized Europeans, Anglo-Saxon countries is a reality that must not come to pass; not in their lifetimes. Therefore, it has to be assumed the worst possible motivations from China's enemies, that no actions will be too despicable or too low for them not to consider doing or taking just to ensure that China and the rest of the Global South can't and must not rise.


Registered Member
@bajingan then bye bye Kuril Island and also cheap gas and oil from Siberia, I think Kishida is telegraphing its message to China, try to act tough BUT wait until Russia respond, Japanese national psychic has this fear of Russia, I don't know why BUT they have this fear greater than the US.
Because they got blitz and demolished pretty handily by the Ruskies leading up to and during WWII.


Registered Member
An Island country restrained by limited resources and depends heavily on importing of essential resources from other nations around it, while it's own biggest advantages are either being surpassed by a superpower next door or slowly diminishing due to inflation and low birth rate plus heavy burden from social wellfare, along with a awful historical relation with said superpower, somehow the leader of this island country believes in:
1) The country that nuked us twices and literally ruled us for decades will help us
2) I should start making strong rhetoric toward the superpower next door especially in topics involving it's domestic affairs
3) Even tho we engaged in literal NAZISM, we refuse to apologize and insists on re-establishing our imperial army like in the old days
4) Lets not only pissing one but two of the five nation on earth that has the greatest influence and miliitary/nuclear power

Should we question the sanity of Japanese politicans now ? o_O
Japanese has been led to believe that they're not "Asian" but rather a proud member of the "White western civilized countries" I mean how else can you explain their actions, pronunciations, with respect to their intent on increasing the tension with China and therefore within the whole of Asia? The Philippines at least has an excuse being that the country is still developing, was colonized by the U.S. and by Spain prior for over 300 years. And judging by their newly elected President is more than willing to extend an olive branch to China with it's recent key personnel hirings from his National Security Advisor to his public pronouncements and this despite being under the umbrella and protection of their key defense treaty ally the U.S.

What's Japanese excuse? Envy? Jealousy? Insecurity? For what? And why? I have never read, seen, or heard that PRC under the leadership of the CPC made utterances past or present made any threatening remarks against Japan, has desire to take over that country out of revenge or geopolitical rationale.

Japanese leaders do need to have their heads checked for sanity because their idiotic desire to contain China which means bring harm to Chinese people by way of economic hardships will mean unfortunate calamity to Japan. China and the CPC have tried to move on and look forward to a better tomorrow but these losers seem hell bent on re-litigating past conflicts.


Registered Member
I agree with this. LKY even mentioned about it before when he was in semi retirement, whether china's current older gen leaders are able to control the supernationalism in future gen, or something to that effect. The older gen lived in chaotic turbulent times, they know the value of peace and stability. The future gen can be more volatile and nationalistic.

In general, by the time a generation of politicians reaches the politburo, they've already been inside the system for over 30 years, with constant performance appraisals mainly focused on economic development. You absolutely need peace and stability to deliver this.

And as time goes on, more and more of the population becomes middle-class, and therefore less prone to extremist views or violence.


Senior Member
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Which is why Russia coming out as victorious on this current war with U.S./NATO using Ukraine as it's proxy must succeed because if Russia fails and collapse it isn't unlikely that Putin and his acolytes will be replaced by a pro-western interests, placing China in the most delicate position being surrounded by enemies from all direction.
I think its more likely a nuclear war will happen if Russia loses, than Putin be replaced with a pro-Western puppet. He currently enjoys majority support from the Russian population, and I don't think the Russians would like to have another Gorbachev in power. If Putin were to be replaced, it would likely be a leader from the second most popular party, the Communist party, which is even more anti-West.


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Because they got blitz and demolished pretty handily by the Ruskies leading up to and during WWII.
Not really, Japan was primarily defeated by China and the US during WW2. USSR and Imperial Japan were rather passive against eachother during most of the WW2 as the USSR at first was afraid of two front war, especially from its weakly guarded Far Eastern belly, and Japan did not want to open up another front due to getting bogged down in China, South East Asia, and (after some time) the Pacific. Prior to that, the only open hostility was the Russo-Japanese war which Japan won and that was a rather humiliating event for Russia as it was trying to project the image of the strongest & largest military in Europe but then the war exposed a lot of problems in the Russian military, especially the navy which got demolished by Japanese navy, and the poorly trained seamen almost started a war with Britain by misfiring at a British ship, lol. The 1905 war is actually regarded as one of the many pebbles that eventually led to collapse of Russian Empire.