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Lieutenant General

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End Pandas YaYa & LeLe’s suffering and send them back home now!

In 2003, Giant pandas YaYa and LeLe travelled to Memphis Zoo in Tennessee US, as lovely, impressionable little furballs. After 18 years serving the zoo, today, they look
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YaYa, the female panda’s fur has been shedding profusely. Yet Memphis Zoo claims they are
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I am asking you, my fellow animal lovers, to encourage the Memphis Zoo CEO Jim Dean to return YaYa and LeLe back to their hometown where food is abundant and medical care is accessible.

  • From 2007, the zoo performed
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    none of which were successful, possibly causing irreversible health damage to her. As early as 2008, YaYa was already shedding patches of fur. 13 years later, YaYa’s shedding has spread throughout her entire body.
  • Beijing Zoo has confirmed that as early as 2014, YaYa has parasite infections that are causing her skin disease. Yet Memphis Zoo continues to claim that YaYa has a seasonal hormone fluctuation that causes hair thinning and that she looks thin due to her small frame. They also told fans YaYa is just “not photogenic”. Both the Zoo and the Association of Zoos and Aquariums who credited the zoo stated that
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  • Panda’s diet is 99% bamboo and only eat certain species. The Zoo only provide
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    for BOTH pandas. Research has shown that at least 17 acres (
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    ) bamboo is sustainable for ONE panda.
  • From 2013 - 2016,
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    to Toronto Zoo. This no doubt caused shortage, since Memphis Zoo
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    from public.
  • The bamboo quality is also questionable, Yaya LeLe often rejected the bamboo provided. Even the panda in Toronto Zoo
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    purchased from Memphis zoo.
  • YaYa and LeLe not only suffer physically from disease and hunger, which is already incredibly heartbreaking, they also suffer psychologically from being caged in a small “den” every day for up to 18-HOURS! In the past 4 weeks, YaYa was allowed to go outdoors only 4 times! Consequently, both YaYa and LeLe show severe signs of
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    , an irreversible mental impair caused by abnormal environment.
These unspeakable sufferings of YaYa and LeLe was not just a recent discovery but have lasted for more than a DECADE! Years of apparent
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, and the lack of transparency seems to indicate that the zoo has little interest, if any, on animal welfare.

We ask you to encourage Memphis Zoo CEO Jim Dean to send YaYa and LeLe back to their homeland China immediately! They have already sacrificed their entire lives to entertain humans. Now they are senior pandas reaching to the end of their life span, YaYa and LeLe deserve a retirement life without sufferings!

Please sign and share this petition to help bring YaYa and LeLe one step closer to a healthier and happier life. On behalf of Yaya and LeLe, we sincerely thank you for your support!
Memphis?! That is a chit hole city that can't even keep their streets safe or lights on! How the heck does the Memphis Zoo even get a panda?


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In a second attempt to test the US Air Force's hypersonic missile program, the rocket booster motor did not ignite, causing hesitation, explains a
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. This is likely to set the program, initially aimed for 2020, further back.
Called Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW), the hypersonic missile program consists of a missile that is carried by a B-52 bomber, which then separates and is fired by its own rocket booster. The rocket fires the warhead to a hypersonic speed (Mach 5 and above) after which it separates and the warhead moves towards the target while retaining capacities of maneuvering.
Earlier in April, during the first test, the missile failed to separate from the bomber leading to an abrupt halt to the test process. The second test, conducted at Edwards Air Force Base in California, on July 28, was a minor improvement from the first one but not the way the Air Force would have liked it to end.

As stated in the press release, the objectives of the second test were the safe release of the booster from the bomber and assessing its performance. The
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was successfully tested earlier this month and not part of this trial.
During the trial over Point Mugu Sea Range, the booster successfully separated from the bomber following all points of the release sequence including GPS acquisition, disconnection, and power transfer to the missile. The fins of the booster also sprung to action and performed de-confliction maneuvers that ensure that the missile does not inflict harm on the bomber.
The next step in the test process was the ignition of the booster that would take the missile to its hypersonic speed. However, the booster rocket failed to ignite. Given, it is a defense project, the Air Force did not reveal any causes of the failure. However, it remained committed to the rapid development of the weapon.

Brig. Gen. Heath Collins, the Executive Officer for the Weapons Program said, "Developing first-of-its-kind missiles is a difficult business, and this is why we test. We have the very best team working to figure out what happened, fix it and move out to deliver ARRW to our warfighters as quickly as possible."
The hypersonic missile program, slated for deployment in 2020, will cost the US taxpayer about $3.8 billion in 2022 alone. There is added pressure now that Russia has demonstrated its capabilities in this space with its
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Retired Taiwan general tells military to overthrow DPP, surrender to China​

Kao An-kuo says that when 'D-Day' comes, Taiwan's armed forces must join with pro-unification forces​

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When I first read the headline, I was laughing.

Then I read the article, and I have to give this retired general mad respect.

There's no way he wouldn't know that doing this will get him into all kinds of legal trouble, yet he chose to do it anyway. This is extraordinary bravery no doubt motivated by extraordinary circumstances.


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When I first read the headline, I was laughing.

Then I read the article, and I have to give this retired general mad respect.

There's no way he wouldn't know that doing this will get him into all kinds of legal trouble, yet he chose to do it anyway. This is extraordinary bravery no doubt motivated by extraordinary circumstances.

His words have wisdom. It must be very hard to exercise such thoughts for a soldier let alone openly admitting it. I have a feeling he's not alone in this.


A lot of it is just him venting his frustrations against the Tsai government cutting benefits to ex ROC soldiers.

Historically, mutinies have started for a lot less.

What's more, if he was just venting his frustrations, there are a ton of ways to do so. The fact that he chose to do so in a manner that would obviously get him into deep trouble shows just how motivated he is.


The Capitalist
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I heard an interesting interview on BBC R4 Today program this morning. This was with a former senior officer who served in Afghanistan.
He was invited on to talk about the Taliban advance, but the interview clearly did not go to plan.
He started by questioning what the government was doing to try and salvage twenty years of attempted nation building and went on to call all of the West's Interventions of the last 20 years disasters and finished by accusing the BBC Lady presenter of misrepresenting the facts!
"I think we have run out of time" she said at this point. I somehow doubt they will invite him back...
Sadly I was still half asleep and failed to catch the officers name.