Who are you???

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The Punisher
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MIGleader said:
thr french, russians, and slovenians and many other countries have red, white and blue. its not such a unique design of color.
UK has that colour as well.


Junior Member
Im 16, student at RBHS sydney Australia
i only recently joined this military forum and use to be on defencetalk.com with the same name i got now...


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LazzyDigger here:

Me name is John. Chinese origin, lives in Sydney. I have been a infantryman in Australian army reserve. A fan of weapon systems. Me age?.. I will be a father this year, so I will be an old fart in this forum. Hats of to bd popeye, you probably are the most senior person in this forum.

That all folks. :)


Junior Member
I'm from Finland, studying at the moment, has been interested in defence for along time. Aviation is my main interest, with the navy as a good number two.


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Tervetuloa lavi...God, is finland being the most presented little nation in here? ;)

...but seriously, what are you studing?


VIP Professional
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jaa että englannin kielisessä lukiossa...But as this is international forum, lets keep it english so that no misunderstundings occurs, althoug it feels silly to discuss to another fin in english...or bad english as in my case ;)


The Punisher
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Gollevainen said:
althoug it feels silly to discuss to another fin in english
lol, we chinese discuss in english rather than chinese, and it doesn't feel weird...maybe that's because im used to it...


"the engineer"
我们也可以用中文说!! i'm pretty good with typing in chinese, and there are a lot of people here that can read it. but then again, i grew up in canada, so my english is better than chinese, that goes for writing too.
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