South Korean Military News, Reports, Data, etc.

Jeff Head

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Most heavily armed AEGIS vessels in the world.


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Honstly - tell me the difference between North and South!


Tyrant King
Nuke's Labor Camps, Economic growth, Starvation, Religious openness, Demigod leadership, Technological development, Terrorism, Human rights....

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Meet the 'new leaders in the history of mankind'!



Honstly - tell me the difference between North and South!

You're pulling our leg, aren't ya sport, I KNOW you are a bright lad, and you just FLUNKED GOVT 101.....have you thought about a nut-case killing his OWN family, ex-girlfriend, interment camps, where ya die from hard labor, secret police, secret police for the secret police,,,,,,, Dennis Rodman-best friend??????? yeah, I know, you've been smokin that recreational weed???? from the neighbors??????? prolly out to throw that bong out,,,,,

just because their film is a little hokey?????? yeah it is, but, come on,,,, were would rather live?????? north or south, really answer the question???? north or south?????


Senior Member
I only joked a bit ;) But the two countries have common points and the 'imperialistic' inclinations and rhetorics are surely one of those.


Tyrant King
Janiz It's a recruitment ad. It's meant to give the impression off power and speak to one's patriotism. And as a Add for the Navy it has to speak to it's mission. And as the South Korean Navy is far superior to the North Korean They need to play up the mission and it's importance to South Korean National Security.


Meet the 'new leaders in the history of mankind'!



Honstly - tell me the difference between North and South!

Were you expecting rainbows and unicorns?

Jeff Head

Registered Member
But the two countries have common points and the 'imperialistic' inclinations and rhetorics are surely one of those.
Seriously, imperialistic? Which nations are South Korea trying to attack and add to their Empire?

South Korea is a bustling, free, democratic republic where people are free to change jobs, worship as they please, entertain themselves, elect new governments, etc. etc.

Does the South have crime, corruption, problems? Of course it does. Anywhere several humans gather for any period of time will see such things will creep in. But they are pretty well controlled and the criminals, even governmental ones, are brought to justice.

The North, on the other hand, is a hell hole, very poor, total control, ruled over by a despot and tyrant with death camps, brutal secret police, interment camps, starvation, etc., etc.

If you have to think for an instant about which place you would rather live, you do not understand the realities of either.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Seriously, imperialistic? Which nations are South Korea trying to attack and add to their Empire?

South Korea is a bustling, free, democratic republic where people are free to change jobs, worship as they please, entertain themselves, elect new governments, etc. etc.

Does the South have crime, corruption, problems? Of course it does. Anywhere several humans gather for any period of time will see such things will creep in. But they are pretty well controlled and the criminals, even governmental ones, are brought to justice.

The North, on the other hand, is a hell hole, very poor, total control, ruled over by a despot and tyrant with death camps, brutal secret police, interment camps, starvation, etc., etc.

If you have to think for an instant about which place you would rather live, you do not understand the realities of either.

Janiz South Korea shares many of our values and objectives, they are an ally,,,, North Korea hates those values and freedoms that you and I enjoy as free men, they would subjugate you if possible, and kill you if not, that's really not that humorous to me.... and free men ought always stand against the murderous thugs of the world that wish to enslave/murder innocents. Notice that we don't have any North Korean posters on the Sino-Defense forum??????

I like your sense of humor, and I like 98% of your posts, but there is a very clear distinction between the two Koreas's.